"I think General Sephiroth is gay."

    Cloud Strife, aged sixteen years and a candidate for SOLDIER, nearly spat out what he was drinking at his friend Zack's words. He swallowed quickly, eyes wide, and gasped, "what?!"

    Zack, a handsome seventeen year old with dark hair and bright, sparkling eyes, threw back is head and laughed at the blonde's reaction. "Yeah! You heard me."

    Cloud hesitated, leaning forward slightly as he asked, "what makes you say that?"

    "You know that Turk? I think his name is Tseng. The one with the long dark hair?"

    He nodded.

    "Well, he went in to 'discuss pressing matters' with the General, and when I walked by later I heard moaning coming from his room and some other...um...noises that can only mean sex."

    Cloud licked his lips. "Oh?"

    "Yeah." The older boy laughed again. "Plus, I heard rumors he used to go with this Turk Vincent or somethin'."

    "Mm." Cloud murmured, only half listening. General Sephiroth *is* good looking, and if it will help me get ahead into SOLDIER...

     "Hello! Planet to Cloud!" Zack exclaimed, disturbing the blonde's thoughts. "You listenin', man?"

    Cloud looked back at his empty plate. "Yeah, sure."

    Zack just grinned after a moment, eyes sparkling as he leaned back in his chair. "You're gay too, aren't ya."

    "No!" blushed Cloud, frantically trying to deny the accusations. "No, no, no."

    "Yes you are," persisted the older teen. "Come on, Cloud. 'Fess up. You can tell me. I don't give a flying rat's ass who you wanna fuck."

    Cloud sighed sadly. "Yeah. I am."

    "So...what's the problem?"

    "Nothing." Cloud got up, gathering his tray. "I'll talk to you later."

    "Cloud! Wait!"

    But the blonde cadet was already gone.

    As it looks now, I'll never pass my exams to get into SOLIDER. If I suck up to the General, then maybe I'll have a chance..... Cloud walked quickly to where the General was staying. I hope he doesn't brush me off because I'm young. He's so beautiful, I'd give him whatever he wanted.

    The young blonde reached the General's room and stood motionless as he listened.

    The General was most certainly busy. Cloud listened, completely wide eyed at the sounds coming from the other side. There was some extremely loud moaning, followed by heavy panting, then a guttural growling noise.

    "Vincent!" the name rang out, clear as a bell, and Cloud froze in place.

    For a minute or two there was silence.

    "I'm sorry," Cloud could hear the General's voice easily. "I said his name again."

    "It's all right." The reply was accompanied by a sigh. "I was so close to saying *his*."

    Cloud knew he shouldn't have been listening, but he had no will to move.

    "Tseng... I'm so sorry. It's a hard thing."

    "God dammit... You know, I sometimes wish I didn't love him so damn much."

    "He needs you. You know that."

    "I do. And I'll do anything he asks of me."

    "I think he knows how lucky he is."

    There was the rustling of sheets. "I shouldn't even be here."

    "That's my fault. I needed some...comfort. And all I did was scream his name." He sighed. "Tseng, I'm so sorry."

    "It doesn't matter to me and Reeve doesn't care anyway. I owe you a countless amount of favors, Sephiroth. Whatever you wish."

    "I thank you."

    There was a pause. "I must be getting back to Midgar."

    "Of course."

    "....Will you be all right?"

    "I will live as I have all these years."

    Cloud couldn't stand anymore of the conversation and he ran off to take care of his erection, vowing to return the following day.

    "Come in."

    Cloud was practically shaking as he knocked on the door to the General's quarters the following afternoon. When he heard the deep, rich baritone respond he nearly fell over, consumed with nerves. He went in slowly, and closed the door behind him. As soon as he did so, he knew there was no turning back.

    The General was at his desk, and he looked up when the teenager entered. "Oh, hello, Cloud. Is something the matter?"

    For a moment the young man was speechless. "Oh, no," he replied finally. "Nothing's wrong."

    Sephiroth shot him a curious glance. "Then what may I ask brings you here--Cloud, is it?"

    "Um...yes," the blonde answered. "Yes, my name is Cloud."

    "Just a moment," said Sephiroth. "Let me just take of this and we can talk." The general picked up a pen and began writing on whatever piece of paper was in front of him.

    Or maybe we won't, Cloud thought. Drawing a deep breath, he confidently walked over behind the general, brushing long strands of silky silver hair off the older man's neck.

    "Cloud, what--" the general began, putting down his pen.

    He didn't get to finish whatever he was going to say, because before he could, the young SOLDIER-wannabe leaned over and began sucking at his neck.

    Cloud waited to die. He waited to be pushed off, kicked and the ribs, right then and there. But dying would be better than facing the humiliation of not making it in.

    Needless to say he was shocked when the general's reaction to his ministrations was a soft moan. Then Sephiroth bent his head back, giving the younger man better access.

    And Cloud took it. He kissed his superior's neck with more insistency, coming across and kissing up the front of his neck. Sephiroth's arms went around him, effortlessly lifting the boy and sliding him onto his lap, directing Cloud's lips to his.

    It was an explosion when their lips touched. Cloud felt his entire body shudder with desire as the general's tongue forcefully explored his mouth, fighting and quickly winning dominance. Whimpering softly, he pressed his chest to Sephiroth's, feeling strands of silver between his fingers.

    Sephiroth broke the kiss with a growl, his hard, electric green eyes meeting the young man's wide blue ones. "You want me?"

    The question only aroused Cloud further. "Yes... Oh, yes..."

    Without wasting another moment the general was on his feet, taking Cloud with him and untucking the boy's shirt, and lifting it over his head.

    Boy, this is moving fast. The thought flashed through Cloud's mind as Sephiroth shed his own shirt and grabbed for him, attacking the young man with his lips. The blonde groaned as the general kissed him urgently and deeply, taking hold of his hips and backing him towards the door that led to his adjoining quarters. Lips still fused together, Sephiroth maneuvered them into the other room, slamming the door shut with his foot as his tongue plundered Cloud's mouth.

    The young man rested his hand on his superior's broad shoulders, kissing back and inching backwards as Sephiroth instructed him too by sliding a leg between his and effectively nudging in just the right place. Cloud moaned loudly, mind short circuiting as a million different thoughts collided in his mind. There were so many questions, and his nervous system was far too overloaded to bother answering them.

    With one more nudge in the crotch Cloud was on his back on Sephiroth's bed, the older man over him, kissing him, his hands tangled in blonde hair, leg still between the younger man's.

    A loud groan escaped Cloud's lips as Sephiroth broke the kiss, ravenously sliding his lips down his neck, rubbing his leg between his subordinates.

    "Yes... Yes..." Cloud hissed, tangling his hands in silver hair as the general's lips traveled over his slightly muscular chest. He felt himself growing more and more aroused by the second, a sheen of sweat was creeping upon his skin as he gasped for more.

    Sephiroth licked, nipped, kissed, and sucked his way over the expanse of the blonde's chest, strong hands holding him firmly down on the bed. When he reached the barrier of Cloud's pants he stopped, hesitating a moment before pressing a hand against what lay beneath.

    The blonde let out a cry, bucking under the older man's hands. "Yes! Please!"

    But he didn't. Sephiroth hesitated, bypassing the pants and instead going back to reclaim Cloud's lips. He was somewhat gentler this time around, lacking the predatory movements of the previous kisses. This time he was almost caring, stroking the blonde's cheek as he moaned softly into his mouth, rubbing against him.

    Cloud rubbed back, more urgently, dying to shed the rest of their clothes and be fucked senseless. Five minutes ago Sephiroth was moving fast enough to make him dizzy. Why was he hesitating now?

    The general tore his lips away from the younger man's and began kissing down the lean, sweat slicked body once more.

    "Please..." Cloud begged, once more tangling his hands in Sephiroth's hair. "Please, sir. Fuck me..."

    Sephiroth groaned, stopping once more at the closure of Cloud's pants. He hesitated before reaching for the zipper, and Cloud cried out, arching his back. The general heaved a sigh, let go of the key to the final barrier and stood up, shaking his head.

    "I can't."

    Cloud sat up, gasping. "What? Why?"

    Pushing some silver hair out of his face, Sephiroth shook his head again. "I'm sorry. I can't."

    The blonde had a million things to say, but he couldn't figure out which one he wanted to get out of his mouth first, and he just stuttered. "Uh....umm..." Swallowing, he tried again. "Uh, sir, did I do anything wrong."

    "No." The word was cold, and the silver haired general turned away. "I assure you it is not you."

    What was he to do? "Um...all right." Cloud crawled off the bed and onto his feet. "Good day, sir."

    Sephiroth didn't answer, and Cloud left a very confused young man.

    Cloud walked down the hallway after leaving the general's office, frowning and wondering what had happened back there. He was so close...

    "Hey, Cloud! There ya are. Where ya been all day?" Zack's eyes shimmered as he caught up to his friend. "I've been lookin' for ya."

    "Hey, Zack. I wasn't doing anything." Cloud sighed, somewhat glad to see his pal. "What's up?"

    The dark haired boy laughed, eyes looking down at the blonde. "I should say the same about you."

    "Huh?" Cloud looked down and blushed as red as a tomato. Well this is great, he thought, what's he gonna think now? He looked back up again, having no words.

    "Come on, buddy," Zack said as he put an arm around the younger man's shoulders. "I think we better talk."

    Cloud walked with his friend back to his quarters and wondered just what his friend wanted to talk about.

                                                                                                THE END
