Teamwork is more important than individual success.


They lived the lives they were told to.

Pride only hurts. It never helps.

Turk Pride
A series of short stories about the Turks
Main Characters: Tseng, Reno and Rude
Appearence by: Heidegger
Tough Lesson
Rated: PG-13, complete
I wanna be just like him....
Reno and Rude learn an important lesson about being a Turk.

Sometimes the deepest scars are the ones that you can't see.

Rated: PG-13, complete

Main Character: Reno
Appearence By: Tseng
 one part
Turks don't cry....
The story of Reno's childhood, of how he became a Turk, and how he gained freedom...
Caution: Death fic

The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.

Rated: PG, complete

A Cause To Die For
by: Shell
Main Character: Rude
Appearences By: Reeve and Tseng
one part
“May I ask your names?” Rude asked. “If I am risking my life, shouldn’t I at least know who I’m risking it for?”
One of the two Shinra stories not written by me, this is Rude's story, and the strange circumstances under which he became a Turk

"Why would you leave heaven just to go to hell?"

Rated: PG-!4, incomplete

by: Michelle
Main Character: Elena
part one
She didn't know what had come over her, but she liked it.
This is Elena's past, the only other Shinra Story not written by me.

If you go to a party you will invariably find yourself being hugged or hit by total and complete strangers.

Rated: PG-15, complete

And Rufus Makes Three
Main Characters: Rufus, Reno and Rude
Apperences By: Tseng, Reeve, and Heidegger
one part
"You need to get drunk *badly*...."
This is a silly little fic that's actually funny for once! Hooray! Rufus comes to Midgar to see his father...he's not there, but two of the Turks are more than willing to show him a night on the town.

Tseng stories

Vincent stories
