Hey again! It's time for another songfic! This is not a lovey dovey one though. Beware of angst. This is all Sephiroth, baby! This is the song "Standing At the Edge of the Earth" by Blessid Union of Souls. I didn't write the lyrics. The song belongs to the band. However, this is one of my favorite songs of all time and if you haven't heard it, I recommend you do. Everything between // is a dream. Enjoy ^_^

    I knew that this moment would come in time.

    //"I have to go away. You're on your own, my angel."//

    That I'd have to let go and watch you fly

    //"Vincent, I don't want you to leave me. . . ."

    "I haven't got a choice. . . .angel, I. . .I'm sorry."

    "Will you come back?"

    "We'll meet again. . . .but I can't say where or when."//

    I know you're coming back so why am I dying inside?

    //Vincent was silent. He had been trying to soothe the pain, but Sephiroth knew that inside he was suffering just as badly.//

    Are you searching for words that you can't find
    Trying to hide your emotions but eyes don't lie

    //"I'm sorry. . . .I. . . .I just don't know what else to say. . . ."//

    Guess there's no easy way to say good-bye

    //"I'll wait for you, Vincent. No matter how long it is. Forever and ever. . . ."//

    So I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth

    //"I'll return--"

    "Even if you don't, I'll be waiting and hoping. . . ."//

    Hoping that someday you'll come back again

    //"Oh, Sephiroth. . . .angel. . . .don't. . . .someday I'll return. I swear."

    "I'll wait for someday then."//

   I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth hoping for someday

    //"Promise me you won't kill him."

    "It will be hard."

    "I know, Sephiroth, but promise me."

    "I'll leave Hojo to you then."

    "I wish I didn't have to leave you like this. . . ."

    ". . . . . . . . . . ."

    "I'll always be with you. Right by your side through everything. My heart belongs to you forever, angel."//

   Don't misunderstand what I'm trying to say
    I don't want to let you leave this way
    I want you to know that I stand right by your side

    //The tears came from his young eyes.

    "Oh angel. . . .no. . . .don't, please." The older man embraced him holding him tightly against his warm body.

    "I wish it didn't have to be this way!" cried the silver haired boy.

    He could hear the tears in the other man's voice. "Me neither. . . ."//

    And I know this may be
    The very last time we see each other cry

    //"Just remember I'll always be waiting for you."

    "Sephiroth. . . .there's one thing you must know. You aren't norm--"//

    But whatever happens know that I'll. . . .

    Sephiroth sat up in bed like he had been shot out of a cannon. Immediately he doubled over crying, drawing his knees to his chest. He never got to say good-bye to Vincent. . . .he shivered as he remembered Hojo dragging him off to god knows where. Oh my love. . . .I don't even know if you're alive. . . . .but I swear I'll wait. . . .

    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth
    Hoping that one day you'll come back again.

    One hundred years, a thousand. However long it was. Hojo may have taken you away from me, my Vincent, but he can't stop me from waiting.

    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth hoping that someday
    You'll come back to me

    He sobbed into his own skin. How lonely it was to wake up without Vincent's arms about him, holding him close, stroking his hair. . . .

    Oh gods, please. . . .please let him come back to me. . . .I don't care how long it takes. . . .just. . . .please. . . .Vincent I know if you're alive you'll come for me. . . .you wouldn't leave me like this. . . .

    I'll be praying for whatever it's worth
    Believing that one day you'll come back again

    His sides hurt almost as much as the pain of emptiness throughout his chest.. Crying hurt, but loneliness killed. Someday, any day. . . .gods just let him come. . . .I need him. . . .

    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth
    Hoping for someday

    He remembered them both crying in the dream. . . .expressing their sorrow. . . .but Hojo hadn't given them time to even say a whole sentence to one another. . . .he remembered fumbling helplessly for the masamune. Some soldier, letting his emotions get in the way. If only he had gotten a good grip on it. . . .oh it was too pleasing to think of Hojo lying dead in a puddle of blood. Far too pleasing. . . .

    And I know this may be
    The very last time we see each other cry

    Finally he picked himself out of bed and stumbled into the shower. He set the water to be scorching hot. . . .so he could shed this layer of skin and *try* live his life without Vincent.

    But whatever happens know that I'll
    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth

    Sephiroth hissed in pain at the burning temperature of the water, but he bit back his lip and stepped inside. His hair soaked in the liquid and stuck to his back, so the young man ran his fingers though it, closing his eyes and pretending those were Vincent's gentle hands combing through it. . . .

    Hoping that one day you'll come back again
    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth hoping that someday
    You'll come back to me

    Eyes still closed, Sephiroth leaned against the cool, tiled wall of the shower, letting the burning water rain down on him as memories of Vincent played through his head. A low moan escaped his throat as aching desire pooled between his legs. Oh. . . .Vincent. . . . .

    I'll be praying for whatever it's worth
    Believing that one day you'll come back to me

    You'll come back, and love me again, yes, Vincent? You'll come back and complete me. . . .yes? The ache grew worse, and his hand slid down his wet chest, over his stomach. . . .

    I'll be standing at the edge of the Earth

    Someday, my love.

    Hoping for someday

    He cried again, his tears mixing with the scorching shower water. How can I GO ON?!

    Waiting for someday, believing in someday. . . .

    Vincent you were my love, my life force. . . .

    Praying for someday, I'll be. . . .

    I can't *take* this feeling anymore!

    Longing for someday, clinging to someday

    Vincent, there's no one to love me. He clenched his teeth together as. . . .

    Cherishing someday, I'll be. . . .

    "Ugh! Vincent!" he cried, collapsing against the wall, shaking with sobs. The water washed every trace of the white liquid from his fingers. I've never done that before. . . .

    Thinking of someday, dreaming of someday

    He slid to the floor, turning off the water and letting the walls of the tub cool his burning skin. Vincent wouldn't want me to be so weak. . . . .

    Wishing for someday, I'll be

    I live for you, Vincent. . . .and I shall live for your return. I'll try and be strong, and I won't let Hojo get the better of me. Never. I'm expecting you someday, my beautiful love. But until then. . . .

    Living for someday, counting on someday

    Until then I'll survive. . . .

    Knowing the one day

    He whispered the words, his cheek pressed against the tile, his eyes red from crying, "I will see you. . . ."

