Judge someone not by their mistakes but rather how they react to them.

The didn't know what they were getting themsleves into

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life overcoming.

Rated: PG-13, complete

Main Characters: Rufus, Tseng, and Sephiroth
Appearences By: Vincent and President Shinra...kind of
one part
Even now I can still feel the fire. It burns on in my heart.
This is a songfic that deals with the lonely childhoods of Rufus, Sephiroth and Tseng.

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life overcoming.

Rated: PG-13, complete

Main Characters: Rufus, Tseng, Sephiroth and Reno
Appearences By: Hojo, Vincent and President Shinra...kind of
one part
Walking away, he wondered who he was lying to more, himself, or everyone else.
This is a songfic that shows the horrible childhoods of Rufus, Tseng, Sephiroth and Reno.

Like winter snow on summer lawn, time past is time gone.

Rated: PG-13, complete

Main Characters: Sephiroth, Reeve, Tseng, Rufus and Reno
one part
 I screwed up....I totally screwed up...now things will never get better.
Sephiroth, Reeve, Tseng, Rufus and Reno all reflect on their pasts
Just implied, you perverts!

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