"love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell."
-Joan Crawford

    There comes a time in life, angel, where everyone must go their separate ways. I am speaking, of course, of those who banded together to defeat you and save the planet. We must all move on with our own lives now. At least, those of us who have one. After all, is has been nine months. Nine months since you passing, and nine months since Rufus Shinra got an idea to get his life back on track.

    Barret Wallace, the tough talking founder of AVALANCHE has gone back to finally retrieve his daughter. He has plans to return to North Corel and help it become the place it once was, now that Shinra is dead.

    Nanaki, fondly known as Red XIII, has returned to his birth place of Cosmo Canyon. He says that is the one place where he truly belongs, even though his grandfather has passed on.

    Yuffie, ever the hunter of materia, has returned to her hometown of Wutai in hopes of restoring it to what it once was. There is one person no one could ever accuse of giving up.

    Cid Highwind, the best pilot on the planet, has returned to Rocket Town. He claims he is unsure of what to do next, but I have a feeling it involves slipping a ring onto the finger of a pretty scientist.

    Who remains? Myself of course, Reeve is technically a member of the original team, and then there's Tifa and Cloud. Tifa could have gone off, and made a new life for herself, but it is the presence of your so called rival that keeps her here. And what keeps Cloud here? I think it's a little more than being a partner in this bar operation. I think it also involves an attractive blonde is putting the rest of his life on a building. I've seen Cloud steal long, yearning looks at the former President. I am unwilling to report that I believe his flighty heart will only get torn once more.

    Bria's pregnancy has gone well, and she and Reeve are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their twins. Reeve seems nervous, but excited, and definitely in high spirits. I am very happy for him. After all he has been through, he deserves more than his share of happiness.

    Reno and Rude are quiet, they keep to themselves. Reno seems to be trying to hide behind a mask of who he once was, but it apparent he has gone through many changes and matured greatly. I think he's still trying to cope with how different his life has become.

    And me? I go along. I still miss you, but I suppose that is something I will never overcome. Nine months is a long time. Now the bar is nearly complete, and we are awaiting two new lives. And while it seems as though nothing can stop us, and as though we are back on our feet, I see the looks we are given by those who know our identity, and I am unsettled. But all we can do is go on with our lives and deal with each new obstacle as it comes to us. It's the way we have always lived, and it is the way we will continue to live.

    "Ah, look at that. *That*, Reeve is the most beautiful sight you will ever see." Rufus Shinra, clad in an orange construction hat, stood admiring the 95% completed bar that was scheduled to open in the not so distant future. He had such a relaxed smile on his face that Reeve could not help but shove him a little and give a smart reply.

    "What about my children, Rufus? I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to find them more beautiful than this building, as lovely as it is." He walked to inspect the right side.

    The younger man followed. "I still can't believe you're having kids. You must be going crazy waiting for them to be born."

    "I am a bit anxious." Reeve looked down at the building plans. "But nervous too. You know, gods, they're *mine*." He looked back at Rufus, shaking his head in amazement. "Gods, it's something I never thought was possible. Not for me." Looking again at the plans he looked once more at the building. "It looks great. Just like I imagined."

    Smiling first at his friend, Rufus then turned to admire the building once more. "Yeah, nice to know you can put all those skills to work on something you can be proud of."

    Reeve had a faraway look in his eye as he absently answered, "if they could only see me now."

    "I'm going to have to put you in charge of the supervising for awhile, Reeve." Rufus began walking back towards the trailer.

    Jogging to catch up, the former executive caught the blonde's arm. "Me? Supervise? Why? Where are you going?"

    "To Kalm." Rufus grinned. "I've gotta see her."

    The older man nodded, an understanding smile appearing on his face. "Oh yeah? Do we have plans to go through with a certain *act*."

    "If you're talking about sex, you're wrong," was the reply.

    "Oh?" Reeve raised an eyebrow. "I'm a little surprised. Someone once told me you were the fuck 'em and leave type."

    "I *was*," Rufus said, voice a bit harsh, "but not anymore." He rushed his next words. "Bria changed me, and besides, I would never force Madeline into something she didn't want. I love her too much." He stopped there, embarrassed at letting his secret slip. A blush formed on his pale cheeks as he turned away.

    "Whoa, back up! Did I just hear what I *think* I heard?"

    "Yes..." It was followed by a dreamy sigh. "Gods, I do love her. And... And I'm going to tell her because... because I think she might love me too."

    Reeve smiled, happy for his friend as he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure it will work out for you, Rufus. And don't worry about the bar. I'll take good care of it."

    "I know you will." Once more, Rufus turned to face the other man. "We just have one problem now."

    "Oh, what's that?"

    "A name."

    "Oh yeah. That's kinda important, isn't it."

    "I was thinking, if maybe you didn't mind, we could let Vincent choose a name. I know he came come up with the perfect thing."

    Reeve nodded. "I agree. I'll go talk to him about it right now."

    "Great. I'm going to be leaving for Kalm tonight. I won't be gone longer than a few days, and tell Bria not to give birth till I get back!" Rufus grinned.

    Reeve laughed and he retorted, "I'll have her do her best."

    "You go on and find Vincent now. I'll tie up some more things here, and I'll see you when I get back."

    "And hopefully you'll have good news for me." The dark haired man started to walk away. "See ya, buddy."

    "Bye, Reeve." The blonde turned and nearly smacked into Cloud. "Oh, gods, Cloud, I didn't see you."

    Cloud seemed to blush as he replied. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rufus. I overheard your conversation. You're going to see Madeline?"

    "I sure am." Rufus kept on walking and the other blonde followed him. "I was telling Reeve he's in charge of supervising the building. You'll help him, won't you?"

    "Of course," was the reply. "You'll only be gone a few days, right?"

    "That's right. I can't afford to stay away much more, as much as part of me would like to. What, with construction coming to a close and Bria ready to give birth any day now, this is the only time I can find to go see her."

    A small smile appeared on Cloud's lips. "I can guess which part of you would want to stay."

    "You have the same mind as Reeve," Rufus scolded. "It's because of guys like you two that we get our reputation for having one track minds." He shook his head and chuckled, rearranging some papers on the table in front of the trailer.

    "Don't go pretending to be different." As he spoke, Cloud reached out and placed his hand over Rufus', seeking eye contact with the other blonde.

    He got it as Rufus looked up, shock apparent in Jenova fused eyes. "Huh?"

    "We'll miss you, Rufus." Two pairs of blue eyes met as the younger man spoke.

    Rufus became lost in that moment, confused, and not quite sure of what to make of that gesture. "Oh...um...thank you, Cloud."

    The hand was removed, and Cloud straightened up. "I think I'll go check on Reno and Rude. Have a nice trip."

    "Thanks." Rufus blinked and watched silently as Cloud left.


    The older man had taken shelter under a tree, and he watched the construction from that position. "Ah, Reeve. Is something the matter?"

    "No, no." Reeve shook his head as he joined the older man in the shelter of the shade. "Rufus and I have just been talking about the bar, and we were thinking about a name for it."

    "Ah, that's quite a requirement I would think." A smile small tugged at Vincent's lips.

    "Exactly. And we want it to have a nice, classy name. So we figured you were just the man to name it."

    "Me? Oh, well, I have to say I am shocked, but I do think I'll be able to think of something appropriate."

    "Great." Reeve stuck his hands in his pockets as Vincent looked the building up and down a single time.

    "Angel's Kiss," he said simply.

    Reeve blinked, clearly taken back. "Wow. That's...great."

    "I could think of something else..."

    "No, no," the younger man insisted. "That's perfect. Great really. I just know Rufus will love it." He turned to leave, then turned back a knowing look playing on his face. "Great tribute."

    Vincent just watched him go with a smile.

    Sleep was not something that came easily to Vincent any more. True, his nightmares came less frequently now, but he found it hard to sleep at all. But he lay in bed, trying to, when there came a knock at his door.

    He sat up and batted several locks of ebony hair out of his face. "Hm. Come in."

    The visitor entered a bit cautiously. Blonde and well built, it was none other than Cloud Strife. "Vincent."

    Vincent sighed. He knew the drill. "Close the door."

    The door was shut tightly and locked even, and the blonde came over and sat besides the older man. "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

    A shake of the head, crimson eyes cast down.

    "Vincent." Cloud's voice was gentle as he cupped the other man's face in his hand and forced their eyes to meet. "You're so beautiful, Vincent." Another hand tangled in black locks as a pale cheek was stroked with lightly calloused fingers.

    "Oh, Cloud, I...." but Vincent really had nothing to say.

    The blonde quickly leaned forward, capturing the other man's lips with a small moan.

    Vincent made no protest and allowed the younger man's tongue to slip into his mouth, hands resting on his bare shoulders. Still, he was stiff, allowing himself to be kissed, but making no effort to kiss back.

    Cloud drew back, a confused look in Mako poisoned blue eyes. "Vincent? Are you all right?"

    The other man watched in shock as tears trickled from crimson eyes. "I love Sephiroth." He broke down, covering his face with shaking hands.

    "What?" Putting a friendly hand on the crying man's shoulder, Cloud said, "Vincent, what's this about Sephiroth?"

    "I love him. I always have. My angel.... Oh my angel..."

    Cloud was quiet a moment, as a wave of realization washed over him. "Oh my god.... Oh my god... Now I get it."

    Vincent looked up, tears clouding his eyes. "Understand what? What is it?"

    The blonde shook his head. "No, it's a long story."

    "I want to hear it." His voice was firm.

    "Well....this was a few years ago.... When I was trying to get into SOLIDER, my friend, Zack, well yeah, he was only my friend then, he told me Sephiroth was gay... So, since, um,yes, so, I decided to try my luck and.... Well, if I could seduce him, then I could get in to SOLDIER." Clearing his throat he continued, blushing slightly. "So, I went to see Sephiroth...but....he was....um, already occupied with someone else."




    "Yeah...  And so... The walls weren't very sound proof and I heard Sephiroth call out your name."

    "He said Vincent?"

    "He did."

    "....What did Tseng say?"

    Cloud said nothing in reply. Actually, the color was draining from his face.


    ".........Come to think of it.....he started talking about Reeve..." The blonde's eyes grew increasingly wide. "You know what this means, don't you, Vincent? Reeve and Tseng...they had a relationship....like me and Zack..."

    "What?" Vincent was shocked. "You and Zack? Isn't that Bria's brother??"

    "........yes, it is. Look, forget it. Zack's dead, and I really don't think Bria wants to know her brother was bisexual and had a thing with a guy. What about her husband?"

    "That's none of our business. Besides, Tseng's dead." Vincent actually chuckled. "Goodness, this is complicated. How did we get into this discussion anyway?"

    Cloud said simply, "I kissed you."

    "......I'm sorry. I just will always love Sephiroth." He looked sideways at the younger man. "Besides, I don't believe it's my heart you're after any longer."

    Cloud was silent for a long time before he admitted, ".....I couldn't help falling for him."


    "Yes, Rufus. God, he's so beautiful." Blue eyes blinked shut. "I know.... I know he's *not* but, god, if I only could..." He shook his head. "That woman can't understand him. Not like I can."

    Vincent spoke gently. "There was a time, I know, when you did not understand either."

    The blonde stood, Mako infused eyes hard and emotionless. "You know, there are still so many times when I don't understand myself or what it is I want."

    A pale brow furrowed. "Cloud?"

    But he left without a word.


    "Say something, man."

    "I don't got anything to say."

    "What the hell are we doing here then?"

    ".....You're the one who wanted to come to a bar."

    ".....I thought....."

    "What the hell do you think, Reno?"

    "That it could be like it was."

    "Like it was?"


    "Nice dream."

    "Shove it."

    "So why are we just standing in the doorway then?"

    ".........I can't move."


    He only shook his head.

    "Reno? You wanna get a drink or what?"


    "*No*?! Why not?!"

    "It ain't the same."

    "What?! What the hell are you talking about? Why'd you bring us here then?"

    "I was looking......."

    "Looking for *what*? What the hell you talkin' about?"

    "Let's go."

    His friend's arm was caught, held in place. "Reno."

    "Look, it ain't the same. I thought we--- I thought I--- ....I can't do this anymore."

    "This? Why not?"

    His arm was freed with one hard jerk. "Cause it's a waste." The doors were pushed open, and Reno disappeared behind them.

    It took Rude a minute before he could turn around and follow him.

    "Rufus......Rufus......." Madeline moaned softly as Rufus gently urged her onto her back. They had spent the entire day together, holding hands and stealing kisses whenever they could. Rufus couldn't stop staring at her. He couldn't stop touching her, and, most of all, he couldn't stop thinking about her. And now here she was, laying on the couch, her angelic face cupped in his hands as he kissed her gently and insistently. Her slim fingers were under his shirt, drifting up and down his spine and sending sparks to every nerve in his body.

    "Madeline...oh..." he broke away only to rain kisses down her neck. "Oh gods, I have to tell you."

    She was gasping beneath him, fingers coming up to tangle in tousled blonde hair. "W-what?"

    Her face was still in his hands as he brought them nose to nose, her feathery breath whispering over his lips. "Madeline...." Jenova fused eyes searched her for answers to unsure questions. "Gods, I...... Gods, I love you."

    The other pair of blue eyes widened slightly, mouth dropping open slightly. "Oh, Rufus."

    "I love you," he said again, his voice steady and sure. "I don't know how you feel for me, but....but I just thought you should know."

    "I love you too." Her voice shook and her hands trembled as she gently took his face in her hands. "I do. I really do."

    A smile of pure joy spread across the former President's face as his heart did jumps of joy. He kissed her quickly, several times, mind reeling as it tried to process the words he had been living his entire life to hear. "Gods, oh Madeline, I.... I don't know if you know how happy you make me."

    She replied in almost a whisper. "I want you, Rufus Shinra. I want you completely."

    How his mouth fell open as these were words he had never expected to hear from her. At least not now. "M-Madeline... A-are you sure? ...This is something you can't take back."

    "I know." She was unbuttoning his shirt as she spoke. "But I only want it with you. Only with you, my love."

    Rufus found he was completely without words as he bent to kiss her more deeply than he ever had.

    And that night Rufus really made love to a woman for the first time since Vadra, who had only taken his hard and run with it. This wasn't just sex----he'd done that more times than he could keep track. This was ecstasy, and he kept track of every moan, every time she cried his name. Of how soft she was to his touch. Of how she clung to his with all her might as they consummated their love---all this he committed to his memory.

    And for one unforgettable night, it was as if Shinra had never existed at all.