Final Fantasy 7 Sleepover!

One snowy day, Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie are sitting in Tifa’s house in Nibelheim…

Yuffie: I’m bored…
Aeris: Me too…
Tifa: Me three…
Yuffie: Me four…
Aeris: You already said you were…
Yuffie: Oh yah…
Tifa: (snaps and a green makou light-bulb appears over her head) I got it! Let’s have a sleepover!
Aeris: Hey that’s a good idea!
Yuffie: We can rent some movies!
Tifa: Ooh! Cool!
Aeris: And we can stay up all night drinking coffee and So*Be!
Yuffie: Ok!
Tifa: So everyone agrees?
Yuffie & Aeris: HELL YEAH!
Tifa & Yuffie: (look at Aeris) You never swore once in the game…
Aeris: ‘Cuz I didn’t ever get really pissed until Seph killed me.
Tifa & Yuffie: Ohh.
Tifa: OK, so I’ll get the house ready.
Yuffie: I’ll get the movies.
Aeris: I’ll get plenty of extra-strength-night-SOLDIER-quality-coffee and So*Be
Yuffie: I can understand how you’re gonna get the So*Be, but how the hell are ya gonna get that strong of a coffee?
Aeris: Heheheh… I *borrowed * it from Shin-Ra before we escaped that time.
Yuffie: Damn! Too bad I wasn’t in the group yet! I would get their materia!
Tifa: OK then everyone get the stuff and meet back here!
Yuffie & Aeris: ‘Kay

***Tifa’s “Adventure”***

Tifa: (lifting up the cushion on the couch) Eww…  (shoves the dust buster on it)
Little monsters living in the couch: (tiny voices) Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
Tifa: (sweat drop) That was strange…
(Knock at the door)
Tifa: Uh… come in?
(A guy in a black cloak walks in)
Guy: Would you like to buy a Jenova cell?
Tifa: How much?
Guy: One Black Materia
Tifa: Screw off Sephiroth…
Seph: You hurt my feelings (sniff, sniff) (sneeze) Damn it’s dusty in here!
Tifa: ‘Cuz I was cleaning until you decided to show up…
Seph: Oh. I’ll help you.
(So Seph *helps * Tifa, while secretly looking for the Black Materia)

***Aeris’ “Adventure”***

Aeris: (walks into the Item shop) Hi, I’d like 50 bottles of So*Be
Shopkeeper: Sure- what kind?
Aeris: Two of each, please.
Shopkeeper: (hands Aeris a few huge heavy brown bags) Would you like some help back to your house?
Aeris: No, I should be—(takes the bags)…(Anime fall) (twitches and holds a finger up) Uh- I think I will have some help back to the house…
Shopkeeper: Okay. (turns around and yells) HEY, ZACK!
Zack: (runs in) ‘Sup boss?
Shopkeeper: Help this young lady with her bag.
Zack: Aeris?!
Aeris: Zack?! I thought you died?
Zack: I thought you died!
Aeris: Yeah me too.
Zack: That’s odd. (helps Aeris carry her bags back to Tifa’s house)

***Yuffie’s “Adventure”***

Yuffie: (walks into the video renting place and walks to the funny section) Lessee… I’ll get “Titanic”, cuz it’s funny when the ugly Leo-loser dies. Ooh! And we just *have * to get both of the “Austin Powers” movies, cuz Mini-Me is soooooooooo cute! And we have to get this…oh, and this….. ok that should be enough. (walks to the clerk)
Clerk: Is that all today?
Yuffie: Unless you have any other funny movies that are good, yes.
Clerk: Oh, you already have “Titanic” Gawd, I laughed my ass off when that Leo-nerdo DiCrapio died.
Yuffie: Oh hell yeah! That’s the only part of the movie I didn’t sleep through!
Clerk: (while ringing up the movies) Yeah, I dunno what the hell the big deal was over that movie. Guess the spoiled little brats needed to waste money…
Yuffie: Yeah. So they saw the stupidest movie ever made!
Clerk: (laughs) Here you go Yuff. That’ll be 10 gil.
Yuffie: (hands the clerk a 10 gil coin) Here ya go.
Clerk: Thanks. C-ya later.
Yuffie: (walks out and back to Tifa’s house)

***Outside Tifa’s house***

Yuffie: Aeris, who’s that?
Aeris: This is Zack.
Zack: ‘Sup?
Yuffie: Hi. Did ya get the So*Be?
Aeris: (points to the 100 pound bag Zack’s holding)
Yuffie: Ohh… Why are you guys out here?
Aeris: Tifa locked the door and she won’t answer…
Yuffie: Oh. I have the member card for the video place, I can try using that…
Zack: Please do… this bag is getting heavy…
Yuffie: (Walks to the door and slides the card through) I think I got it… (pulls the door open and gasps)
Tifa: (is tied up and muffled) Mmh…mmh….mmmh!
Yuffie: Hey, good Kenny impression! I got that movie too!
Aeris: (cuts the ropes) What happened?
Seph: I happened.
Zack: (puts bag down) What the hell are you doing here?
Seph: Getting my materia. (motions to the black thing in his hand)
Aeris: Give that back!
Seph: No.
Aeris: I’ll hurt you!
Seph: I’ll kill you… again.
Tifa: STOP IT!
(everyone shuts up)
Tifa: (looks at Seph) Give me the materia.
Seph: Why?
Aeris: Because if you don’t…
Zack: …I’ll chop ‘em off.
Seph: I’m not Corneo, dammit!
Zack: Oh, oops. Sorry ‘bout that.
Seph: It’s ok.
Aeris: AHEM!
Seph: What?
Tifa: Give us the damn materia so we can start our sleepover!
Seph: Ooh, sleepover… what kind?
Tifa: A girls’ sleepover.
Aeris: With So*Be and coffee
Yuffie: And movies
Seph: Really? …ok here’s the deal; I give you the materia if I can come to the sleepover.
Tifa: Well, you look like a girl, and act like one…
Seph: HEY!
Aeris: Yeah, you can come.
Seph: Sweet… (tosses the black materia to Tifa)
Yuffie: (looks at Zack) Are you coming too?
Zack: Can I?
Aeris: Sure!
Zack: Kick…ass!
Yuffie: Damn! We gotta watch South Park first!
(everyone grabs a So*Be and a cup of  extra-strength-night-SOLDIER-quality-coffee and sits in front of the TV)

***3 hours later…***

Zack: (drinks some coffee)
Voice on TV: I’ll never let go Jack…
Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, Seph: (laugh hysterically)
Zack: (chokes and laughs, coffee coming from his nose)
Aeris: THAT’S FUNNY!!!!!
Tifa: (between giggles) Yeah!
Seph: This is a funny movie!
Yuffie: Really! Let’s watch South Park next.
Tifa: How did you rent that without being 17? I tried to rent it and they asked me for ID, and I’m 20!
Yuffie: They probably thought you were a teenage Britney Spears wanna-be
Tifa: What do you mean?
Yuffie: Well, Britney has implants too!
Aeris, Zack, and Seph: (laugh)
Yuffie: (snickering) Yes, it is.
Tifa: Hmph!

…So the group watched movies all night, drinking their So*Be and extra-strength-night-SOLDIER-quality-coffee… Yuffie got high on coffee, as did Tifa and Aeris. Zack and Seph were used to it, having been in SOLDIER, but they did get high off of So*Be…
The next morning, everyone woke up sick, but felt better after they threw up. Tifa started wearing a bra due to Yuffie’s comment the night before, and Cloud dumped her soon after. Tifa was pissed off at Yuffie and gave her a cup of coffee with high concentrations of makou in it. Yuffie is still suffering from makou poisoning today. The moral of this story: Do not drink coffee while watching the end of Titanic. You will end up with a sore nose in the morning. And, don’t call Tifa a Britney Spears wanna-be. Because she is a Christina Agiulera wanna-be. And Christina is a bigger whore anyway.

         Thank You and Good Night!


The Real Sephiroth

(Sephiroth is standing on a rock in front of a million clones)

Seph: May I have your attention please?

Seph: May I have your attention please?

Seph: Will the real Sephiroth please stand up?

Seph: I repeat, will the real Sephiroth please stand up?

Jenova: We're gonna have a problem here...

Seph: Ya'll act like you've never seen a psychopath before! Jaws on the floor, like Aeris when I jumped off the stairs and then I killed her first and before, Cloud was pissed, throwing his sword...

Aeris: Hey!

Seph: It's the return of the-

Tifa: Aw wait, no wait, you're kidding... he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?

Seph: And Hojo said... nothing you fools! Hojo's dead, he's locked in the basement!

Jenova: Haha!

Seph: Many people feared me, and then...

Cloud: (Jigga-jigga-jigga) Sephiroth, I'm sick of him, walking around holding his you-know-what (sword) looking at you-know-who (me)

Aeris: Yah but he's so cute though

Seph: Yah I probably got a couple screws up in my head loose, but no worse than what's going on in Cloud-and-Tifa's bedroom...  (noises… ^_^;; )

Seph: Sometimes I wanna get on TV and let loose, but can't, but it's cool to see AVALANCHE bombing reactors.

Barret: My bomb is on your lips, my bomb is on your lips, and if I'm lucky you might give it a li'l kiss...


Seph: And that's the message that we deliver to little kids, and expect them not to know what a Makou reactor is.

Seph: Of course they know what the lifestream is! By the time they hit 4th grade they got the Shin-Ra channel don’t they? We can waste the Planet...

RedXIII: Well, some of us use hydroelectricity, using water to produce energy...


Seph: But if we can kill animals and Planets then there's no reason a man and another man can't elope...

(Reno and Rude kiss, Seph busts through with a look of disgust on his face)

Seph: But if you feel like I feel I got the antidote, Yuffie wave your shirouken, here's the chorus, and it goes...

Seph: I'm Sephiroth, yes, I'm the real Sephy, all you other Sephiroths are just imitating, so won't the real Sephiroth please stand up, please stand up, please stand up... Cuz I'm Sephiroth, yes I'm the real Sephy, all you other Sephiroths are just imitating, so won't the real Sephiroth please stand up, please stand up, please stand up...


Selphie: "Hey girls, the boys are gone!"
Quistis: "Let's get the magazine out!"
Rinoa: "Boy Next Door, yeah baby!"
(Tifa takes out the June issue of Boy Next Door)
Tifa: "Let's look inside. Let's hurry before they boys get back."
(The girls open the the magazine and check out the different sections)
Aeris: "Let's check the bodybuilding section."
Rinoa: "Hmm. Zell Dincht is Mr. Built. (Rinoa sees Zell in a red speedo)
Look at those sexy buttcheeks and those biceps."
Selphie: "Wow, Zell is built!"
Quistis: "Rufus is here too.  I didn't know he was a bodybuilder.  He has
some hot @$$ triceps." (Rufus is in a red speedo also)
Ellone: "I agree with you on that one Quisty."
Aeris: "Aaah! Zack! Damn!"
Tifa: "Hell Yeah!" (There are pictures of Zack in a gray speedo, one
showing definition in  his legs, one showing part of his muscular rear,
and one showing his triceps and biceps)
Ellone: "Taste that @$$! (Ellone curls her tounge around)
Yuffie: "Oooh. Let's check the models section."
Rinoa: "That's the hot section."
(The Girls flip to the models section)
Quistis: "Ha Ha Ha!  Look at Squall!"(Squall is in a dark speedo)
Rinoa: "Oh my God! He's got some muscles.  Look at those nipples!"
Selphie: "Let me see.  Ha Ha Ha!"
 Aeris: "Cloud!  TIfa look!"
Tifa: "Cloud in a G-String? (Tifa sees Cloud wearing a brown G-String
with a part of his bare butt showing)  That's so tasty."
Aeris: "Seifer!  Look at Seifer.  I'm BURNING!  (Seifer is in a blue
thong with his buttcheeks showing as well)
Yuffie: "He has a bubble @$$!  What a hunka-munk" (Yuffie drags her
finger down on Seifer's butt)
Selphie: "If you think Seifer is sexy.  You ain't see nothing yet!  Scoop
out Irvine!"
Quistis: "Look at that sweat all over his body.  (Irvine is in a green
speedo with sweat everywhere)  It's on his @$$ too.  What do they use?
I know that's not real sweat."
Rinoa: "When I was a model.  They use grease for the sweat."
Aeris: "You were a Girl Next Door Model Rinoa?"
Rinoa: "Yes I was. I was Ms. Babe and Queen Chick."
Aeris: "Check out Mr. Hunky Model: Sephiroth!?"
Tifa: "Yuck. That ain't $@#^!"
Selphie: "Turn.  Check out the centerfold. Vincent."
Yuffie:"Damn! He's a Mega-Stud-muffin.  I thought he looked sickly and
stuff, but this is hot!" (Vincent wears nothing, but a red blanket is
covering his *censored*)
Quistis: "Holy Macko!  Look at this girls.!" (Tseng, Reno and Rude are in
G-String, they put their hands around each other's necks, sweat is also
on them)
Aeris: "Someone get me a fan.  I'm scorching to death."
Tifa: "Where did you get this magazine?"
Rinoa: "From the merchant near Timber."
Tifa: "We'll have to go there."
(The boy's footsteps can be heard)
Yuffie: "$&#^! The boys are comin'.  Hide it! Hide It!"
(Girls hide the magazine under the pillow)
Zell: "What you girls up to?"
Selphie: "Uhh nothing."
Quisty: "Yeah that's right."
Squall: "I see we're all hanging out."
Rinoa: "Yeah, chattting about our girl talk and stuff, you know."
Irvine: "I see.  We'll leave you girls alone."
Cloud: "See ya."
Tifa: "Whew."
Aeris: "That was close."
Vincent:" Hey Squall, let's look at the Girl Next Door, June issue.  They
have full frontal nude pictures of Terra Branford and Celes Chere from
Final Fantasy 6, Elly Van Houten and Miang from Xenogears doing each
other, and Aya Brea with huge b****s, big nipples."
Squall: "Okay, but we can't let the girls see or they'll kill us!"
Zell: "What are we waiting for, let's go woman surfing!"



Audience: "Jeery! Jerry! Jerry!"
Jerry: "Welcome, we're here today, because we have wives who want the
other woman to leave thier man alone! Let's say Hi to Rinoa Heartilly.
Tell us your story."
Rinoa: "Okay, there's this blonde bimbo named Quistis Trepe.  She keeps
on calling Squall and she's trying to take my stud away."
Jerry: "How?"
Rinoa:"Well, she made rumors about me saying that I'm a crack whore.
Then she told Squall and my father that I slept with Seifer.  But that
b***h's plan failed.  And she even got one of her f***ing Trepe Groupies
to jump me and I pressed charges against her and them.   And you know
what, I'm here to tell her slutty @$$ today, either leave my man the
f*** alone, or I'm filing for a restraining order." (Audience Claps)
Jerry: "Let's bring out the Blonde Bimbo, Quisits Trepe!"
Audience: "Booooooooooo!"
Quistis: "Who the f*** you think you is trying to..."
Rinoa: "B***h, get the f*** out of my face before I beat the $#^% out of
(Quistis and Rinoa go at it, the guards break them up)
Jerry: "Okay let's calm down. Have a seat.  Quistis., tell me your side
of the story."
Quistis: "First of all, she is a pathalogical lying twit."
Rinoa (interupting): "No No. You're just jealous of me."
Quistis: "She is nothing but a trash whore, who needs to get a f***ing
Rinoa: "Shut up White-trash Monica."  (Audience is shocked) "You think you
cute though but you ain't all that just because you is an instructor and
flirt and have sex with each boy she teaches." (Audience is shocked
Quistis:"Talk to the hand cause' the face ain't looking."
Rinoa: "Let me tell you something, either you leave Squall alone, or I'm
pressing charges."
(Audience claps) "Whatever you and Squall had in the past, it's over.
This is the future, honey, deal with it."
Quistis: "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about."
Jerry: "Comments from the audience."
Cid: "You know something Quistis, get you're own G*ddamn man and #^@& him
(Audience Claps)
Yuffie: "Once a whore, always a whore Quistis!"
Quistis:"Shut up! Sit yopur @$$ down." (Yuffie sticks her middle finger
at Quistis)
Jerry: "Last comment."
Aeris: "Hey Quistis.  Go to Sector 6 and #^$& Don Corneo!" (Audience
(Rinoa laughs)
Quistis: "Shut the f*** up Pamela Lee!"
Rinoa: "What you f***in' call me!?"
(Rinoa and Quistis go at it again, Quistis summons her Trepies group to
beat Rinoa, and Rinoa summons Watts and Zone to beat up Quistis and her
Jerry: "Well, this how the show ended. Thank you for watching. Take



(Laguna's Bedroom)
Laguna: "You know Rinoa, you look just like Julia."
Rinoa: "Thank you.  I'm glad I get to sleep with the president."
Laguna:"Sex is great you know."
Rinoa: "Yes it is."
Laguna: "Are you going back to Squall?"
Rinoa: "Him? No. I wanna be with you.  You're sexier than him."
(Kiros enters the room)
Kiros: "Hey Laguna, I.......Oh my God!
(Kiros takes out a camera and takes pictures of them both half-naked in
Laguna: "Hey, you bastard!"
Kiros: "Oooh! I can't wait til' Timber Maniacs get a scoop of this. A
resistance member from Timber sleeps with the President of Eshtar! Ha Ha
Rinoa: "Holy $#!^!  No one was supposed to know."
Laguna: "Sorry Rinoa."
(The story is on the news, and in the Galbadian Enquire, magazines, and
Timber Maniacs Issue, and etc.)
Ma Dincht: "A 17 year old girl slept with the President of Eshtar? Mmmm,
mmm mm mmm.  It's a shame. Isn't that one of your friends son?"
Zell: "Rinoa, wow."
Quistis: "Told you she was a whore, Squall.  She slept with the President
for crissakes."
Squall: ".........."
Quistis: "Can you believe it? She brung me on the Jerry Springer show,
and bull$#!^ talk me. Look who's talking.  F***ing sleazebag."
Ellone: "I don't believe this.  Uncle Laguna slept with a teenager.  My
Uncle is better than that.  When I see Rinoa, I'm beating the $#!^ out
of her!  She know better than to mess with my uncle"
Quistis: "I'll be there to help you."
(Ever since that night, things haven't been the same for Rinoa and
Laguna. Here's the reactions from people and piers)
Aeris: "You know, thou shall not commit adultrey."
(Rinoa walks in Balamb. Two women shake their heads at her)
Old Man: "Hey baby, wanna screw me tonight?"
Rinoa: "Get a f***ing life @$$hole."
Teenage Girl: "Tramp!"
(Rinoa sticks her middle finger at the girl)
Zell: "Hey Rinoa, heard you mde a nice "catch" with Laguna".
Rinoa: "Go F*** yourself Chicken-Wuss."
Zell: "What you call me F***ing slut?"
Quistis: "Hey Jezebel!  Look who's the ho now."  (Trepes laugh)
Rinoa: "F**k you."
Squall: "You b***h!  You betrayed me!"
Rinoa: "..."
Squall: "It's over!  Quistis, I wanna marry you."
Quistis: "Aww Squall.  (She sticks her tounge at Rinoa)
(Rinoa gives Quistis the finger)
Irvine: "Hey STD, did you aim for the bullseye?"
Rinoa: "F*** off."
(Rinoa sees Selphie talking to Fujin, Raijin, and Seifer)
Selphie: "How does Rinoa kill monsters easily?"
Fujin: "HOW?"
Selphie: "AIDS. One touch, and they die.  (All laugh)
Rinoa: "Go to hell, Selphie."
Ellone: "You! Horse-necked hooker."
Rinoa: "What the F*** you called me?"
Ellone: "You made Laguna this way.  I'll whoop you're whore @$$."
Quistis: "Let's get her, for bringing me to Jerry."
Squall:"Yeah, for lying to me."
Zell:"You'll get it for callin' me Chicken-Wuss."
(They all advance on Rinoa)
Laguna: "That Goddamn Kiros.  He'll pay for this."
(Angelo jumps out of nowhere and starts attacking Laguna)
Laguna:"Hey, get the heck of me you scumbag dog."
Watts: "Get im' Angelo.  You made Rinoa into a little slut.  This what
you get."
Zone: "You son of a b***h!"
(Watts and Zone kick the $#!^ out of Laguna)
Laguna: "This is not my day..."  (Raine's spirit appear)
Raine's Spirit: "You scumbag pig. Why?  Here's your wedding ring.
Laguna: "Raine! Wait..."
Caraway: "You f***ing child molester.  You raped my daughter!"
Laguna: "Raped?  She wanted it."
Caraway: "You think this is a joke do you?  You oughta be a shamed for a
Laguna: "Julia was better."
Caraway: "Why you!!!!!"  (Caraway beats up Laguna)
Laguna: "Ugh."
(Laguna returns to his mansion, but....)
Guard:"You can't come in."
Laguna: "Why?"
Dr. Odine: "You been elected out.  Kiros iz zee President now."
Kiros: "Sorry chump. Leave or I'll call security."
(Laguna sticks his finger at Kiros)
Kiros: "Whatever."
(A few weeks later, Rinoa has scars on her face and Laguna's no longer
Rinoa: "Just us the two of us."
Laguna: "Yeah."
Rinoa: "You know what, I really love you.  No matter what anyone thinks."
Laguna: "I love you too."
(Rinoa and Laguna kiss)
*The Theme song "Eyes on Me" begin to play.*


Hi there!  I'm Thalayla and these are my rambles!  I've read all of Lark's rambles (except Screwed Over :P) and I decided to write my own! ^_^  Basicly I just follow the ramble guide for the personalitys and stuff (But if you're a yaoi fan, don't look here *gagging noises*)

Oh yeah, and just so no one gets confused, I added to the ramble house for these rambles.  To see a picture of the new and improved ramble house, click here.  The thick black lines are reinforced walls.  Thanx!

Awaken, Cloud Strife

(Rufus, Reeve, Zell, Sephiroth, Seifer, Michelle, Cloud, Squall, and Reno are in the room.  Rufus, Reeve, and Michelle are sitting at the table.  Rufus and Reeve look bored, and Michelle is reading a magazine.  Sephiroth is sleeping on the couch.  Cloud is watching the fish.  Zell is eating stuff out of the refrigerator.  Reno, Seifer, and Squall are leaning against the wall also looking bored.)

Reno:  *sighs* "This room is so boring.  I wish I was drunk.  Say, that's a good idea." *goes over to the fridge*  "Hey Zell, outta the way."

Zell:  *muffled* "Can't move.  Eating."

Reno:  "Dammit Zell!  Can't you eat on the couch like a normal person?!"

Sephiroth:  "The couch is occupied."

Rufus:  "I thought you were asleep."

Sephiroth:  "Shows what you know, prissy-boy."

Rufus:  *flips out* "You take that back!"

Sephiroth:  "I think not."

Zell:  *stops eating* "Are you two going to fight?  Oo, I wanna watch!" *goes over to the table*

Reno:  "Finally." *opens the fridge and starts chugging beers*

(Tifa's voice comes from beyond the door)
Tifa: "Cloud!  Will you come outside for a minute?"

Cloud:  *stops watching the fish and leaves*

(Outside . . .)

Cloud:  "You're not Tifa . . ."

(A girl with long straight black hair and brilliant blue eyes stands in front of him in the grass of the clearing.  She is wearing a blue shirt, black jeans, white socks, black hiking boots, a black jacket, and a sword strapped to her back.)

????:  "I apologize.  Imitating her was the only way I could think of to get you to come out here." *bows* "My name is Elegy . . ." *unsheathes sword* "And I challenge you, Cloud Strife, to a sword match."

Cloud:  " . . . You're on."

(Inside the ramble room, Rufus and Sephiroth are glaring at each other, and Zell half watching them while punching air.)

Zell:  *stops punching air* " . . . My radar is working . . . a fight of much higher caliber is commencing outside!  To the clearing!" *runs out of the room carrying a very large bowl of popcorn*

Reeve:  "Where did he get all that popcorn?"

Squall:  "Whatever."

Seifer:  "We might as well see what chicken-wuss is up to.  It's not like there's anything else to do."

(Everyone leaves the room except Reno, who is singing drunkenly.)

Reno:  "On the goood shlip lolllly*hic* . . ."

(Outside, where everyone from the ramble room save Reno has gathered, Cloud and Elegy are still dueling; they both seem to be of about equal skill level.  Most of the popcorn has been eaten, courtesy of Zell, while everyone else is either watching the fight or arguing.)

Cloud:  *between slashes* "You're pretty good."

Elegy:  *also between slashes* "As are you."

Rufus:  "Who the heck *is* this girl?!  Do any of you know her?  Reeve?"

Reeve:  "Nope."

Rufus:  "Zell?"

Zell:  *stuffing his face with popcorn* "Whuff?"

Rufus:  "Michelle?"

Michelle:  *still reading* "Who cares, as long as she doesn't stick around."

Rufus:  "Sephiroth?"

Sephiroth:  "She seems to be quite talented at sword fighting . . . What?  Oh, no, I do not know her."

Rufus:  "Squall?"

Squall:  "Whatever."

Rufus:  "Seifer?"

Seifer:  "Does it look like I know her?"

Sephiroth:  "I'll go get Lark."

Rufus:  "Not before I do!" *runs inside*

Sephiroth:  "Hey!" *runs after him*

(Lark, Yuffie, Barret, Cid, Red, Shell, Rinoa, Tifa, Jackie, Amy, Suzie, and Vincent are all in the TV room.  Lark, Yuffie, Barret, and Cid are all sitting on the floor in front of the tv, duking it out
in Smash Bros.  Shell, Amy, Suzie, and Rinoa are sitting on the couch.  Rinoa is talking on the phone.  Tifa, Jackie, and Red are hanging out at the bar.  Vincent is kinda just there.)

Yuffie:  "I win *again*!!" *does a victory dance*

Lark:  "@#$^!"

Barret:  "^@#%>@*&%!!"

Cid:  "@#$%*&//.com./&%@#<$$*^$#!!!"

Shell:  "Lark, watch your language!"

Cid:  "@$#*&^%$#?"

Yuffie:  "Alright Cid, one more rematch and *then* you give me all your materia."

Jackie:  "Hey crack whore, get off the phone!"

Rinoa:  "Why?  Do you have an unimportant call to make?"

Jackie:  "Grrrrr . . . "

(Sephiroth comes in)
Sephiroth:  "Hey woman, there's this weird girl here who--"

Amy and Suzie:  "SEPHY!!"

Sephiroth:  "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" *runs from the room with Amy and Suzie in hot pursuit*

(Rufus sweatdrops at the sight of the passing trio, then comes in)
Rufus:  "Lark?  There's a strange, sword-toting girl here and she--"

Lark:  "In a minute, Rufus.  Dang, Yuffie!  How do you manage to beat everyone without loosing any stock?!"

Yuffie: *grinning wildly* "Skill, my dear, skill."

Lark:  "You're cheating, aren't you."

Yuffie:  *still grinning* "Me? Cheat??"

Rufus:  *whining like a 5 year old* "Laaaarrk!  Come outside!  Don't you even care if Cloud gets killed?"

Tifa:  *looks up*

Lark:  "Since when do you give a damn about Cloud?"

Rufus:  "Since never.  But you might."

Lark:  "Oh fine, I'm coming."

(Everyone leaves except Yuffie and Cid, who are still playing.)

Yuffie:  "Quick!  Take advantage of the unattended characters!"

Cid:  "%$#@/*&<#/[%#$>!"


(In the woods, a girl with black, nearly shoulder-length hair and laughing blue eyes is picking flowers.  She's wearing a black t-shirt, a black skirt going just past her knees, white socks and
brown hiking boots.  Sephiroth comes barreling out of the brush.)

Sephiroth:  "Please, whoever-the-hell-you-are, hide me!!"

????:  *startled* "Uh well, ok, hide in those bushes."

(Sephiroth dives in the bushes.  Amy and Suzie come running up.)

Amy:  "Hey did you see a really hot guy with silver hair come past here?"

????:  "No, no one came past here."

Suzie:  "Damn!  He got away again!  Oh well, he'll show up eventually." *they leave*

Sephiroth:  "Are they gone?"

????:  "Yeah."

Sephiroth:  *crawls out of the bushes and stands up* " . . . Thanks."

????:  *giggles*

Sephiroth:  *brushing himself off* "What's so funny, woman?"

????:  "My name's Rhapsody.  You have leaves in your hair."

Sephiroth:  *picks the leaves and twigs out, grumbling* "I just washed it . . . "

Rhapsody:  *looks him over then laughs*

Sephiroth:  *irritated* "Why do you keep laughing at me?"

Rhapsody:  "You must be weaker than you look if you're scared of teenage girls."

Sephiroth:  "I'm not weak!!"

Rhapsody:  *laughs* "I didn't say you were. *pause* Say, have you seen my sister around?"

Sephiroth:  " . . . Maybe . . . What's she look like?"

Rhapsody:  "She's my identical twin, actually.  Exept she has longer hair and dresses kinda like you.  Her sword is on her back though."

Sephiroth:  " . . . Sounds like the girl Cloud's fighting."

Rhapsody:  *chuckles* "Probably.  She never was one to pass up a fight. *sees Sephy looking around*  Hmmm . . . You've got the look of someone who just ran around in any ol' direction in the forest with the one goal of getting away from two girls.  And now that you've lost them, you realize that you've also gotten yourself lost.  Correct?"

Sephiroth:  *blinks in astonishment* " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maybe . . . "

Rhapsody: *laughs* "Well come on!  Maybe if we hurry, we can see the end of the fight!" *runs

Sephiroth:  (thinks) "Why the heck am I being so nice . . . " *follows her*

(Back at the fight, Elegy and Cloud are still fighting, though both look like they're starting to get tired and battered.  Then Cloud uses Cross Slash and Elegy falls to one knee, breathing heavily and leaning on her sword.)

Elegy:  "You . . . win . . . "

Cloud:  *goes over to her* "You ok?"

Elegy:  "Yeah . . . I'll walk it off.  That was a great match though.  Wish I had a limit break . . . "

(They start chatting and Rhapsody and Sephy come out of the forest.)

Rhapsody:  "Elegy!"

Elegy:  "Sister!" *they hug*

Rhapsody:  *in a teasing tone* "Have you been picking fights again?"

Elegy:  "Yeah.  Oh, Cloud, this is my sister, Rhapsody.  Rhapsody, this is Cloud.  He just beat me in a sword match."

Rhapsody:  *giggles* "Hi Cloud!"

Cloud:  "Hi."

Sephiroth:  *looking at both sisters* " . . . You sure you're identical twins?"

Cloud:  "Identical twins?! *looks at both sisters* "Man, you two don't look anything alike!"

Elegy:  *laughs* "We've heard that before . . . "

Michelle:  "There's something different about Cloud . . . "

Seifer:  "Yeah.  For once he's acting normal and not drunk."

Reeve:  "Hey, there's one more now."

Squall:  "Whatever."

Seifer:  "Squall, can you say something besides 'whatever' for once?!"

Squall:  " . . . No."

Seifer:  "Thank you."

Squall:  "Whatever."

Seifer:  "Shut up!!"

(Rude, Laguna, Irvine, and Kiros are all in the weight room working out in various ways . . . And no, I am *not* making any sick implications :P)

Kiros:  "Hey Laguna, Ward says if strength were brains, you'd be dumber than Broli."

Laguna:  *looking around* "But Ward's not even here . . . "

Kiros:  "Ward says shut up."

Laguna:  "But Ward's not--"

Kiros:  "Shut up!"

Laguna:  " . . . "

Irvine:  "Who the hell is Broli?"

Rude:  " . . . Some DBZ villan, I think."

Irvine:  "Huh?  What's Dee Bee Zee?"

Rude:  " . . . "

(Barret comes in)

Barret:  "Yo!  Lark says for everyone to git yo asses outside!  Now!"

Irvine:  "Hey Barret, who's Broli?"

Barret:  "Quit askin' stupid questions and get out!"

Rude:  " . . . You lost at Smash Bros. again, didn't you."

Barret:  "Get outta here!!"

Kiros:  "Ward says you suck." (Barret hits him) "Ow!"

Laguna:  *looking around* "I still don't see Ward anywhere . . . "

(Anyway, eventually everyone has found their way outside and has introduced themselves . . . Zell has already gone back inside to eat stuff, and Michelle went to find Reno)

Lark:  "Rhapsody and Elegy . . . those are nice names."

Rhapsody:  *giggles* "Thanks!"

Elegy:  *smiles*

Rhapsody:  *goes over to Vincent and gives him the flowers she was picking* "You look lonely.  Here ya go!"

Vincent:  " . . . . . . . ." *takes the flowers* " . . . . . Thank you."

Rhapsody:  *laughs* "Your welcome!" *runs back into the forest, calls behind her:* "It was nice to meet you all!  See ya later!"

Vincent:  " . . . . . . " *smiles a little*

Cloud:  "What I'm curious to know is how you knew most of our names."

Elegy:  "I see you guys sometimes . . . at the baseball field . . . in the movie theater . . . coming back from wherever."

Shell:  "Cloud, are you drunk?"

Cloud:  *scratches head* "Huh?"

Shell:  " . . . Never mind."

(Later . . .
The ramble room is empty except for Red and Elegy.  Red is laying on the couch and Elegy is sitting in a chair with her back to the table.  Her eyes are closed, arms crossed, and she appears to be meditating.  Barret and Cid come in, holding a leash . . . )

Barret:  (in a sing-song voice) "Oh doggy . . . "

Red:  *looks scared*

Barret:  "Time for a walky . . . "

Cid:  "$#@%^*#>#@<!"

Red:  *starts sweating*

Barret: *advances* "Come here do-- Hey!!  What the %$#^--"

Cid:  *looks scared* "*&^%<$@*.(&$>*^/%!!"

(Barret and Cid have levitated off the ground and are surrounded by blue energy.  Elegy's arm is outstretched and surrounded by the same energy, and her eyes are glowing . . . Elegy waves
her arm in the direction of the door, and Barret and Cid are flung out into the hallway.  A crash is heard.)

Barret and Cid:  "Itai . . . "

Red:  *stunned silence*

Elegy:  *smiles* "You're welcome." *goes back to meditating*


Well there ya have it folks!  My first ramble, and of course, not the last . . . ^__^  I haven't figured out where to go with the story exactly, but I have some ideas *grins*  Oh yeah, "itai" means "ouch" in japanize!  I'll be using more of that language in future rambles ^-^
Bye for now! ^_^

Girl Next Door
By: Mikey

Zell:"All right, the girls are gone!  Take out the magazine!"


(They open the magazine and look through it)

Irvine:"This is issue #50, go to the bachelor party section!"

Cloud:"Oooh, look at this.  It's Scarlet!"

(Scarlet is dancing in front of Reeve, Heidegger, and Palmer with a
thong with her butt cheeks showing and no bra.)

Barret:That's somethin'.  The broad got's a fine body."

Cid:"You're damn right!  Let's see another one."

(They go to the gallery section)

Zell:"Get a load of this!"

(The boys see Aeris in a metal G-string, with her red jacket, but with
no bra meaning she's showing cleavage, and Tifa with a white bra and
also a metal G-string from behind with Tseng sitting on the computer
smiling at them.)

Vincent:"I haven't said this in a while, but Tifa has a fine ass."

Barret:"I never knew that Aeris' boobs were that big."

Laguna:"Look at this, guys!  Quistis is Miss September!"

(Quistis is lying on Costa Del Sol beach with no clothes on, but dollars
is covering  her.  And she's wearing sunglasses and a straw hat.)

Squall:"I think Rinoa should be on here."

(Cait Sith comes into the room)

Cait Sith:"Hey guys!  Can I look with you?"


(They punch Cait Sith out of the room)

Cloud:"That takes care of him.  I like this one."

(The guys see Elena totally naked standing between Reno and Rude who are

Cid:"So-So, but I expected her to have bigger t*ts."

Seifer:"Cid, Vincent, I think you better see this."

CId:"What the hell?"

(Cid & Vincent see Shera & Lucrecia with a strapless bra and and green
thongs they're putting their hands around each other)

VIncent:".....I don't know what to say."

Red XIII:"Look!  An ad for "Feel So Good Soap" and look who's on it!"

Cloud:"Yuffie! Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

(Yuffie is shown nude and taking a shower)

Kiros:"I'm alredy in love with her!"

Irvine:"Ooh La La!  My girl is on here!  Am I lucky or what?"

(They see Selphie in a flower thong with her cheeks expposed, and Irvine
curls his tounge around)

Ward:"Irvine, you are so crazy."

Squall:"I think my wish has come true.  But what's "HE" doing with her."

(Squall sees Rinoa lying bare in the mud, but Zack is puttting the mud
on her P-P area.)

Squall:"I wish I could put the mud on her, except I'd remove it!"

Siefer:"Dig this!"

(Xu is stripping down to her bikini front of her Male Garden Students)

Zell:"Get a load of that ass!"

Squall:"And Xu has some ferm br*asts!"

(The sounds of the girls can be heard coming upstairs)

Barret:"Oh $#!^!  They're comin'!  Put it away!  Put it way!"

(The boys hide it under a pllow.)

Priscilla:"Hi boys!  What are you up to?"

Cid:"Nothin', nothin' much.  Right, guys?"

Guys:"Right on!"

Quistis:"Okay, I hope you aren't up to someting sneaky."

Zell:"No, we're not.  All right guys let's go."

(All the boys leave the room, with Red XIII holding the pillow with the
magazine by his teeth)

Rinoa:"All right, they're gone.  Let's take it out!"

(They take out Issue #50  of Boy Next Door.  On the cover is Seifer
lying on top of the grass with a thong showing his cheeks, covering his
crack area)

Aeris:"In this one, Laguna and Squall Mud Wrestle Nude, I looked at this
one before, and I want to share it with you girls."

TIfa:"Too bad the boys don't know we're looking at them naked and

Girls:"Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee!"

Aeris:"And it shows Edgar and Sabin kissing each other in the shower."

Rinoa:"What the #@&! are we wating for?  Let's look before the guys come

(And so the girls are soaring through the magazine.)


The Little Flirt
By: Mikey

Marlene:"Irvine, take me out for some Ice Cream."

Irvine:"Sure, I don't mind.  Let's go."

Marlene:"Okay, I want Chocolate Ice Cream with gummy bears on top."

Irvine:"You got it!"

(Selphie is watching from afar, looking jealous)

Selphie:"Hmmph, why couldn't he take me out, but he had to take HER out!

(Squall and Zell are in the Garden gym, lifting weights, so Marlene
comes in)

Marlene:"Wow Squall, you sure got a fine bod.  Can I touch your nipple.

Squall:"Sure, right here."

Marlene:"And Zell, let me feel your muscles."

Zell:"Feel here."

Marlene:"Wow, you two are strong."

Squall:"We're going to the sauna, do you want to come with us, Marlene?"
Marelene:"Sure I do!"

Zell:"Don't worry, we'll make sure nothing happens!"

Marlene:"And can I come in the showers with you guys?"

Squall & Zell:"Certainly!"

(Rinoa and Quistis were watching the whole time, they're mad at what

Rinoa:"What's that little brat doing feeling my Squall's chest!"

Quistis:"And my Zell!  I'll show her."

Marlene:"Your hair feels so good, Cloud.  I can touch it all day!"

Cloud:"Feel it some more if it makes you comfortable."

Marlene:"Cloud, can I give you a kiss?"


(Marlene kisses Cloud tightly on the lips, but Tifa is watching
jealously from the window)

Tifa:"That Marlene!  I'll have to teach her that no one kisses Cloud but

Tifa:"She kisses my Cloud, she showers with Squall and Zell, and Irvine
takes her out for Ice Cream.  We have to stop her."


Rinoa:"Let's kill her!"

Selphie:"I know how!  Come with me!"

(The girls are discussing their plan)

(Marlene is walking on her way home when....)

Selphie:"Marlene, come here!"

Marlene:"Selphie, what's.....ACK!"

Quistis:"That's for feeling my Zell!"


Rinoa:"And  for showering with Squall!"



Selphie:"See Marlene, every time you flirt, we'll find you and torture
you some more!  Understand?"



(Marelene hurries her way on home)

Barret:"So sweetie, how was yer day."



Door:"Knock, Knock!"


Xu:"Barret, I'm here!"

(Ellone comes  in also)

Ellone:"Our date is tonight! Let's go!"

Xu:"But I'm dating him also!"

Ellone:"Huh?  That means you played us!"

Xu:"You dawg!"

Barret:"Wait, I can explain!"

(They start to beat up Barret and that is the conclusion of the story.)


Snaps on You
By: Mikey

Relm :Welcome to "Snaps on you!"  Get ready to laugh off so hard you'll break! Okay, it's Zell VS Rinoa!  Begin!

Rinoa:"Your mom is so ugly they had to put face into dough to make gorilla cookies!

(The Audience laughs)

Zell:"Okay, you're so slutty, when you heard Santa say"Ho Ho Ho", you thought you was getting it three times!

(Audience laughs)

Rinoa:"You're so greasy you sweat Crisco!"

(Audience laughs)

Zell:"You're so poor you wave a popsicle around and call it air conditioning!"

(Audience laughs)

Rinoa:"You're so ugly, you made an onion cry."

Zell:"You're so poor when I ring the doorbell, you say "Ding"!

(Audience laughs)

Relm:"Okay, that was it, next is Reno VS Rude, Go!"

Reno:"You're so bald, you got brainwashed in the shower!"

Rude:"You're so dumb you thought masturbation was a karate teacher!"

(Audience laughs)

Reno:"Your mom is so slutty, she was on the  cover of wheaties, with her legs open, and it said "breakfast of the champs!"

(Audience laughs hard)

Rude:"You're so dumb, you invited Cloud Barret and Tifa over for foreplay!"

(Audience laughs)

Reno:"You're so stupid you watch three stooges and take notes."

(Audience laughs)

Rude:"You're teeth are so yellow, you spit butter."

Reno:"You're so poor the last time you had a hot meal was when you're house was on fire!

(Audience laughs)

Relm:"Okay, last but not least, it's Cloud VS Barret.  Start.

Barret:"You're so white, you can go to you're own wedding naked."

Cloud:"You're so fat when I use the Fire Materia, you turn into bacon!

(Audience laughs)

Barret:"You're so white, you cry milk & fart chalks."

(Audience laughs)

Cloud:"You're so ugly, you turned Medusa into stone."

Barret:You're mom is so fat, she fell in love and broke it!"

Cloud:"You're so daughter is so short, she jumped off a toilet and sprained her ankle."

(Audience laughs)

Barret:"You're so nasty, when you called Yuffie for phone sex, you gave her an ear infection."

Cloud:"You're so fat,  I heard your wife met you at the pound."

(Audience cracks up)

Relm:"That's it!  Judges, let me see!  The winners of each round is: Zell, Reno, and Cloud!

Relm:"You three won an exclusive trip to Costa Del Sol!"

Zell, Reno, and Cloud:"Yay!"

Relm:"Okay that was fun.  Tomorrow night is:
Aeris VS Tifa
Squall VS Selphie
Irvine VS Vincent
Relm:"Good night!"


Parody of the Master Card Commercial
By: Angel Samantha

(warning first one is NOT for an Aeris fan) (second thing i am doing 4 of my favorite characters and one that i strongly dislike)  (I am including Gundam Wing, just for fun)

*shows Sephiroth holding Masamune*
Masamune-30,000 gil
*shows Seohiroth brushing his hair*
Hair stuff-4,000 gil
*shows Sephiroth killing Aeris*
Killing the over slutty flirt-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Shinra Card
*show Vincent's cape*
Custom-made Cape-1,000 gil
*shows Vincent's gun*
Gun-8,000 gil
*shows Vincent as a turk*
Being a Turk-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Shinra Card
*shows Rufus hopping into a helicopter*
Helicopter and a pilot-70,000 gil
*shows Rufus's fancy office*
Fancy office-80,000 gil
*shows Rufus*
Being this cute-Priceless
There are somethings money can't buy, for everything else there's Shinra card
*shows Reno holding his electro rod*
Electro Rod-7,000 gil
*shows Reno holding Ice materia*
Ice materia-800 gil
*shows Reno getting drunk with Rude and Elena*
Getting drunk with friends-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Shinra card
*shows Cait Sith's megaphone*
Megaphone-3 gil
*shows Cait Sith*
Cait Sith-1 gil
*shows Cait Sith getting killed*
Killing an annoying thing-Priceless
There are somethings money can't buy, for everything else there's Shinra Card
FF8- parody of Master Card
*shows Irvine holding his gun*
Gun-8,000 gil
*shows Irvine reading Girl Next Door*
Dirty Magazine-1,000 gil
*shows Irvine fighting Ultimicia*
Helping save the world-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everthing else there's Garden Card
*shows Seifer's gunblade*
Gunblade-8,000 gil
*shows Seifer's fishing pole*
Fishing pole-700 gil
*shows Seifer*
Being this cool-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Garden Card
*shows Zell's punching bag*
Punching bag-600 gil
*shows Zell's Triple Triad card deck*
Triple Triad Card Deck-800 gil
*shows Zell beating a monster with his bare hands*
Being this strong-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy for everything else, there's Garden Card
*shows Squall's jacket*
Leather jacket-3,000 gil
*shows Squall's  belts*
Belts-400 gil
*shows Squall dumping Rinoa*
Dumping a person cheating on you with your father-Priceless
There are somethings money can't buy, for everything else there's Garden card
((I have read Mikey's Parody and couldn't think of anything else to use))
*shows Selphie's ugly yellow dress*
Yellow dress-80 gil
*shows Selphie's drug collection*
Drugs to keep you high all the time-800,000 gil
*shows Selphie getting hit by a truck*
Hitting a girl who's always high-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everythingelse there's Garden Card
Gundam Wing-Master Card
*shows Trowa's hair*
Hair gel- 999 dollars
*shows Trowa in a clown outfit*
Clown outfit-80 dollars
*shows Trowa*
Being this Handsome-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Colony Card
*shows Duo's gundam*
Gundam Deathsythe-10,000,000 dollars
*shows Duo's hair shampoo*
Shampoo-20 dollars
*shows Duo being funny*
Being this funny-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy for everything else there's Colony Card
*shows Heero's gun*
Gun-100 dollars
*shows Heero's spandex*
Spandex that survive anything-200 dollars
*shows Heero killing OZ dolls*
Killing dolls with one blow-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy, for everything else there's Colony Card
*shows Quatre's group who built Wing ZERO*
Group of hired men-50,000 dollars
*shows Quatre's pink shirt*
Pink shirt-30 dollars
*shows Quatre leading the group when Heero told him to*
Leading the Gundam Pilots-Priceless
There are something you can't buy, for everything else there's Colony Card
*shows Wufei's katana*
Katana-700 dollars
*shows Wufei's Chinese outfit*
Chinese outfit-800 dollars
*shows Wufei hugging Nataku*
Loving a Gundam-Priceless
There are somethings you can't buy for everything else there's Colony Card


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