All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible...

Part Two and Three
Just talked about, you perverts!
Part Four
Very, very tame
Part Five

Reeve Leander had one dream that became one big nightmare.

Rated: PG-15, complete

Other Characters: Scarlet, President Shinra
Appearences By: Heidegger, Sephiroth and Rufus
part one
That's it, Reeve thought as he climbed into the car. I'm on my own.
How did a nice guy like Reeve fall into Shinra? This is part one of his story, which explains how a bright young boy with vivid dreams can be lead in the wrong direction.
A very short section leading to part two
Other Characters: Scarlet, Tseng
Appearences By: Heidegger, Sephiroth, Hojo and President Shinra
part two
Tseng laughed. "No, Reeve. I don't think that I could."
Reeve finds a close friend in a new Turk named Tseng...who has a few surprises for him, including the thought that maybe they all rely on Shinra a bit *too* much...
interlude II
Leads to part three
Other Characters: Tseng, Scarlet
part three
  "You're a good person, Reeve," Tseng said, "you have to watch out for the people. You're the only one who will."
The strands of Reeve's life begin to get frayed.
Other Characters: Tseng, Scarlet
Appearences By: Heidegger, President Shinra and Palmer
interlude III
Leads to part four
part four
  It doesn't matter what I do now. The greatest has already been done.
 Reeve's life becomes what he never dreamed it would become as everything turns into one big nightmare.
Other Characters: Tseng
Appearences By: Heidegger, Scarlet, Hojo, Reno, Rude, and President Shinra
interlude IV
Leads to part five
part five
"I'm doing this for you too. I want to break your chains, so you'll never have to kill again."
Reeve comes to many conclusions, but is treading in waters he knew would someday come.

Other Characters: Tseng
Appearences By: Heidegger, Rufus, Scarlet, Reno, Rude and Elena
interlude V
Leads to part six
part six
"You have to stop them, Reeve." The Turk's voice was firm. "You're the only one who will, because you're the only one who can."
Reeve makes a choice, then loses something dear to him. The end is coming, and can he ever live his own life the way he imagines it?
