Sephiroth....Vincent watched the sixteen year old fight with intense interest. Oh but god...does he know how beautiful he is? The silver hair...the intent green eyes....he is so angelic...

        The dark haired Turk found himself coming very often to see the young man practice his sword technique. He was so passionate, so beautiful....Vincent could easily watch this forever....

        Hojo hated to see Vincent around Sephiroth. Often he would get so frustrated he would just walk off and give up on getting the Turk to leave. That mutual hatred between the two men was nearly deafening. But then again, Hojo was not very popular with anyone, and Vincent had a feeling Sephiroth hated him as well.

        Sephiroth slashed with the masamune again, thrusting it forward into an imaginary opponent. He practiced so often now. The Turk often wondered if it was truly practice, or simply a means to escape Hojo's company.

    Vincent felt himself growing light headed just watching the boy move. His hair in his eyes as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Oh beautiful he can i think like this? It's another man...I...Lucretia...I....a small sigh escaped the older man's lips. Oh Sephiroth....if you had any idea what you're doing to me....

    The angelic boy glanced up to see Vincent staring at him. "Oh...Vincent." He managed a half smile. "Hello."

  Oh beautiful took Vincent a moment to snap back out of his Sephiroth induced fantasy. "Hello, Sephiroth. How are you today?"

    "Well enough," the silver haired teenager replied, brushing his bangs away from his eyes. "Gods it's hot in here." He casually slipped his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He sighed a bit as his skin was exposed to the cool air. "Much better."

    Vincent stood there, grasping for control of his own body. "Bozhe moy, kak ya tebya hochu," he muttered absently, eyes practically glued to Sephiroth's muscular form. Dammit....why? Why do I have to feel this way....?[1]

    Sephiroth looked up. "Hmm? Did you say something, Vincent?"

    "Just that your practice has certainly been paying off," lied Vincent as smoothly as he could manage.

    Sephiroth said, "thank you," and took a seat on the bench in the corner.

    The Turk felt he was compelled to join him.

    So he did.

    But he made sure he put *plenty* of room between them.

    I have to stop thinking like this.....oh, but I can't! Look at him! God, he's gorgeous! So beautiful, so pure, and so unloved....the poor boy....I must have! No! Stop yourself Vincent. Control....

    "Vincent? You seem distracted."

    Sephiroth's voice broke the older man's train of thought, and his head snapped up to meet those Jenova fused eyes. "Oh, I was just thinking about some work I have to take care of," he lied again. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?

    "No," the angelic boy shook his head. "I was just watching you."

    "Oh?" Vincent was suddenly interested. He was watching me....funny....I'm always watching him...

    "You haven't seen the professor around, have you?"

    "Hojo? No."

    Sephiroth muttered an almost inaudible. "Good."

    The older man surpressed the urge to comment on it. He was surpressing a lot at that moment...

    "Vincent, what do you know about SOLDIER?" Sephiroth blurted out of nowhere.

    "SOLDIER? Why that's Shinra's elite fighting force, one that's very difficult to get into."

    The silver haired boy nodded. "Hojo has mentioned it several times." He turned his green eyes to Vincent.

  Those eyes....the Turk sighed inwardly. I could get lost in those beautiful eyes forever.....Jenova or not, those are such beautiful eyes...."Why?"

    "I'm not exactly sure," the teen admitted. "Perhaps he wishes me to join."

    Vincent responded, "probably." How I'd love to run my fingers through that gorgeous hair....

    The angelic boy got up then, a neutral expression on his thin lips. "Hm." He glanced at Vincent. "Come watch me again tomorrow." He paused. "Please." With those parting words, he left the room.

  He wants me to come there the possibility that he feels the same for me??


  Vincent tossed and turned in bed that night, arguing with his own mind.

  How could I....?? How could I let Lucretia and Hojo go ahead with the experiment? Sephiroth....poor Sephiroth. What torture has been bestowed upon him....if only Lucretia knew how he being treated. Poor boy....she would want him to be loved....Lucretia....I....I can love him...

    No! How could I....? I must see Lucretia in him...that's why....that's why I feel this way...

    No...I love him no matter what....oh god....I loved Lucretia, yes. But not like this....never like this...

    The sensations were driving Vincent crazy....should I act on it? Should I tell I feel?

    He fell into a disrupted sleep, still at war.


  He came again the next day, just as the young man had requested. He came to be mesmerized by the beautiful figure, and feel all the familiar yearnings just as he had those times before....

    "Hello again, Vincent," the young man looked up and smiled at the older man.

    Vincent stood in shock. He couldn't remember seeing Sephiroth smile...."Good morning, Sephiroth."

    "Come sit with me," Sephiroth requested as he headed over to the same familiar bench.

    The Turk was not about to let anything keep him from that invitation.

    They sat in silence a moment.

    "Have you been busy lately?"

    "Myself, no, not particularly. Being the leader of the Turks is not as demanding a job."

    Sephiroth nodded. "Vincent...." he began slowly, "I've been thinking...."

    "Thinking of what?" darling angel...

    "Thinking that maybe I would like to be a Turk rather than be in SOLDIER," he replied softly. Sephiroth turned his glowing green eyes to Vincent.

    "A-a Turk?" Vincent stammered the words out as felt light headed once again. He wants to be a Turk....he wants to be was about to answer about how he thought that it would be a great idea, but he stopped himself to think with his brain for a change of pace. "I don't think that would be a good position for you, Sephiroth," he admitted.

    The silver haired angel looked shocked. "Why?"

    He's entitled to know, I Hojo would never let that happen...he hates me.... "You're too good a fighter to be a Turk," the older man finally answered. "Hojo is right if he wants you in SOLDIER. It's better for your superior skills."

    Vincent gasped as Sephiroth suddenly took hold of his hand. The young man looked intently into the eyes of the other man. "But I want to be with you."

    The Turk shuddered at the boy's words. "Sephiroth," he breathed, squeezing that cold hand. "I...." suddenly the words that had been throbbing so loudly in his head had hid in a corner, and he could get them to come out. "I...." Instead he brought the other man's hand up to his mouth and planted a single kiss upon it.

    Sephiroth watched and slid closer to Vincent so they were right besides each other. "Vincent..." he breathed.

    Vincent took Sephiroth's wrist gently in his grasp and began sucking on his fingers one by one.

    The younger man  watched, transfixed, making almost inaudible gasps of encouragement.

    The crimson eyed man looked up from his task and met eyes with the gorgeous silver haired boy. "Sephiroth..." the word was no more than a whisper. He took a tight hold of Sephiroth's hand, entwining their fingers as he leaned in to nuzzle his cheek against the younger man's, who made a small, pleased moaning noise in reaction. "Sephiroth," he whispered, his breath tickling the boy's ear, "....I love you."

    Sephiroth moaned, a truly magnificent noise, as he wrapped his free arm around Vincent. "Say it again," he gasped.

    "Gladly," the Turk replied, lips still poised next to his beloved's ear. "I love you, Sephiroth."

    Sephiroth moaned again, squeezing his eyes shut. The ache between his legs was growing steadily worse. He felt Vincent begin to kiss the side of his face, slowly and passionately. The young man gasped for air, hoping it was all true, all really happening, and he wouldn't just wake up again. "I want you so badly...."

    Upon hearing those words, Vincent drew away, frowning.

    Sephiroth looked at him in alarm. "What? What's wrong?"

    "I....I can't do this," said Vincent, "not here....not...." he trailed off.

    The younger man frowned too. "Vincent....I *need* you...."

    The Turk ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Too public," he muttered.

    The silver haired boy's eyes widened, suddenly understanding. If Hojo found out...he hated Vincent as it was....he shuddered at the thought.

    Vincent ran his fingers through the shining silver tresses as he got to his feet. "Later, angel."

    Angel...he called me angel..."yes," sighed Sephiroth. "Later...."


  Vincent tossed and turned again that night, trying to banish Sephiroth from his thoughts. He just could not take another dream about the was taking a toll on his load of laundry.

    Finally he sat up, leaned back against the headboard and massaged his temples. Gods this is so hard...but he's still just sixteen...that's young....too young....

    He was jerked from his thoughts from noises in the other room. If this was Heidegger with another urgent order from the President....

    But it wasn't Heideggers' pudgy form that strode towards his bed. Vincent watched in wide eyed amazement as the lean, muscular figure, silver hair sliding over bare shoulders, climbed onto the bed and crawled across until he was straddling Vincent. "You said later...."

    Vincent had to fight not to lose it right there. "Sephiroth..." he breathed.

    "Vincent..." the younger man leaned forward and seized the other man's lips in a fierce and passionate kiss as his hands worked at the buttons of Vincent's pajama top. "I need you," Sephiroth mumbled as he momentarily drew away from the kiss. "I need you in every way, Vincent."

    The Turk moaned and took Sephiroth's lips again, entering his mouth and letting the young man enter his. He gave himself to his lover. Vincent would give Sephiroth anything....except...

    The older man drew away. "Sephiroth...I can''re too...."

    "Young?" Sephiroth finished, tossing aside Vincent's shirt. He moved his hands over the older man's chest and watched him squirm in frustration. "Vincent....I may be sixteen to everyone else, but I have never been sixteen to you."

    It was true...Sephiroth had always showed so much was hard of him to believe he was so young. "No one can know, my angel," Vincent whispered, brushing his lips across Sephiroth's forehead.

    "No one," the boy repeated, shutting his eyes and nodding slightly.

    "We must never act this way in public." The older man took hold of his lover's hips.

    "Never," gasped Sephiroth.

    Vincent's lips crossed the young man's pale cheek, pausing to take his lips again before moving down to his neck. "My poor angel," he muttered, sliding his lips down ever so slowly to his collarbone. "My dearest friend...angel...oh, angel..."

    "Vincent....I need you....I love you," the young man gasped out the words between small moans of pleasure.

    The Turk's heart swelled as he moved up to claim Sephiroth's lips again. He then ever so carefully shifted his body so that he ended up on top of Sephiroth, supporting himself on the palms of his hands and he gazed down on the angelic beauty he loved so. Sephiroth gazed back at him, a small smile playing on his inviting lips. His silver hair was spread around, spilled across the pillows. Vincent ran his fingers through it longingly. "I'll never let Hojo hurt you again. I swear."

    The younger man wrapped his hands around Vincent's middle. "Never leave."

    Vincent shook his head as he leaned down to kiss his angel once more. "No. Never."


[1] Russian for: My God, how I want you.
