"Even on the road to hell, flowers can make you smile."

"Shinra's evil, he realized slowly. "Evil," he whispered, the word sounding foreign to him. "We're terrible people. All of us. We're ruining the lives of others for financial gain. We don't care. We don't give a fuck about anyone but ourselves." He put a hand to his head, still terribly shaken by his discovery. "I....I'm one of them. I'm one of the terrible people too."---Reeve, Reveur (part 4)

Yes, it's true. I have my own series of stories going now. It's called The Shinra Stories, and, in case you can't tell, it's all about the people in Shinra. The stories are about the past, (before the game), present (during the game) and future (after the game) of the men who, at one time or another, worked for Shinra. The ones who have their pictures in the banner will be the *main* characters, which means that they will be the main characters in the stories I write. Most of the stories are also interwoven, so you'll see some things mentioned in a few of them. Now, if you're wondering where to start, or want to see what's coming up, click here. For questions about content, click here.  I suggest checking out my Shinra timeline too before you start reading anything. These are arranged by character.

Judge someone not by their mistakes but rather how they react to them.

Lonely is a man without love.
Rufus Shinra

To love another person is to see the face of God.
Sephiroth and Vincent

Where there is love, there is pain.
Reeve and Tseng

Teamwork is more important than individual success.
The Turks

It is not forgive and forget. It is forgive and learn. Never forget the past.
Remnants of the Past
PG-15, incomplete
They had no future. Their past left them as outcasts. Was there any hope for the young men who lived Shinra Inc?
The story of what happened to the people of Shinra after FF7. If you haven't read (fear itself) or any of the Sephiroth stories, do that before even *thinking* about reading this.

only love (only love)
sets you free
and if it's up to fate,
then your my destiny
What if Shinra had never made it? Where would they be?
A series of stories that take place in an alternate universe where Shinra never became the huge coporation that it was in Final Fantasy 7. Without Shinra, how would lives change?

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