One Last Shimmer of Hope
by: TJ

One last shimer of hope stood before him. He had no one else to love. They both died. His first love, she died under circumstances no one could control. Soon after, he died a fate no man diseves. His body was twisted beyond recognition. After nearly 30 years of sleeping, he woke up to a young, light haired man named Cloud Strife. Then, he saw her. The Goddess that had haunted his dreams every night and day since his long rest. He softly whipered her name to himself, "Aerith...". He joined they're rag-tag team, and slowly got to know her. He studied her every move. He yearned to touch her perfect lips. He burned inside to love her, but her love always went to another. The very one to wake him. He resented him for that.

When he saw her perish, within him grew a new coldness. One that he hadn't felt since he met her. He grew saddend, and wanting a thirst for vengence that he could not give up. It grew inside him. It had ahold of him. It  consumed him.

He soon had nothing more to look for. One last shimer of hope danced in his eyes, just as the ball of fire had. He slowly began loading his rifle, the famed Death Penelty. The same weapon that had killed many before him. He slowly slid back the bolt and loaded a single .308 winchester bullet in it. He stroked the barrel that he had put to many others heads before. He slowly turned it around. He shut his eyes that had seen so much in his life time, He shut them forever. He pulled the trigger.

After the smoke cleared, his eyes were forced open by the blast, he just layed there, staring at the ceiling, unable to move. "Why am I clinging to life? I have nothing more...." Then he shut his eyes forever.
