Karate Kids

( Lark , Sephiroth , Rufus , And Red are in the ramble room Lark is laying on the couch arguing with sephiroth ,  Rufus is drawing a butterfly and Red is laying by the couch )

Lark: Sephiroth quit being so ass lancing

Sephiroth: No! , Give me the damn couch woman!

Lark: Does it say your name on it?

Sephiroth: Uhhhh no.....JUST GET OFF

Lark: Sephy-sama , Theres a picture of me for you in my room....*wink*

Sephiroth: Right * He walks away *

( Suddenly Cid and Barret walk in dressed as karate ninjas )

Red: Oh no.

Barret: Yo ya foolz need ta know how to fight! so me and Cid are gonna teacha asses

Cid: @%^#&*(%@&&*!!

Barret: Damn Straight!

Lark: Um , i am bored so ok!

Barret: Now wheres that Dragon Fly?

Cid: *Notices Him* %*#$%^&%$!!!! *Points to him*

Barret: *Grabs his ass and chains him up* This here Car need ta learn too , So we teaching his fury ass too!

Sephiroth:  Um i don't need them i got my masamune you idiot!

Barret: Yes you do you silverback gorilla

Sephiroth: -.-;

Red: Welcome to my world.

Rufus: I got butterfly power! *Holds up his crappy drawing of a butterfly that he calls Shinras Guard Butterfly* He will whoop all of you!

Sephiroth: Right whats he gonna do ta us kick are asses with his wings?

Rufus: *Whines* Lark! tell Sephiroth to quit being so mean to me!

Lark: *Hugs him* Awwww poor rufy *Kisses him*

Sephiroth: Grrrrrrrr.

( Suddenly Zell runs in for no damn reason )

Barret:  Where da hell are all dem animals coming from , first a stupid Dragon Fly , Than a Gorilla , Now a stupid Shark!

Zell: *Flips out* What did you call me?!

Barret: I'm gonna teach you how ta fight!

Cid: &*@#$&*()#%!!!

Barret: Yeah , Than ya can kick Seifers ass!

Zell: Ok.

( Moments later they are all in karate uniforms Lark is wearing Pink and white , Sephiroth Black and Grey , Zell Red and Blue , Rufus Pink and yellow , Red Orange and blue )

Barret: Yo cid hit the damn music!

Cid:*Hits the play button* ^&*%$#!

( And Carl Douglas's Kung Fu Fighting Plays )

Zell: Yeah!

Barret: Ok Gorilla do this! *He Makes an atempt to kick the ceiling but falls on Red*

Barret: Yeah do dat!

Sephiroth: *Gets in front of Lark and kicks falling onto her*

Sephiroth: *Grins*

Barret: Ok lets skip this , Scrimage! Yo Dragon Fly Dude go fight dat Butterfly Guy!

Rufus: Ha! *Goes to kick red but red simply ducks and rufus falls and red sighs*

Rufus: Owie!

Barret: Ok i'll show ya losers how ta kick dis here Dragon Flys Ass! *Hurls him self at Red and red once again ducked barret colided with cid*

Barret: Now that Dragon Fly can fight

Zell: Time for the pro *Zell attempts to punch Red but he hits rufus instead* Oops!

Rufus: Owie! * a 2345 sign appears over his head *

Red:* Bites Zell * Imbecile.......

Zell: *Runs Off Screaming*

Barret: Gorilla! Go kick dat Dragon Flys ass.

Sephiroth: Ok! *He goes to slice at Red but Red just dodges it gaining a limit break the words Cosmo Cry appears over Reds head*

Sephiroth: Ack! No hit Rufus*Grabs Rufus and Red hits him*

Lark: *Hops over to Red and tickles his tummy and red laughs so hard he passed out* Hah!

Barret: *Jaw Drops* How did ya do dat ta dat ass kickin Mongoose!?

( Reno than charges in with a flask in his hand )

Barret: Yo look its Carrot top!

Reno: My flask is empty*sobs*

Barret: Wussy - Man ya need some damn lessons too!

( Minutes later )

Reno: *Whines* Why do i have to wear Pink Yellow White And Purple!

Barret: Its all we have left.

Reno: Grrrrrrr

Barret: Ok man yo drunk dude go fight that gay butterfly guy!

Reno: Gladly *Cracks his knuckles*

Rufus: Eeeep!

Rufus: You're Fired!

Reno: What?

Rufus: Hah *Kicks him in the balls wearing steel toed boots*

Reno: *Sputter Choke*

Barret: And the winner is Gay Butterfly Man!

Lark: *Claps*

Barret: Ok Champion Butterfly go fight the Gorilla

Sephiroth: Yes!

Lark: Oh No

Rufus: *Runs*

Sephiroth: *Appears in front of rufus* I GOT YOU NOW!

Rufus: Eeeek!

Sephiroth: *Goes to punch him but rufus crawls under his legs than he falls on rufus , rufus getting knocked out* WOO!

( Suddenly Cloud runs in  running into a wall )

Cloud: Who put that there?

Barret: Yo Spikey Ass! fight Sephiroth!

Cloud: Ok *Charges at him with his sword*

Sephiroth: *He grabs his masamune slicing Clouds sword in half* Hah

Cloud: *Runs out crying*

Lark: That was mean Sephiroth!

Sephiroth: Heh

Barret: Lark Vs Gorilla

Sephiroth: I Will not fight a useless woman!

Barret: Ok , Winner Lark!

Cid: &(*%$#&^%$#@!$%!!!!

Barret: Damn Straight!

Lark: Zell fight me!

Zell: Can't-- Quistis bought some hotdogs from the garden for me i'm eating

Barret: I Proclaim this here woman the champion!


Lark: Huh?

Sephiroth: Oops never mind....

Rufus: *Starts cracking up*

Reno: *Still holding himself*

Lark: *Snaps her fingers now in her normal clothes* Bye guys i gotta date with irvine



Warthogs and more
I see them everyday actin all smart and all
Actin like a beaver a cat in the hat
Probably by tomorrow he will be a gun with legs
Thats the life that i live seeing a morphing two legged toad
Going from Cat
Whats next i don't know but thats the life of me and cid here

Sephiroth's Job

( In the ramble room Sephiroth is alone looking for a job in the want ads )

Sephiroth: Hmmmmm *Finds a ad for a wanted Hot Sexy Tall Silver Headed Guy to pose for modeling it pays 1,000 Gil per picture*

Sephiroth: Hmm i should take it.

( Suddenly Lark Irvine Zell Rufus Reno Rude Elena And Reeve walk in )

Lark: Hiya Sephy whatcha reading?

Sephiroth: Nothing i'm just looking at the pictures......

Rufus: Right than why do i see want ads in the middle it has no pictures....

Sephiroth: I'm looking for a job.

Rufus: Oh if thats it theres a free spot for a turk.

Reno: Oh Shit

Sephiroth: Nah i'll still look...

Lark: Why are ya looking for a job Sephiroth? you wanna so you can pay off the phone bill for me?

Sephiroth: Yeah thats one of the reasons.

Rude: Hmmmm *Sees a nude modeler ad circled because he can see through the paper* Loo..

Rufus: Did anyone say you could talk Rude?

Rude: *Sighs*

( The next day Sephiroth is at the Playgirl Manchine )

Sephiroth: I'm here to take the job of the Hot Sexy Silver Haired Guy nude model Job.

Playgirl Clerk: Ok follow me back here we will get you into outfit and to the photoshoot

( Moments later sephiroth walks out butt naked his area exposed his hair is greased  and his eyes got more of a sparkle )

PhotoShooter Girl: Ok i want you to hold you back and stick out your hips giving me your sexiest smile.

Sephiroth: *Mumbles* I can't believe im doing this * And He Does so looking like a pro*

PhotoShooter: *Snaps About 10 photos* Good now grab onto your self and squeeze with your head tilted backwards

Sephiroth: *Does So and she takes about 40 photos*

PhotoShooter: Good Job

( 5 hours later Sephiroth is dressed in his normal clothes and the Photoshooter said in the backround she took over 400 photos of him )

Sephiroth: Yes!

Cashier: Ok heres your pay*He hands him 498,000 gil*

Sephiroth: *Drools and starts exiting the building holding the money in his hands hopping into his car riding back over to the ramble room*

Sephiroth: Larks gonna love me..

( As soon as Sephiroth got to the ramble room he rushed out of his car into the entrance running to the ramble room holding his money where lark rufus and reno are sitting there )


Sephiroth: I Worked for it.....*He handed lark 100,000 gil Reno 20,000 gil and Rufus 2 gil*


Sephiroth: Really!

Lark: No but thanks!

Sephiroth: Ok

Reno: Uhh Thanks?

Sephiroth: *Ignores him* Rufus go buy your gum now

Rufus: *Sighs*

( Weeks later Suzie walks in holding an issue of Playgirl Waving it while Lark , Amy , Shell , and Michelle are in there )

Suzie: Come on lets look at it!

( All the girls huddle around Suzie staring at the book )

Suzie: *Flips the page and the picture Shows Nida , Heidegger , Hojo , Palmer , And Shinra all naked trying to rape Scarlet*

Everyone: HOLY SHIT!

Amy: *Flips the page her eyes getting wide* SEPHY!

Suzie and Amy: *Drools madly*

Lark: *Drools too but stops right away* Thats what he works for he works for play girl!

( Sephiroth walks in getting home from work holding omg 2,357,912 GIL! )

Amy: *Sexyly* Hey Sephiroth get back from your job?

Sephiroth: *Noticing there Playgirl Mangazine he starts to sweat* Oh shit

Lark: Your a nude modeler for work? Sephy you may look nice but you need to quit the only people allowed to see you is Amy and Suzie

Amy and Suzie: Hell yeah!

Sephiroth: Ok i'll quit you can have this*Hands 2,000,000 gil to her*

Lark: *Faints*

The End

Zell's Problem

( Zell is sleeping in his room sleeping in his boxers his timer goes off )

Zell: *Yawn* Hmmmm

Zell: *Gets his normal attire on and combs his hair with extreme care*

( Zell exits his apartment and starts running to the ramble room sprinting but a small girl passes him )

Zell: Wha?

Zell: *Trys to go faster and he finally sees the ramble room and runs to it a car hitting his stomach but it bounced off hitting the little girl*

Girl: Owie!

Zell: Uh Oh *Runs inside and runs to the ramble room*

( Lark , Sephiroth , Reno , Rude , Squall , Rinoa , and Suzie are in there Lark is talking with Rinoa and Squall , Sephiroth is talking to rude about how much hes like squall and reno is drinking out of a flask of Whiskey )

Lark: *Pulls her attention to Zell* WOH! Zell you look a little uhm how do i put this FAT!

Zell: *Flips Out* WHAT DID YOU CALL ME *Swings at lark but hes to fat to hit her*

Lark: Calm down dear *Settles him down*

Sephiroth: Finally those hotdogs have gotten to him now he almost weighs more than Barret!

Zell: *Lunges at Sephiroth but falls on the ground making a minor earthquake*

Reno: Woh man lay off the quake materia.

Lark: Zell i told you to stop eating so much

Zell: I Ain't fat i'm just Buff

Lark: Right....

Sephiroth: Man buy some Slim Fast or something your taking up to much room in the Ramble room

Zell: *Flips out* IF I COULD GET UP I'D KILL YOU!

Sephiroth: Bring it!

Zell: *Keeps wabbling but tires himself out and faints*

Lark: *Whips out 5,000 gil of what Sephiroth gave her from his job*

Lark: He needs to go to Richard Simmons!

Reno: Hes Gay.

Sephiroth: Duh everyone knows that.

Lark: *Picks up the phone and dials 1-800-IM-FATTY* Hello

Richard Simmons: HI THERE!!!

Lark: Yeah Hi i'd like to put my friend in your classes how much will it cost?

Richard: I Don't know lemme check!

Lark: Ok


Lark: Good

Sephiroth: I Gotta see this.

Lark: My friend Zell Dincht will meet you 10:00 AM tomorrow bye

Richard: BYEEEEE!!

Lark: *Hangs up* Sheesh

( Tomorrow 9:00 AM )

Lark: Wake up Zell!

Zell: *Jumps up* What!?

Lark: Get Dressed we are going to Chucky Cheeses today!

Zell: Really!? Can I bring Squall!?

Lark: No Hon , me and you alone.

Zell: Awwwww

Zell: * Hurrys and gets dressed and with him its already 9:45 AM*

Lark: *Grabs on to Zell and drags him to the car holding his hand*

( At the Richard Simmons place )


Zell: *Sweat Drops* LARK! ARGHHHH!

Lark: Zelly you need it.

Zell: Ok..........

Richard: Ok over here everyone!

Zell: *Shrugs and walks over there* hmm

Richard: Ok everyone Gayly hop around!

Zell: WHAT?! *Jumps on him punching him madly* TAKE THAT BACK YOU GAY @$$

Zell: *Jumps up and he gains his limit break so he Punch Rushes him Meteor Barrets him and he has one last move*

Richard: NOOO!

Zell: *He my final heavens him knocking Richard into 9 fat people and than he runs around running over him* TAKE THAT YOU DICK!

Richard: *Dead*

Zell: Hellz Yeah*Whips out a hotdog and eats it*


Zell: Ain't I great?

( Back in the ramble room )

Sephiroth: I bet he didn't lose a pound.

Reno: No way he probably is back to normal.

( Zell and Lark walk in )


Sephiroth: *Mumbles*

Lark: Were you betting on if he'd loose weight or not?

Reno: No!

Sephiroth: We were betting on if you would still be hot when you got back yeah *Drools* *Stops*

Zell: *Runs to the fridge and starts pigging out*

Lark: *Sighs*

The End


(Lark and Sephiroth are boredly sitting in the ramble room and suddenly Sephiroth gets an idea )

Sephiroth: "Lark i got an idea to solve this state of boredom!"

Lark: "What?"

Sephiroth: "Lets have a series of football games"

Lark: "Yeah thats a good idea!"

Sephiroth: "Call up those gundamwing people including the people that arent pilots"

Lark: "Ok" *Reaches for the phone dials Heeros number and Heero picks up on the other line*

Heeros Voice: "Whats the mission?"

Lark: "No mission hon , want to play a game of football on sunday? 9:00 am?"

Heeros Voice: "Mission accepted"

Lark: *Slaps her head* "Oh yeah and choose a team name"

Heeros Voice: " Zero System "

Lark: "No it has to be a real football team"

Heeros Voice: "Hmmmm Titans"

Lark: "Ok , and is anyone that isn't a pilot of your team"

Heeros Voice: "Zechs"

Lark: "Let me talk to him"

Heeros Voice: "Ok"*Hands the phone to Zechs*

Zechs Voice: "Hello?"

Lark: "Zechs you wanna play football with us you need 4 more people inorder to play"

Zechs Voice: "Ok i'm sure Trieze , Sally Po , Une , and Relena will play"

Lark: "Ok pick a real football team name"

Zechs Voice: "Ok The Packers"

Lark: "C ya on sunday hon"

Zechs Voice: "Bye"

Sephiroth: "Ok now i'll call that cowboy geek so he can round up Zell , Squall , Seifer , and Laguna"

Lark: "Ok and pick a football team for your team"

Sephiroth: "Hmmmm The 49ers"

Lark: "Ok it will be You , Vincent , Rufus , Barret , and Me  on a team as the 49ers"

Sephiroth: "Ok" *Grabs the phone and dials Irvines number*

Irvines Voice: "Howdy!"

Sephiroth: "Cowboy geek round up Zell , Squall , Seifer , and Laguna for a football game tomorrow"

Irvines Voice: "Yee Haw , this'll be fun c ya"

Sephiroth: "And choose a team name"

Irvines Voice: "Cowboys of course"

Sephiroth: "Bye" *Hangs up*

Lark: "Ok we are gonna have the game tomorrow at 9:00 AM"

Sephiroth: "Ok , we are so gonna kick there asses"

Lark: "Hell ya!"

( Later that day Irvine , Heero , Zechs , Sephiroth , and Lark are all in the ramble room discussing things)

Irvine: " Yee haw i'm the QB of my team"

Sephiroth: "Duh all of the leaders are lark is the RB for my team"

Lark: "Ok Im the running back for the 49ers Sephiroth is the Quarter back Vincent is the Wide reciever and Rufus and Barret are guards"

Sephiroth: "Ok"

Lark: "Irvine is quarterback for his team Zell is the wide reciever Squall is the running back and Laguna and Seifer are the guards"

Irvine: "We are so gonna win"

Lark: "For Heeros team he is the Quarterback Duo is the runningback Wufei is the Wide reciever and Quatre and Trowa are the guards"

Heero: "That team is accepted"

Lark: "For Zechs team Zechs is the Quarterback Trieze is the Wide Reciever Lady Une is the running back Sally Po and Relena are the guards"

Zechs: "Ok"

Lark: "Ok everyone gather there team before 9:00 AM and meet at the Ramble room stadium payed for by Rufus"

Everyone Except For Lark: "Ok"

( The next day at the stadium everyone is there Reeve , Tseng , Reno , Rude and Cid are Cheerleaders for the 49ers Rinoa , Selphie , Quistis , and Edea are cheer leaders for the Cowboys and no one cares about the GW boys so they got no cheerleaders and Nida is the watergirl Hojo and Scarlet are announcers )

Sephiroth: "Ok first its the Cowboys Vs The 49ers"

Irvine and his team: "Your goin' down!"

49ers: "Yeah right"

Both teams: *Gathers on to the field*

Lark: "Ok since i'm on this team we get the ball"

Irvine: "No fair"

Lark: "It says in the rule book"

Irvine: "Awww"

Sephiroth: "Down Set Hut" *Runs the ball to the inzone and makes a touchdown*

Everyone: *Jaw Drops*

Sephiroth: "I'm the greatest"

Lark: "Are team rocks"

Hojo: "I'm so proud of you son!"

Sephiroth: "Ewww"*Cast haste on the ball and throws it as hard as he can at hojo"

Hojo: "Son wants to play.." *Falls*

Vincent: *Highfives with Sephiroth*

Irvine: "Ok kick it off"

49ers: *Lines up behind Vincent*

Vincent: *Turns into the Chaos and kicks it*

Zell: *Catches it and sees barret coming for him* "Eeek!" *Throws it to him*

Barret: *Intercepts it and runs into the inzone* " Yo i am da bomb!"

( 2nd quarter its the 49ers 102 Cowboys 3 )

Nida The Watergirl: *Takes a sip of his water* "Thats what i call high quallity H20 , with this water the Headmaster will think i am a genius and promote me to the Headmaster! and Squall will be brought to an end!"

Squall: *Kicks his water bucket over and punches Nida* "Ass"

Irvine: "Squall get over here!"

Squall: "Whatever"*Runs over there*

Irvine: "Down set hike!"*Irvine drops back throwing the ball to Zell but it was going too far so he shot it while Zell was under it and Zell caught it*

Zell: "Hell yeah"

Sephiroth: "Heh heh heh"

Zell: "Eeeek"*Drops the ball*

Sephiroth: "You sissy"*Picks the ball up and runs for a touchdown*

( Half Time )

Sephiroth: "We are killing them its 405 - 7"

Barret: "Yo they suck balls!"

Lark: "Irvine is gonna be mad at me"

Rufus: "Who cares we are winning"

Sephiroth: "No thanks to you....."

Barret: "Yo Lark , 'Roth , and Me did everything!"

Rufus: "Nuh uh i caught the ball and got a touchdown."

Sephiroth: "Yeah for the other team"

( 3rd Quarter )

Irvine: "I got a plan kill Sephiroth while i seduce Lark"

Zell: "No way! i'll Seduce her you kill Sephiroth."

Irvine: "Do you even know what Seduce means?"

Zell: "Sure! , it means uhh never mind...."

Irvine: "Screw that plan just get the ball"

Seifer: "Easy...."

Laguna: "This is gonna be fun right son?"

Squall: "Whatever."

Kiros: "Ward says Laguna is gonna die."

Squall: "Really?!"

Kiros: "Ward says no and that sucks"

Squall: "Shit."

( There hole team goes to the field so does the 49ers )

Irvine: "Down Set Blue 42 Hike!"*Drops back*

Vincent: "Sorry"*Goes Chaos and tackles him*

Irvine: "Ooooh dizzy pretty stars woo!"

Sephiroth: *Laughs*

Irvine: *Gets up*"Damn"

( Both teams get back in formation )

Irvine: "Down set hike!"*Trys to rush but Sephiroth gets in the way stealing the ball*

Sephiroth: "Hah!"

Hojo: "Thats my boy! when we get home Fried Kelp and Beans for dinner"

Sephiroth: "Ewww"

( 4th Quarter )

Sephiroth: "Its 809 - 14"

Lark: "I think they should just forefit"

( Both teams get in to formation )

Sephiroth: "Down set hut hut hike!"*Hands it off to Lark*

Lark: "Hey Irvine and Zell"*Winks*

Irvine and Zell: "Drool"

Lark: "Bye"*Gets a touchdown*

( End of the game )

Scarlet: "The end of the game and Rufus and his Sexy team and a asslancing crackwhore won the game 1203 - 35"

Zell: "We suck."

Squall: "Whatever"

( And the next game )

Wufei: "You suck you weakling"*Points to Quatre*

Quatre: "No i don't!"

( Other side )

Relena: "We are gonna win right Zechs?!"

Zechs: "Most likely not but who cares."

Trieze: "Winning is like-"

Zechs: "Don't start that Trieze.'

Trieze: "Ok."

( The beginning of the game )

Zechs: "Down set hike!"

Relena: *Tackles Wufei clawing his eyes out*"Die!"

Wufei: "AHHHHHH NATAKU!!!!!"

Trieze: "Throw it to me!"

Zechs: "Ok!"*Throws it*

Heero: *Intercepts it  and gets a touch down*

Trieze: "Interceptions are like-'

Zechs: "Don't start that."

( The teams get back into formation )

Zechs: "Down set hut hut hike!"

Wufei: "Weakling"*Trys to tackle Zechs but he just runs into him and falls*"Wufei is impressed"

Heero: *Grabs Wufei and throws him into Zechs*

( 2nd Quarter 24-14 Titans winning )

Heero: "Ok do the Mission Accepted play"

Quatre: "Ok!"

Wufei: "That is weak"

( They get into formation )

Heero: "Down set hut!"

Wufei: "Pass it to me!"

Heero: "Mission Accepted"*Passes it to him*

Relena: *Tackles Wufei*

Wufei: "NATAKUU! get this woman off me!"

( Meanwhile where Nataku is )

Relena Bot: *Punches nataku*


( 4th Quarter )

Zechs: "Down set hut hut hike!"*throws the ball at Relena and she drops it from a serious broken nail*

Wufei:*Grabs it*"Ball you are weak! you don't deserve for i Wufei the great to hold you!"*drops it*

Treize:*Picks it up*"The ball is called a pigskin yet this is just rubber and when you...."

Zechs: "Run!"

Treize: *Runs and makes a touchdown*

(End of game)

Hojo:"And Heeros team wins the game they will go to take on Larks team , Woo Hoo go Sephiroth!"

Sephiroth:*Throws Nida the watergirl at Hojo*

(1st Quarter)

Heero:"Downset hut!"

Sephiroth:*Throws a rock at him*

Heero:*Drops it*

Lark:*Picks the ball up kissed Heero and runs to make a touchdown*"Woohoo!"

Sephiroth:"Hah mission failed for you Heebo or whatever your name is"

(2nd Quarter Titans 3 49ers 35)

Sephiroth:"Down set Hike!"*Throws it at Rufus he catches it and makes a touchdown*

Rufus: "Hell Yeah!"

Lark: "Rufus your getting a special surprise tonight for that"*winks*

Rufus: *Grins*

Sephiroth:"Lark get your horny ass over here!"


(3rd Quarter Titans 10 49ers 42 )

TJ In The Audience:"Uhh boo?"*Throws his mug of beer at Wufei*"You suck woof - woof!"


Lark: "TJ your getting a surprise tonight too."*winks*

TJ In The Audience:"Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sephiroth:"For once quit being such a slut sheesh Lark!"


Sephiroth:"Uh Oh , i am sooo sorry Lark"*Hugs her*

Lark:"You want some attention tonight Sephy-Sama?"

Sephiroth:"Uhh whatever you want woman!"

(Both Teams get in formation)

Heero: "Down Set hut hut hike!"

Heero:*Throws the ball at Sephiroth dressed up as Duo*

Sephiroth:"Hah hah!"*takes the mask off and runs for a touchdown*

(4th Quarter Titans 21 49ers 60)

Sephiroth: "Ugh screw this we won already"*Kicks the football out of the stadium*

Lark:"Ok TJ , Rufus , Sephiroth meet me in my room at 7:00 c ya." *Winks*

The End

by: Sabre

1) >^.,*^< =LARKS BOSS CAT





6) >^%#^< =CIDS P*SSED OFF CAT

7) >^[..]^< =BARETTS YO WAZ UP! CAT

8) >^--^< =REDS OH PLEASE....CAT? DOG?! EMU?!! WHATEVER...

9) >^69^<? = CLOUDS WHAT?? CAT??




13) >^('')^< =RUDES...YES.. SHELL CAT

14)  >^/6,\^<= REEVES CLEVER CAT



17) >^X@^<?!!= *FLIPS OUT* HEY! I AM NOT!


19) JACKIE: >^-_6^< = SASSY CAT
