Irvine Kinneas was the big man at Galbadia Garden. At least he liked to think so. There were two things in life Irvine prized above all else: guns and women. He was an expert marksman and was not ashamed to brag about it. He was also an expert flirt, and every girl in Garden knew it. Still, who could resist the tall, auburn haired Kinneas with the lazy smile and charm oozing from every pore? Not many, and Irvine seldom lacked female companionship. Yes, it was true. Irvine was very happy at Galbadia Garden, especially with the test to qualify to take the SeeD exam approaching. Irvine had been practicing very hard in order to pass. He was fit. He was cocky. He was ready.

    Garden was no slouch when it came to  standards. The candidates eventually promoted to SeeDs were only the best of the best. Last year only three students who took the exam passed. Irvine was certain that this year he would be one of those. There were three sections to the SeeD exam, a training center prerequisite which nearly everyone passed, a written test, which a large percentage failed and the final SeeD field exam, which almost everyone failed. Those who passed all these grueling tests were promoted to SeeD, the elite mercenary force of Garden who were dispatched around the world to work for profit.

    Irvine Kinneas, the lone wolf of Galbadia Garden, really did not have any friends of his own gender. Most of the guys avoided him, but Irvine liked to think he avoided them. They were just jealous that he got all the girls. However, there was this one kid, Trowa, who was a year younger than Irvine. Trowa liked to follow Irvine around because he wanted to be just like him. Afterall, it was widely known around school that Irvine was going to be a SeeD this year for sure. Plus, he got all the girls. If Trowa hung around him he would learn from 'the master'. Trowa wanted to be just like Irvine, and he didn't try to hide it.

    "Hey, Kinneas!"

    Irvine turned and stopped to allow Trowa to catch up with him. "Howdy, partner."

    "Hey, my instructor says I have enough credits to take the SeeD prerequisite tomorrow," Trowa reported. "Even though I don't think I have a chance, it's still a good experience. Plus it'll give me a chance to observe the master."

    Irvine tipped his hat and grinned. "Of course." He began walking again, Trowa by his side.

    "Do you think it'll be hard tomorrow?" asked Trowa.

    Irvine shook his head. "Nah, only for kids that didn't do shit all year."

    "Think I have a chance?" Trowa asked hopefully.

    "Course ya do, kid," Irvine replied, waving to a few passing girls. "You're a hard worker. Just don't get your hopes up."

    "Why hello, Irvine Kinneas."

    Irvine stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that seductive female voice anywhere. Gallantly he spun around and tipped his hat with a charming smile. "Why good afternoon, Eva. Don't we look beautiful today."

    Eva smiled back at him. She was truly one of the most beautiful girls in Garden. Tall, with wavy dark brown hair and inviting green eyes, she had built quite a reputation. "You ready for tomorrow?"

    "I was born ready," Irvine answered casually.

    She raised her eyebrows. "Well I can see that. If you're not going anything later, maybe you can stop by my dorm room and we'll discuss strategy."

    Irvine had to try hard not to start drooling. "Now that's an offer I can't refuse."

    She winked at him. "See you later."

    Irvine watched her walk away, his jaw hanging open.

    Trowa watched Irvine with a worried expression. "Are you sure you want to do that, Irvine? You know she's done everybody."

    With a broad grin, Irvine patted his little friend on the back. "Add me to the list.

    "Some strategy discussion that was," Irvine gasped, shaking his head. "Whoa."

    Eva smiled at him. "I've had my eye on you for awhile."

    He leaned over to kiss her. "Well I'm sure glad you did."

    She kissed him back before asking, "what time is it?"

    Irvine glanced at the clock. "Whoa! It's ten o'clock!" He jumped out of bed and gathered up his clothes. "I've gotta get back to my room before curfew."

    "Well come back and discuss strategy anytime you want," she told him, as she sat propped up on her arm.

    "You can count on me," he assured her with a lopsided grin. "Have you seen my hat?"

    Once Irvine had all his clothing he quickly headed for the boys dorms. He was almost safe when he was spotted.

    "Mr. Kinneas!" a shrill voice broke out.

    Damn, Irvine thought, turning around with a laborious sigh. Martine, the headmaster of Galbadia Garden, was so strict. Irvine wasn't his biggest fan. "Yes, Headmaster Martine?"

    Martine frowned and crossed his arms. "It's after hours, Mr. Kinneas. Where were you coming from?"

    "The training center," Irvine lied. Hey, it's not really untrue...

Martine gave him a disbelieving look. "Why is it you are coming from the direction of the girls dorms then?"

    Irvine tipped his hat. "Well, a lady friend and I were training for the exam tomorrow. I walked her to her dorm. What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?"

    Martine shook his head sadly. "Very well, Mr. Kinneas. Go rest up for your exam tomorrow."

    Irvine tipped his hat again. "Good night, sir." He turned around and went into his dorm, but not before muttering "jerk" under his breath.

    Irvine was waiting in the library promptly at eight the following morning. All the other students who were scheduled to take the exam had gathered, waiting for the team assignments. Rumor was that new monsters had been adding to the training center especially for the exam.

    Irvine wove his way through the crowd, which wasn't too difficult, basically because the crowd seemed to part and let him pass, as though he was either too unbearable to be near, or too mighty to be touched.

    "Oh, Irvine!" a familiar voice called out to him.

    "Yeah, over here, Kinneas!" another voice joined in.

    Irvine smiled and easily made his way over to Eva and Trowa who stood together in the corner.

    "Why you look so handsome in your uniform," Eva commented, running a finger down his arm.

    Irvine didn't like his uniform much. It meant he couldn't wear his hat. "You look equally gorgeous yourself," he commented.

    "You aren't nervous at all, huh Kinneas," Trowa commented.

    Irvine shrugged. "Nah. This one's in the bag."

    "I'm real nervous," Trowa said, fidgeting with his uniform sleeves. "I want to do well."

    "I'm a big nervous myself," Eva added, "but don't worry, everyone here is nervous. Everyone but Irvine that is."

    "Hey, I've got my gun." He patted it fondly. "What have I to fear? It never misses."

    Eva patted her hip, where her whip lazily hung from her belt. "I'm prepared."

    Irvine raised his eyebrows and grinned devilishly. "Why didn't you use that last night?"

    Before she could respond, Trowa interrupted. He was gripping the handle of his gun so tightly his knuckles were white. "Look, here they come."

    The Garden staff glided into the room, and immediately silenced everyone.

    "Here are your team assignments. Once you have your assignment gather with your team members and head immediately for the training center."

    Irvine waited for his name, hoping he had been teamed with two cute girls.

    ".....squad F: Eva Mystike, Trowa Ellis, and squad leader, Irvine Kinneas."

    Irvine grinned and turned to his friends. "Well if this isn't our lucky day."

    Irvine waited outside the training center doors with his fellow squad members. He was very proud to be named squad leader, and would be sure to lead his team with pride.

    Trowa paced, ringing his hands. "What kind of monsters do you think they added?" he asked Irvine nervously. "Think they're powerful?"

    Irvine shrugged. "Not too strong. Afterall, they *still* won't let us use GF's."

    "Yeah, what a rip," Eva sighed. "We can't junction them till the SeeD exam. *If* we ever get there."

    Irvine casually leaned back against the wall. "Well it won't be long for me."

    "I wish I had your confidence," she replied. "You're the best marksman in the whole Garden, Irvine, probably in *any* Garden." Eva shook her head, smiling. "It's just not fair."

    "Squad F! Please report for the exam. Repeat, squad F! Please report to the front!"

    "Oh yeah!" Irvine exclaimed punching his fist into the air in triumph. "Let's go."

    "Oh crap...." Trowa muttered nervously, the color draining from his face like water from a faucet. "Never mind. I don't want to do this." He tried to walk away, but Irvine grabbed him by the shoulder.

    "No backin' out now, partner," he said with a confident grin. "We've got a mission ahead of us."

    Trowa swallowed the lump in his throat and head out after Irvine.
    "This here's squad F," Irvine reported.

    The Garden staff member frowned at him. "Squad F. you are to proceed through the training center, destroying all monsters that block your path. When you are finished report directly back to the library for the results. Is that understood?"

    Irvine nodded. "Sure thing."

    "Very well. Proceed."

    The great metal doors swung open revealing a lush, tropical jungle. Irvine smiled. This was gonna be a snap.

    Irvine sauntered along, Trowa and Eva creeping along ahead of him, weapons in hand. Trowa reacted to every little sound and glanced back and forth as though the devil himself would leap out at them. Irvine laughed to himself, watching him.

    "Is the monster count controlled?" Eva asked, keeping her voice low. "Why haven't we seen anything yet?"

    "Do you think squad E is still in here?" Trowa asked, keeping his ears open for any screams of terror.

    "Would you two relax?" Irvine commented.

    There was a large snap of a branch breaking, and even Irvine had to jump. He lowered his gun and began to get serious. The period of acting casually was over. Irvine may take many things lightly, but when it came to fighting there were no jokes.

    Trowa turned to where the noise had come from. "What was that?"

    Everyone listened, but there was only silence.

    "Stay alert," Irvine ordered, his personality transformation apparent. "I don't want anyone gettin' hurt."

    They began to creep forward again, but had only taken a few steps before something jumped out of the bushes and landed directly in front of them.

    "A grendel!?" Eva exclaimed, backing up a step. "Are they crazy?!"

    The grendel was a very strong dragon, whose physical attacks were very powerful. Irvine couldn't believe they would put a creature this strong against them. Suddenly he was scared. Suddenly he was *very* scared.

    "Irvine, what do we do?" Trowa yelled, pointing his gun at the creature.

    Irvine's mouth was dry. "Uh...."

    "Irvine!" Eva yelled. "Wake up! What's wrong with you?!"

    If I don't kill this thing I can't pass the exam. If I don't pass this exam I can't be a SeeD. Oh I wish I hadn't said all those things. I didn't think this would happen....but everyone's relying on me and I just can't take the pressure....


    The grendel leaped at Trowa, who shot at the creature but missed. The dragon began slashing at the poor, trapped boy with it's sharp claws.

    "Irvine, shoot it!" Eva yelled.

    But Irvine couldn't even lift his gun. All he could do was stare in horror at the scene before him, his arms shaking terribly, and whisper the words he thought he's never have to say. "I can't."

    "Trowa, are you okay? Do you need another cure spell?" Eva helped Trowa out of the training center as Irvine dragged behind, still in shock. Eva had saved the day by hitting the creature with a blizzard spell, and then together the three of them destroyed the creature, once Irvine had come back to reality. Now Trowa had been injured, and it was all his fault. True, his gun never missed it's target, but only when he was able to shoot it. The rest of the exam had gone fine, but....

    "No, I'm all right," Trowa assured her. "Thanks."

    "No problem." She turned to Irvine, a very annoyed look in her eyes. "What the hell happened back there, Irvine? What happened to the cool, calm and collected buy who was so confident before the exam?"

    Irvine looked at her sadly. "I said I was sorry. Leave me alone."

    Trowa limped over to a nearby bench and sat down with a sigh, his blonde hair falling in his face. "Ah. What I need is a good hi-potion."

    Eva was still glaring at Irvine. "What a phony."

    Irvine's eyes flashed angrily. "Listen, I had no control over what happened back there. It never happened before. How do you think I feel?"

    Eva was taken back. "....Sorry, Irvine."

    Irvine plopped down on the bench, his head in his hands. "Not as sorry as I am," he mumbled so no one could hear.

    "Yo!" some kid running by called to them, "the results of the exam are up!"

    "Well what are we waiting for?" Eva asked.

    Trowa got to his feet. "Come on, Kinneas, look, you still passed I bet. What would they fail you for? I didn't get knocked out or anything."

    Irvine nodded. True. They weren't going to fail him. They needed his skill too much. His confidence restored, he followed his comrades to the library.

    The lists were posted on the back wall, but IRvine could see the long list of names from the entrance. Most of the other students looked relieved and excited to have passed to the next level, but a few were obviously disappointed.

    Irvine felt as though all eyes were on him as he approached the board. He ignored it, and smiled confidently as he strode past everyone.

    Irvine located Trowa and Eva's names right away, and he was glad to see the whole squad had made it. Now where was his name.....slowly his eyes glided over the neatly printed pages. Where.....was he?

    "Irvine....." Trowa breathed, gray eyes wide, "you're not here."

    Irvine's  heart froze and he was suddenly very dizzy. Again his frantic eyes hunted the pages for a last hope, but the name 'Irvine Kinneas' was nowhere to be found. could this happen? He had been so confident! Was this all over his momentary freeze? Why that could have happened to anyone, and they couldn't just hold back the best sharpshooter in Garden over a silly thing like that. He would fight this. Everyone knew he should have been the first name on that list, so why wasn't he?

    Behind him he could hear the snickers of the other mail students. Irvine clenched his fists. If only they knew. It wasn't fair. He shouldn't be here right now, staring blankly at the sheets, trying to see something that wasn't there.

    "Irvine...." he could see Eva staring at him from the corner of his eye. "Are you okay?"

    Irvine forced a smile and a nod. "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." He turned. "I'm going to see the headmaster." Although he felt the urge to run crying from the room, Irvine strode back through the jeering crowd with the same facade of confidence he had come in with.

    Martine was not particularly thrilled to see Irvine. With a  laborious sigh he posed the question, "what is it, Kinneas?"

    Irvine clenched his teeth. "Listen. I know I'm not your favorite student, but that's no excuse to fail me."

    Martine shook his head. "That's not why we failed you."

    Irvine simply gaped at him for a minute. "But, but I'm the best marksman in school! You couldn't afford to fail me!"

    "Obviously we could," Martine replied evenly, "a marksman who becomes too scared to shoot off his weapon is useless, no matter how good he is."

    "Is that what this is about?" Irvine exclaimed. "That slight hesitation?!"

    "That so called 'slight hesitation' is keeping you from continuing on with the exam," Martine pointed out, "so obviously it was of more importance than you think."

    "Why did you fail me?" Irvine demanded.

    "It is expected that the leader of a squad keep calm in any situation and be able to give orders. What you demonstrated, Mr. Kinneas, was an inability to do anything at all. Your team mates relied on you for instruction, but you were unable to respond. Quick action is keen, Irvine. Sometimes even a second makes a difference."

    "So I'm not a leader," Irvine admitted. "I'll accept someone else as my leader. Just let me take the written test."

    Martine shook his head. "No, Irvine. All SeeDs must demonstrate leadership qualities. Until you do so, you will not be a SeeD. Become comfortable with pressure situations, or remain a student."

    Irvine had nothing to say. He had been so could he let the pressure get to him? Now he was paying for it....if only he had acted....

    "Will that be all?" Martine asked, obviously hinting at Irvine to leave.

    Irvine glared daggers at the headmaster. "I hate this school. I hate SeeD. And most of all, I hate you."

    Martine looked taken back. "Mr. Kinneas! Apologize for that at once!"

    "No," Irvine snapped. "Go ahead and kick me out!" With those words he stormed out of the headmaster's office.

    He would take no sympathy. Eva tried to make him feel better, but nothing could heal his wounded ego. Everyone at Garden made jokes about him now. The name 'cowboy coward' had been spread around, much to his dismay. And it was the way that Trowa looked at him now that hurt him most. His face, which had once shown so much admiration, now only had a questioning look about it, as if  he was thinking 'this pathetic phony was who I looked up to for so long?'

    But Irvine was no phony. He had truly been confident until that Grendel leaped into his life, tearing his dreams to shreds with it's claws. The pressure he had put on himself and that other placed on him had been deafening. how could he be expected to act? It wasn't as if it would happen again. Martine just wanted to be spiteful. And Irvine was most certainly capable of making the headmaster miserable in return.

    The SeeD field exam was over. Trowa had not passed the written part, and would have to try again next year, but Eva had advanced to the next level and passed. She and three others were promoted to SeeD level. Tonight there would be a party, but Irvine wasn't planning to attend until he got his revenge on Martine.

    While everyone was at the party, Irvine snuck into the headmaster's office and lay his eyes upon Martine's brand new, highly expensive leather chair. He had often overheard the headmaster talking about how comfortable it was. Now it would make a welcome addition to Irvine's dorm. Irvine laughed to himself as he wheeled the chair back to his room. I want to see the headmaster's expression when he realizes his chair is gone, he thought. There was no doubt Martine would know who swiped it right away, but he just loved to torment the old stiff.

    Once the chair was safely locked away, Irvine headed for the party, dressed in his cowboy best. He wouldn't do Martine the honor of wearing his uniform.

    "Irvine!" Eva came over to him, smiling. "I'm glad to see you. I thought maybe you wouldn't come."

    Irvine returned the smile. "And miss seeing you in your SeeD uniform?" He winked at her. "I think not."

    "You're back to your old self," she commented. "I'm glad."

    Irvine shrugged. I had my revenge.

    "So, would you like to dance?"

    Irvine topped his hat. "I'd love to."

    "Thanks for giving my chair a workout, Kinneas," Martine commented as he he watched Irvine wheel the object back into his office the next afternoon.

    Irvine mumbled obsenitites under his breath, glared at the headmaster and turned to go.

    "Irvine, wait," Martine called to him.

    Irvine sighed and laboriously turned back around. "Yes?"

    "I'm sending you away on a mission," Martine explained. "Pack your things."

    "What?! You're just trying to get rid of me."

    "Irvine, I'm being completely serious. There are some SeeD's from Balamb Garden here, and they have orders to carry out a very important mission. They will require a sniper, and since none of them posses that skill, you are to accompany them."

    Irvine blinked several times. "So I can hang *out* with SeeDs, but I can't be one? What kind of mission is this?"

    "I will explain it to everyone at once. Go wait for me in front of the school."

    Irvine crossed his arms. "This isn't a suicide mission, is it?"

    "Listen, Irvine," Martine sighed, obviously growing annoyed. "I thought you might like to get away from Galbadia for awhile. I think this will be a good experience for you. You don't have to go if you really don't want to. I'll find someone else."

    Irvine thought a minute. He truly could use some time away from this Garden and all the mocking jerks within it, not to mention Martine. "You trust me no to freeze and screw up everything?" Irvine challenged.

    "There is no room for error with this mission. We need to send the best sharp shooter in the Garden, regardless of rank. You're the best, Irvine. Now, do you accept?"

    He thought a moment more. New people from a new Garden. They wouldn't know a thing about what had happened at the exam. Martine was giving him a chance to start over again, whether he knew it or now. "Sure. I don't want to stick around his hell hole any longer."

    Martine smiled in relief. "Good. Now report to the front of the school and wait for me."

    Irvine made an overdone salute and marched from the room.

    "Where are you going?" Trowa asked as he watched Irvine pack.



    "Headmaster Martine is sending me on some mission with SeeDs from the sticks."

    "A SeeD mission?" Trowa was surprised. "Really?"

    Irvine slung his bag over his shoulder. "Yup. I'm gettin' outta this dump. Gonna see the real world."

    "Going to get away from all the guys that hate you," Trowa added.

    Irvine shrugged. "I'm misunderstood." He headed out of the door. "See ya, kid."

    "Bye, lone wolf," Trowa replied.

    Irvine smiled. Lone wolf. That had a nice ring to it.

    Eva spotted him leaving and called to him. "Where you going, Irvine?"

    He stopped and looked over at her. "I've been sent on a mission."

    "A mission? What kind of mission?"

    He shrugged. "Something with SeeDs from Balamb. I didn't get the whole story."

    "Oh wow. You get to go on a SeeD mission, and you're not even a SeeD."

    Irvine shrugged. "I ain't complainin'."

    She took hold of his arm. "Don't go and get yourself killed."

    He gave her a lazy grin. "Don't you worry about me, baby."

    She gave him a quick kiss and waved to him once more before heading away.

    Irvine trudged outside and plopped down in the grass, staring up at the sky. He may be the best sharpshooter in Garden, but Irvine knew very well Martine was sending him away because he hated him. It was that simple. Martine didn't trust him, but Irvine would make sure he did his job right. What happened back in the training center would not be repeated.

    A butterfly glided by and Irvine watched it. This was his chance to fly away from Galbadia Garden and make a name for himself. When he did return he would take the test and become a SeeD. He would not get shot down again.

    "Kinneas! Irvine Kinneas!"

    Irvine heard Martine calling his name. This was it, see ya Galbadia Garden. Irvine let the butterfly land on his finger, and pretended to shoot it. Oh yeah, the sniper was ready for whatever was coming.

    He picked himself off the ground, shouldered his gun and smiled. Then the lone wolf went to join his new pack.

                                                                            THE END....

(Sequel? Maybe...)

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