Poems by TJ

A Sorrowful Life

My past,
My pains,
My sorrows,
My eternal hurting,
They are all limited to me,
My hair,
Crimson red,
My eyes
Blackened from lack of sleep
And too many street fights,
Many fear me
Few really know me,
The few shouldn't mess with me,
The ones that don't know me
May as well be at the end of my smoking guns
My rules
My ways of life
Need not compassion
Need not innocence
Need ot mercy
My heart,
Like a thousand moonless nights
My soul
Darkened & bleak,
Without emotions,
Some say,
I wasn't born with a soul
Others say
It was sold to the highest bidder
I say,
I don't care,
A heartless killer,
A feared man,
A successful assassin,
A sorrowful life
I am all of these

Broken Dreams

The time is coming close
My dream is coming true
II have been waiting my whole life
For this one moment
I get ready
My victories at hand
I march to the ground
The time is coming close
They all clap and yell
saying "Way to go!"
I march up to the stairs
The time is at hand
All the controls are in place
The buttons pushed
The angle checked
The time is very close
The time is now here
but wait...
Something wrong
There's someone in here,
I yell to her: "GET OUT NOW!!!"
she replies "I must do this"
She must hurry
The time is now
Should I spare her and give up my dreams?
Or should her blood be on my hands?
My mind wants to spare her,
but my heart wants to follow my dreams
The time is now gone
I'll never get the chance
I saved her from that sorrowful death
But my dreams are forever broken

Fallen Greatness

Once I was great,
I was a soldier,
I had great power,
Till you came,
My father, I had none,
My mother, a lie,
My friends, dead,
My life, destroyed,
My mind, gone,
My power, used,
My wrath, eternal,
My struggle, useless,
"Why mother? Why do you do this?"
I plea to her,
"You are me tool"
Is her response,
The training that made me great,
Is being used for evil,
I can't control myself,
She is controlling me.

My Rival
(Squall and Seifer)

My rival,
He is true and just,
He is strong and smart,
But, he is my rival,
He is caring and unselfish,
He is disciplined and stern,
He is always glad and happy,
But, he is my rival,
He can fight well,
He is very swift,
He can be unpleasant at times,
But, he is my rival,
He brings me great grief,
He enjoys my suffering,
He hated my joy,
But, he is my rival,
He lives to hurt me,
He wants to break me,
He will never be satisfied,
But, he is my rival.

My Way Up In Life

My body
Soft and silky
Soft in all the right places
I know it to be true
Silky to the touch
White as fresh milk
My innocence?
HAH! I had none
I didn't get noticed
For being smart
I got noticed for being a...slut
It brings my great pain
They want some pleasure
At the cost of my pain
They want word like
"You were better than my first."
If only they knew
My first was in a back alley
They would turn to run
I know they would
If they knew my first
Was a rapist
They would run faster
If they knew it was when I was 12
Some say
I'm an old tramp
Others say
She's trying to keep her youth
I say
I survived
I'm in the top ranks
Because, I lost my innocence
Because, I traded my dignity for power
Because, I traded my body for wealth
Because, I did what I had to do
I'm at the top now
I got there because I'm a slut
I did it with the president
That night I turned to him
I saw his face looking around with worry
If he gets caught he'll never live it down
I have a high position
The highest I've ever seen
No woman has ever been this high
I am the first
I cheated my way up
I am at the peak
I am as high as I'll go
I'm looking at my past years
I see only misery
I am forever titled
Scarlet, the bitch

Untold Sorrow

My eyes whirl around the room,
I see the twisted person
He looks, then turns,
He leaves me to die a cold death,
My eyes go to my body,
My body, twisted,
My arm, a claw,
My strenth, increased,
My life, destroyed,
My love, dead,
My eyes, blood red,
My age, eternal,
The twisted person's experiments,
Leave me untold sorrow,
But, a thirst for vengeance,
That only he can satisfy,
The blood on my hands,
the people I've killed
the souls I've taken
Is Unforgivable
The blood, will never be washed,
The people, will never be back,
The souls, will never forgive me,
That is my sin.

Wretched Orbs

These wretched orbs,
They rule my life,
They give me power,
But, take my life away,
They glow ever so gently,
They can give life,
but they can take it away,
They emit a soft glow,
They can give you power,
but they can hurt you just the same,
They give a cold glow,
They support you,
but they cannot help without another,
They emit a firey glow,
They have the greatest power,
but they won't ever give you life,
They bless me,
As they curse me,
They give me power,
But they take my life away,
I must satisfy this need,
they have me on my knees,
I am no longer their master,
but they're the masters of me,
My will is starting to fade,
They have control now,
they rule my life,
These wretched orbs of power.

Darkness Fades to Light

My work,
has given me much experience,
it has shown me darkness
the worst of all kinds
the kind that dwells within the heart
My life
I've been to lowest levels of humanity
I've hurt many people
for what?
for the love of money
for the love of power
into the darkness
where there is no light
only pain and sorrow
I see a beacon of light
it draws me close
then vanishes without a word
it leaves me alone in the darkness
it drives me to find it
It comsumes me
it holds me
it teases me
it is always out of my reach
I must find this light
in the darkness
I find my children
An unkept soul and angry soul
a strong and silent soul
a loud and sweet souls
I am their father
they help me find the light
only to hurt it
I find it again
only for it to be destroyed
destroyed by the darkness I live in
my life it's been spent
chasing this light
Why? Why did I chase the very thing that would destroy me?
the light would protect me
it would hold me
it would wash my sins
but, as I'm lying in total darkness
I see only light

Forgotten Brotherhood
(Zack to Cloud)

My student
Watch and learn
watch my hands
learn my moves
My friend
look and listen
look for the chance
listen to my instructions
my equal
study and mediate
study my life
mediate on my words
You have watched my hnds
you have learned my moves
you have looked for the chance
you have have listened to my instructions
you have studied my life
you have mediated on my words
you have mastered your art
you are a true warrior
you are my student
you are my friend
you are my equal
you are my brother

Tears and Lies

My life,
started much less than perfect
I was the first and only
to a heartless father
to a tramp of a mother
My mother,
she died bringing me into the world
it was the beginning of my torment
my father reminded me my birth was her death constantly
he beat me until I bled
I grew up without love
without mercy
without compassion
without joy
I was hurting all the time
I grew up waiting for the chance
I grew up watching his movements
I had a vengeance none could comprehend
I saw when my father was murdered
I only laughed at him
I am at the highest
I'm in his position now
I feel his power now
I could kill millions on a whim
or I could save this planet
and yet I'm still angry
am I to be forever tormented?
My death
happened so suddenly
my tears won't be dried
my pain won't go away
my sins won't be washed
my fate's been sealed
I will die with all my sins
I will die with the planet I doomed
I will die a coward's death
I will die without a cause
I will die alone
I will die

My Battle Angel
(Cloud to Tifa)

My Angel,
Stay away from this,
Don't make me regret my decision,
Don't make me die trying,
Don't make me cry forever,
Please don't my angel,
I love you too much,
Haven't you seen my suffering?
Haven't you felt my tears?
And yet you still insist on my torment,
Why my angel?
Do you enjoy this?
Do you enjoy the battle?
My Battle Angel,
I accept your position,
You love the battle,
And you love me,
I cannot take them both away,
So take this,
My new Armored angel,
It will guide you,
It will protect you,
It will always be there,
It is something I hold very near to me,
It is in my heart,
For it is you, my armored battle angel

I Miss You

I miss your sweet embrace
I miss your warmth
I miss your sweet love
I mss you my darling
I miss your sweet voice
I miss your lovely body
But most of all
I miss that smile

I Miss You
(second version)

I miss your sweet embrace
I miss your warmth
I miss your sweet love
I miss you my darling
I miss your sweet voice
I miss your lovely body
But most of all
I miss that your sweet little behind

My Life Fades

My Birth,
It started without a worry,
I was born into the spotlight,
I was born with things some never have,
I was born into the highest high,
I earned nothing,
My Childhood,
It was done with great care,
I had the greatest teachers,
I had the greatest instructors,
I had too much responsibility for my age,
I earned nothing
My teen years,
It was finished before it was started,
I had too much to do,
I had too little time for myself,
I had to be ruthless,
I earned nothing,
My adulthood,
It was too short,
I was lacking in life
I was always sad or angry,
I never had joy,
I earned nothing,
My birth,
Was my beginning,
My childhood,
Was my middle,
My teen years,
Was my forming,
My adulthood,
Was my undoing,
But I earned none of these

My True Feelings For You
(Gundam Wing...Heero and Relena)

My dear sweet love,
How I have missed you,
You have played with my heart,
You have melted my icy heart,
You have given me a reason to fight,
You are my hopes and dreams,
I love you
My dear sweet love,
How I have longed to be with you,
You have stolen my heart,
You have my life in your hands,
You have given me a reason to live,
You are my knight in shining armor,
I love you

Eyes of the Soldier

My eyes,
The sign of the Planet,
Aqua Green,
The sign of death,
The sign of a soldier,
My sword,
Shiny and massive,
Long and shard,
Big and strong,
My armor,
Glistens in the sunlight,
Strong and true,
Padded and invincible,
Whole and resistant,
My clothes,
The garbs of a soldier,
Blue and bulky,
Black and scary,
Blue and snug,
My training,
Our true greatness,
I am the apprentice,
I am a master,
I am his Mentor,
My love,
Our true protectors,
Brown locks and large breasts,
No head and greenish skin,
Blondish locks and covered in red,
My Death,
Our true glory,
I will die gloriously,
I will die proudly in a battle,
I will die a death of a warrior

Only God Can Judge Me Now

An angel of Hope,
An angel of Praise,
An angel of Love,
An angel of Mercy,
An angel to destroy evil,
An angel of Darkness,
An angel of Betrayal,
An angel of Jealousy,
An angel of Death,
An angel to destroy the light,
My appearance,
Has been of death,
Although my soul,
Is that of light,
Love and Hope,
Is what I used to stand for,
Now all I am is gone,
What's left,
Is full of Death and Revenge,
And a thrist,
A thirst for blood,
I feel the power,
Surging through my veins,
An inhuman power,
The power of Death,
I am seeking Revenge,
On the one who did this to me,
A lonely road is the one I must walk,
A lonely road of Vengeance,
This Thirst,
Is my sin,
I have murdered many because of it,
I have damned their souls to Hell,
I have no mercy for the innocent,
I have no hope,
I will die,
So my only judge,
Will punish me for my sins,
Take this thirst away from me,
I am ready to die for my sins,
Only God can judge me now...

My Childhood Friend
(Tifa about Cloud)

He lived so close,
But he was so far away,
My memories of you begin to fade,
But my love for you will never,
Days turn to weeks,
Weeks turn to months,
Months turn to years,
And still,
I cannot tell you how I feel,
"Please meet me tonight,"
Was what I asked him,
"Ok" was his simple reply,
Why was he so calm?
Am I just his friend?
Or am I more than that?
I kept asking myself,
But no answer was there,
The sky that night,
The heavens were filled with stars,
I dressed in my favorite blue dress,
He looked so cute,
That night,
A promise was made,
A promise made under a starry sky,
A sealed up wish,
A tender memoir,
My secret is revealed,
I remember that night,
Like a memory locked deep within my soul,
The promise you made,
To protect me when I needed you,
To be my knight in shining armor,
Will be with me always,
I promise that to you

Forever Loved

Its a prison,
A place that steals your freedom,
A place of containment,
A place where your dictated too,
A place where your made to work against your will,
So why?
When I think of the damn place,
It turns blurry and seems to swim before my eyes,
Do I love my prison?
My prison,
Comes in the form of 4 walls,
I stare at them meaninglessly,
I look at my desk,
I see my work,
Getting higher and higher as to reach the sky,
But my mind is elsewhere,
It is on a fair-haired lovely,
She has stolen my heart,
My prison,
Comes in the form of a chain,
It binds me up,
It wraps me up
It confines me,
I am the weakest link,
But my mind is elsewhere,
it is on a blond haired executive,
he has stolen my heart,
Our love,
We can not tell,
We could not tell,
We always have known it to be true,
From the moment I met you,
I knew I could never let you go,
I would die protecting you,
I will always love you,
I promise,
My heart,
You have stolen,
A cherished and wonderful prize,
I will be faithful and true,
And give all my love to you,
Forever and ever,
I promise,
A love not a soul could deny,
Two hearts deeply in love,
Two hearts that beat as one,
Always and forever more,
I see you with him,
Obeying and serving his every whim,
I see it in your eyes
You love him,
You have lost favor in me,
But I will love you forever more,
No my love,
I will love you always and forever more,
This is my promise to you,
Please my love,
Know this always,
You are my one and only Knight,
Have we grown apart?
Have we found others?
He loves her,
He would die for her,
She loves him,
She would give her life for him,
Even in Death,
They will love each other forever,
Is this my true Prison?
Am I to be in eternal torment?
My love has died,
Am I to die a death as hers?
She wont be there for me to love,
She will not be there to comfort me,
She will not be in my warm embrace,
She will not be my dear sweet love,
She will be mine forever,
I promise,
Is this my true prison?
Am I to be forever mourning?
My love has dies,
Am I to die a death as his?
He wont be able to protect me anymore,
He will not be my angel,
He will not be my savior,
He will be mine forever,
I promise,

Broken Dreams

My dreams,
                       Of fighting for the innocent,
      Of fighting valiantly,
  Were broken,
I am a knight,
      A knight tempted with the promise,
                A promise that my broken dreams will be restored,
           But, my master could only promise,
        She makes me do things,
      Unspeakable evil things,
     I serve her whole heatedly
    All for a promise that will never be fulfilled,
          She makes me do her work,
 Do her deeds,
           She promises the dream is near,
             And that she'll be forever there,
           My friends,
            They warn me,
         But never stop me,
          Is that true friendship?
          She's my truth telling lies,
          She's my strength being weak,
                  She's my courage telling it to be cowardly,
           She's my reasons and alibis,
            She feels my pain,
              And yet does nothing,
              She sees my though my eyes,
             Seeing my sorrow,
I failed her,
               I am at death's door,
             As I lie here dying,
               All I can think about is,
                          I have failed myself,
                       I have seen true friendship,
                        I am no longer a knight,
                     But, I am free to dream once again.

Unrequested Love

They came from different worlds,
One from a world of tyranny and hatred,
The other, from a world of discipline and rules,
But both from a world of sorrow,
They meet by chance,
She looked at him and smiled,
He saw her, the carefree spirit,
She went to him,
And pulled him to the dance floor,
They danced,
But she saw favor in another,
She turned, then goes to his rival,
Hurt, the loner silently steps away,
They meet by chance one again,
The loner went to see her,
But he was cut down by his rivals name,
Shocked, was his expression,
Does she love him and not me?
He blocks it from his mind,
Separated from his love,
She was cut down by his rival,
"I should have been there," He thought,
"I will make him pay",
His vengeance growled inside him,
He Promised He would die for her,
He promised he would go anywhere for her,
He kept all his promises,
He went beyond the starts for her,
Just to see her smile,
She opened the door to evil,
But he didn't care,
He loved her to the brenthge of death,
And death, They both would take,
Together they would fade,
Together forever,
Until he saw a great red dragon,
To carry them home,
 But to what home?
A home where tyranny and hatred rule?
I will make it so she has no more sorrow,
I will save her,
We must think about each other,
Or we will part forever,
She thought of him about all,
But he was to concerned for her safety ,
He was lost,
But she saved him
Saved him from an eternal waiting,
Saved him form waiting for his love,
They came form different worlds,
The loner and the carefree spirit,
But they found each other,
They found love

To Love An Enemy.....?

The man in blue,
The one with the dark eyes,
Has fallen in love,
Fallen for an enemy,
The one with the red eyes,
Has had his memoirs betray him,
He remembers the man in blue as a lover,
But see's him as an enemy,
The are eternally locked in battle,
A battle neither will win,
A battle of true love,
Will they be forever tormented?

To Love An Enemy.......?

                                                         I see him,
                               Dreaming of fighting for the innocent,
                                                 I admire him for it,
                               But he can never know of my love for him,

                                                            I see him,
                                               Always silent and cold,
                                            I love him because of it,
                                        Why doesn't he love me back?

                                                          I fight him,
                                    He uses his red magic agaisnt me,
                                    He puts this scar of manhood on me,
                                                Does he not love me?

                                                        I fight him,
                                  I see him trying so hard to hurt me,
                                    I want to show him love, Not hate,
                                    I fear he truely dispises me,

                                    We are stuck within a battle,
                                    A battle that will never end,
                                We will be locked without a key,
                                 We will love each other forever

Tread Softly On My Nightmares

A angel of peace,
A angel of hope,
A angel of justice,
A angel of love,
She sees them,
Holding each other,
Embracing each other,
loveing each other,
Yes, jealousy invades the heart,
Her fury is mounting,
The angry is growing,
But she lives, not showing any, with these,
She loves one,
But hates the other,
Tears start to form,
But the salty drops remain concealed,
She dreams of a perfect love,
She wants her to leave,
TO be with him forever alone,
Yes, sadly, that is what she gets,
An angel turned devil,
alone with the one of her dreams,
But he's in forever mourning,
Her dream is nothing more then a nightmare,
Nothing more then a cold empty shell,
A shell that used to an angel,
Death, Pain, Fury, Nightmares,
Must all this be from her?
Yes, she has made this so,
And now she must tread softly on her nightmares...


A hero to all
a hero to many
a hero to come when called
a hero to fight
a hero to battle
a hero to kill with all his might
a hero to go
a hero to sow
a hero to reap
a hero to love,
a hero to hate,
a hero to be proud of,
a hero lost,
a hero put to death,
all faith in the hero lost,
a hero for none,
a hero tunred killer,
a hero to fight until his day is done.

The Great Solider

A small boy,
Abanded as a Child,
Forces to grow up alone,
He was forced to defend himself,
From within this boy,
Sleeps the makeing of a soldier,
The greastest soldier to ever live,
And the most dangerous mistake,
For the world to make,
He was given his great sword,
For it's commanding power,
He used it like an extention of his arm,
He formatibly fights and defeats all who oppose him,
under his guiding hand,
The elite of the elite was formed,
The second greatest warroir emerge from it,
And a great ball of fire,
That could destroy this place,
Born with silver hair,
And eyes that made all run,
He never had friends because he was scary,
He was always alone,
Always in darkness,
Within his great armor,
Lies the scars,
He sliced thrugh the one's lucky enough to give him them,
He felt no pain,
He was a soldier indeed,
A single mistake,
And the worlds greatest bacame a killer,
A killer who ruthlessly burned a town to the ground,,
But, A child bested him,
Now he lays in waiting,
Waiting for the time to be right,
Waiting for the child to return,
Waiting for a better soldier,
Waiting for him to take his place....