Peace At Last
by: TJ

    The fairly young looking Vincent Valentine looked mournfully over the simple grave stone. His eyes were dark, and heavy, the rain carelessly dropped down his face. His raven locks, were wet, but, he didn't care though-he was fighting the urge to cry again. The heavy black trench coat that was on him, the very one that the great Sephiroth wore, was soaking wet and very cold. Underneath the trench coat, was a very tight black body suit, and a sheathe with a sword in it was clinging to the side of it. The Masumune, the very weapon Sephiroth used was on Vincent. He shut his eyes, to try to block the memories of his love, Sephiroth.

    The grave marker said simply, "Died in combat, defending ShinRa electric." This sent a rage within Vincent, who was one of the few that knew the truth about Sephiroth. He knew exactly what had happened. Very softly, he said, "That......was the one that killed you..." He growled softly again, just as the scene played back in his mind.

    The youth with the blond spiky hair, slowly walked up with the stolen sword. He raised up his sword, and struck him down. Sephiroth's eyes filled with pain and fury, and then they were shut. He saw everything. He was in a holding tank, the kind that the clones were in. He tried to get out. When they finally let him out, there were claw marks on the inside of the tank.

    He opened his eyes, and found that he was on the ground, laying over his grave. After finding that he was, he struggled back to his feet. A shiver went down his spine when he remembered what he was thinking about after he blacked out. He shut his eyes again, to try to block the memoirs of him not being there for Sephiroth. He opened them, with a new look of redemption in them.

    "Only one thing to do now... my love... I shall be with you soon." He said with a small smile. He withdrew the great Masumune from Sephiroth's sheathe. He pointed the blade straight upward, and tilted it slightly. With an ease that no one should have, he put the sword to his throat. He slowly slid it across the pale flesh, and the blood poured onto the sword. The sword that had taken an eternity of life's, finally took it's last life. The two lovers, finally were at peace with each other.
