In the Presence of Greatness
by: Caleb

Eyes open.
Green everywhere, everything green.  I'm in a tank.
Eyes close.

Eyes open.
There are people watching me.  Why am I alive?  I challenged Sephiroth, should be dead.  Where is Sephiroth?
Eyes close.

Eyes open.
I look to my left.  Cloud?  Yes, it's Cloud.  Why is he in a tank, too?  Sephiroth ran me through.  I shouldn't be alive, but I am.  Ahhhh, Jenova.  They injected me with Jenova cells; I'm stronger than most because of it.  Why is Cloud here, though?
Eyes close.

Eyes open.
Cloud's awake now.  Those men are doing something, giving Cloud a shot.  What are they doing to him?  They're leaving now.
They are gone.  I knock on my tank to try to get his attention.  He looks over with his
bright eyes.  Mako eyes.  We are alike in that now.  He is almost a reflection of me.
"Cloud," I say.  "We're gonna get out soon.  Gonna get away from these guys in
lab coats."
Yes, we'll get out as soon as I am strong.  Soon.
Eyes close.

Eyes open.
 Glass shatters, green liquid pours forth.  I am free.
I bread open Cloud's tank, he is weaker than I am.  Why is he so close to death?  What
happened to him?
I carry Cloud out of the room, past a dark hallway with a locked door.  Climb up a ramp,
down some stairs, and out of an old house.  We're still in Nibelheim!  We struggle out of the village and camp for the night, Nibelheim behind a ridge.
"Cloud, what were you doing in that tank?  You were almost as bad off as I was."
"I went to challenge Sephiroth, and he stabbed me…no…that was you."
"Was it?  I thought that you went in, and flew out of the chamber.  He stabbed me, and I
used his sword as a lever to…no…you threw him into the Mako…no…Why can't I remember?"
"I don't know, but Sephiroth DID get thrown into the Mako, and we did both get stabbed.
Those men gave me a shot of Jenova.  I guess I finally made it into Soldier."
"Welcome aboard, Cloud.  Let's get some sleep."
Eyes close.

Eyes open.
Walking, lots of walking.  We hitchhike.  We're going to Midgar; we're going to be the best mercenaries ever.  Our ride drops us off, points over some hills.  Midgar should be there.  Cloud is weak, I carry him.  There are gunshots; there is a warmth in my chest.  I'm bleeding.  I'll be dead soon, the men who shot me left us for dead.
"Cloud," I whisper.  "You are stronger.  You killed Sephiroth.  Go be the best mercenary
ever.  I wish I could be as strong as you.  Good luck."
Suddenly I realize that for the past few months, I have been living in the presence of a great man.  Maybe he will shape the course of history.  I wonder if anyone will remember me.
For the last time, my eyes close.

The End.