Don't walk behind me, I may not lead
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow
Walk beside me as my friend

    If anyone at any time had said that no one in their right mind missed Shinra for even a fraction of  a second, they would have been mistaken. Reno and Rude, two former Turks with no where to turn and no one to run to found that they occasionally missed the massive corporation which had saved them from their descent down a path to nowhere. Rude had been plucked from an orphanage as a teen and Reno was saved from ever going to one. Shinra had been their home and the Turks had been their family. Now they had nothing. No home, no future, no real reason to live except to support each other. After all, Reno and Rude had always been best friends, and nothing would ever change that.

    Reno sat in their dingy hotel room, counting what little money he and Rude had left. Sighing in disgust he pushed his straggly red hair out of his eyes. "Fuck. We have enough for a week more, tops. That's if we eat one meal a day."

    Rude frowned. He sat on the bed, fingering him empty gun. "Hmmmm....."

    The red head glanced at the gun, his head filling with a new idea. "Enough for a week...or more than enough for two bullets."

    His friend glared sternly at him. "No, Reno." He placed the weapon aside.

    "It would be so easy!" exclaimed Reno, slamming his fist on the table and disrupting the money. If only I had saved some money 'stead of spendin' it all on booze and girls." He sighed, sadly casting his eyes down at the floor. "I thought we'd have Shinra to reply on forever....but here we are."

    The bald man got up and went to the window, looking out on the peaceful town of Kalm. "You have no relatives at all, Reno? If we stretched the money, we could travel to--"

    "No!" snapped Reno, blue eyes flashing. "Why do you keep askin' me that, Rude? I told you I don't have any fuckin' relatives!" Panting, he ran a hand once more through his hair. "If I did...." he quietly continued, mind drifting to thoughts of his sister...who he had promised to return to... "wouldn't I tell you?"

    "I don't know, Reno," Rude replied in the same gentle tone. "You tell *me*."

    The other man groaned, his head in his hands. "I have a sister," he admitted.


    "Younger." He sighed, "she went to an orphanage in Midgar when I went into the Turks....haven't seen her since."

    "How old is she now?" Rude ventured.

    He thought a moment. "Uh...seventeen." Pausing briefly he added, "right, because her birthday's not till next month."

    "You should go see her."

    "No!" Reno cried, rapidly shaking his head. "Are you out of your mind?"

    "She's your *sister*. Why not?"

    He hesitated a good long time before softly answering, "because then she'll want to come with us."

    Rude nodded. "Ah."

    Reno went on. "What can I give her, Rude? We have no money, no job and nowhere to live except run down hotels."

    "I understand," began the other man, "but I still think you should see her." Pausing for a moment, he went on to add, "you should tell her why you can't take care of her. You're her brother, man. You can't just dump her and pretend you're not related anymore."

    "You're going away, Reno? Like mommy?"

    "No, no like mommy. Not forever. Just for awhile. I have to work so I can come back and get you."

    "You mean you'll come back?"

    "Of course."

    Reno shuddered. I promised her I'd come back and get her....but I can't take her away...but I can see her....I wanna see her...

    "Hello, Reno?" Rude interrupted, disturbing his friend's thoughts. "You alive in there, man?"

    "Fuck off!" Reno snapped, glaring. "I'm thinkin'!"

    "It's not brain surgery," replied the bald man, voice firm. "Reno, I'm dragging you there anyway, so there's not much to think about."

    The red head sighed, defeated. "Fine..." He paused before adding, "since we're going we might as well go tomorrow before I lose my nerve."

    "There is nothing else to do anyway," Rude reminded him, "anything's better than sitting here with an empty gun, whiling away in self pity."

    "Yeah," Reno said to himself, turning away from his friend, "if the gun wasn't empty we wouldn't need to feel sorry for ourselves anymore."


    "This brings back memories," Rude sighed, peering over his sunglasses at the Midgar orphanage. The pair had walked in all the way from Kalm in the hot sun.

    Reno was glad that Midgar was shielded from the elements and mumbled, "gotta love Reeve," as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

    Rude turned to his friend. "Well?"

    "Well?" The red head blinked at him.

    "Go in."

    "Oh. Right." Taking a deep breath he threw the door open and went inside, Rude at his heels. Without letting a thought flash in his mind he practically ran up to the desk. "I'm here to see my sister, Trini Tsunekage."

    The woman behind the desk laughed at him. "Whoa, buddy! Hold on. Trini Tsunekage you said?"

    Reno swallowed as he silently confirmed it.

    "I'll get her." With those three simple words she brought Reno to panic level and left the room.

    "We should go," Reno rushed when she was gone.

    "Are you crazy?! We came all this way, Reno. I'm not letting you wuss out now."

    "I'm not a wuss," the red head protested, shoving his friend towards the door.

    "No, man. Stop this! You're--" Suddenly Rude cut himself off and peered over his sunglasses at something behind Reno. "Wow."

    "Huh? What you--" Reno spun, and stared blankly at what Rude had seen.

    "Hi, Reno," she said. "You finally came."

    He blinked at her. "Trini?" His once skinny little red headed sister had grown up into a truly beautiful young woman. Her skin was pale with a rosy pink glow, and it was set off by her shining blue eyes, the same shade as his. Her hair was red too, but a much lighter shade than his, and it was accented by a few streaks of strawberry blonde. She was tall, about his size, and slim. Truly, he had not expected to turn around and see this.

    "Reno..." she sighed, coming up to hug him. "You kept your promise. You said you'd come back."

    He embraced her happily. "Yeah...I'm here."

    "I'm sorry about Shinra," she said quietly, with much sympathy in her voice.

    "Yeah," he said softly, "me too."

    Drawing away from the embrace she said, "you haven't changed much, big brother. Maybe a little taller."

    "You've changed a ton!" he exclaimed. "Gods you're pretty! Bet you have to fend the guys off with a stick! You know if any one bothers you my night stick still works."

    She laughed. "Nope. You really haven't changed."

    Rude loudly cleared his throat and muttered, "reno."

    "Huh?" the former Turk turned to look back at his friend. "Oh yeah! Sorry, man. Trini, this is my best friend Rude. Rude, this is my sister Trini."

    "Nice to meet you," she greeted him cheerily.

    Rude took her hand and dashingly kissed it. "A pleasure."

    She watched, enthralled. "Wow..."

    "Stop hitting on my sister, man," Reno grumbled.

    Trini laughed again. "Reno! Stop it!"

    He grinned back. "Just kiddin' ya."

    She looked so incredibly happy. "I can't believe you're actually here, Reno. It's so surreal. So much to catch up on....but we'll have plenty of time for that once we get out of here."

    Instantly every emotion he felt, every facial expression he displayed shut down. What could he say? How could he break such somber news to one so happy?

    Rude was no help.

    Trini's smile disappeared too and was replaced by a look of concern. "Reno? What's wrong?"

    "....I think we need to talk."

    Cocking her head slightly to the left his younger sister blinked, before finally nodding. "All right, Reno. I'm listening. What's the matter?"

    He ran a hand through his hair. "This is hard," he muttered.

    Now she was just worried. Stepping up to him and taking him by the arm, she persisted, "Reno, what is it?"

    Avoiding her eyes, he blurted it all out. "I can't take you with me, Trini." He cleared his throat, refusing to let himself choke. "You have to stay here."

    She backed off, half in shock, half in despair. Her eyes pleaded as she asked, "why?"

    Finally he allowed their blue eyes to meet. They were both pleading with each other. She was pleading for answers. He was pleading for an understanding.

    "Trini, I...." the words didn't come easily. "I have nothing. No home, no money, no job. Shinra was my life. It's gone. I'm an outcast. I have nowhere to go. I can't take you with me."

    "Because you have no money?" she exclaimed. "Reno, you're my brother! My only family! I don't care."

    "No," he said firmly, gaze matching his tone. "It's not just about the money. You don't understand."

    She matched his gaze. "Then make it so I do."

    "I...." Reno hesitated, glancing around for an escape. There was none. There was nothing left but to face this. "Look," he said finally with a labored breath, "everyone hated Shinra. I worked for Shinra. Because I worked for them, I can't really *do* anything anymore. No one will hire me. Why would they trust a former Turk?" He took a step forward, taking her shoulder, pleading with her, "do you see now? Tell me you understand."

    "I understand, Reno. But I don't care. I've waited for you to come back and now that you have I'm not about to let you get away! No!" A shaky hand went to her face to cover the tears. "I won't..."

    "Oh gods..." the former Turk drew his little sister against him, holding her head against his shoulder. "I can't let you throw away your life," he whispered, struggling not to break down. He was struggling so hard. "You have a change to succeed and I'll only be in your way."

    "I don't *care*. I need you, Reno."

    Swallowing he stepped back, away from her. If he stayed any longer he might lose...he might give in...he might drag her down with him. "I have to go." Reno turned away.

    "I'll come find you," she warned. "I won't let you do this, Reno. I know you don't want this." Her voice failed her and she whispered, "I know."

    Reno closed her eyes, squeezing them shut, trying to shut everything out. Trying to keep the emotion back. All he could do was stand there, teeth clenched, a hand grabbing at his heart. He wished he could keep it from breaking, but it was too late. Her words broke it to pieces.

    "I love you, Reno," she whispered. "You're my *brother* for god sake."

    He wanted to say something. Anything. Return her words. Say he loved her too. But he couldn't even turn around. So he did the only thing he could. He left without looking back. But he couldn't help but flinch when she called his name. And he couldn't help but feel that even compared to all the terrible things he had done as a Turk, this was the worst thing he had *ever* done.


    They left Midgar behind them. Reno rushed, walking as quickly as he could trying to clear his head. Her voice ran through his head, begging him to reconsider, pleading with him. He wondered if, under the circumstances, his promise was able to be broken. It's better this way. I know it is. Hell, even mom would understand. She wanted a better life for both of us. And as long as Trini has one.

    He couldn't think about it anymore, and he couldn't stand the silence. Not another second. Rude hadn't said a word since they left the orphanage, and Reno needed to hear someone's voice besides the one in his head.

    Whirling around he demanded, "Rude say something. *Anything*."

    Rude blinked. "Your sister is pretty."

    He wanted so badly to cry. Instead Reno threw his head back and laughed.

End of Part Two

Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat.
-Bill Musselman

    They arranged to have a helicopter transport them to wherever Vincent needed to go.

    Reeve and Rufus had much to tell each other after last night. Rufus told the older man about his date, and Reeve, in turn, told the younger man about Vincent.

    Now they sat in the helicopter in silence, Rufus gazing dreamy eyed out the window, emitting tiny pleased sighs from time to time. Vincent was sitting across, crimson eyes closed and Reeve was besides him, just thinking. Thinking back. He looked at Rufus, and smiled a memory striking him. He laughed quietly.

    The young man looked over, blue eyes narrowing slightly. "What? What are you laughing at, Reeve?"

    Still chuckling he shook his head. "It's just something I remembered about you."

    "What about me?" Rufus pressed.

    "From my early days at Shinra. You were what...." he thought a moment, "you must have been about five..."

    "What is it?" Rufus pressed, whining a little.

    "I was sitting in our temporary office in Kalm, and it was late. Everyone else had gone home except me and your father. There's a knock at the door, and to my surprise, who comes in, but the mighty Sephiroth. And who's with him? A five year old Rufus Shinra."

    Vincent's eyes opened wide at Sephiroth's name and he turned his attention to Reeve.

    "Of course," Rufus whispered, racking his brain. "Sephiroth....yes. I vaguely remember him watching me...several times. " He paused before looking at Reeve. "Well, continue."

    "Your father ran out the door," Reeve went on, "so I offered to watch you. But you wanted Sephiroth to stay. I stayed too, and we talked a bit. Then..." he trailed off with a chuckle and cast his eyes down. "This is very hard to describe."

    "Try," Vincent encouraged.

    " were very fond of him, Rufus. You kept calling him Sephy and he didn't mind the least. So I commented to him, I said, 'he sure likes you', or something like that, so he goes to answer but you interrupted, throwing you arms around his neck and yelling 'I love my Sephy'!"

    "I did?!" Rufus exclaimed, his face turning red.

    "Here's the weird part," Reeve continued, leaning forward. "Sephiroth just starts laughing."

    "He....laughed?" Vincent was in shock.

    "Yes! I was shocked. I must have looked like a fool with my mouth hanging open, but he never struck me as the type of person to laugh so hard like that!"

    Rufus leaned forward too. "What happened when he stopped?"

    "He just tousled your hair and said 'yes, Rufus'. Then he started talking to me again." He chuckled. "That is my favorite memory of Sephiroth."

    Vincent smiled slightly, glancing at the blonde man. "You made him happy. You clearly meant a lot to him."

    Rufus blinked. "Yeah...he meant a lot to me too...."

    Reeve snapped his fingers, suddenly remembering something. Pointing at Rufus he said, "Rufus, you know, that same night you asked me if I knew who Vincent was, and Sephiroth shushed you."

    Vincent was intrigued. "Oh?"

    "Oh yeah!" exclaimed the former President, bouncing in his chair like a small child. "Sephiroth used to talk about Vincent all the time! Now that you remind me, I remember lots about Sephiroth."

    "What did he used to say?" Vincent asked gently.

    "He used to make comments like, 'I miss Vincent' or 'Why'd they take Vincent away from me'." He blushed, continuing, "Once I asked him if he loved Vincent, and he said, 'more than life itself'."

    A pained sigh escaped the former Turk's lips. "Oh gods, Sephiroth...."

    "Reeve...." Rufus began his question, turning to the older, man a quizzical look in his eyes, "was the last time Sephiroth looked after me?"

    Nodding sadly, Reeve replied. "Yes. He didn't want you getting too attached."

    "Fucking bastard," Rufus hissed eyes narrowing.

    "That was also the same night he told me about Jenova," he continued softly.

    Before Rufus could once again curse his father's name, the pilot interrupted. "We'll be landing now, gentlemen. Please be sure your safety restraints are fastened."

    "Oh yeah, Vincent," Rufus began as he tightened his belt, "you never told us. Where *are* we going?"

    "Oh," Vincent answered, "just a place where I can see Lucretia."

    "Sephiroth's mother?" Rufus confirmed.

    "Yes. There is something she has to know..."


    The three men were lightly misted with water after ducking behind the waterfall. The hidden cave was musty and cool inside, but it wasn't deserted.

    Vincent stepped forward. "Lucretia."

    She didn't turn around. "It seems I can't escape you, Vincent."

    He said, "I knew you'd come back here. There's something I need to tell you."

    "You did care for him, yes? You took care of my son? My Sephiroth?"

    "Yes, Lucretia. As long as I could."

    "Was he beautiful? I never even saw him..." he could hear the tears in her voice.

    "The most beautiful man I have ever seen," he whispered, taking a step forward. "Like an angel, Lucretia."

    "I made him suffer..." she whispered. "He would have been better off never being born."

    "Maybe," Vincent agreed, coming up behind her. Putting his hands gently on her shoulders he said, "you didn't know Lucretia. None of us did. Not until it was too late."

    She turned, eyes spilling tears. "You shouldn't have punished yourself, Vincent. I created him. I created the monster."

    He got down besides her. "You had a baby, Lucretia. Hojo made him the monster. But only by hiding the truth. By lying to him and ignoring him." Running fingers through her tangled hair he whispered, "you loved him, Lucretia. It's not your fault! It never was."

    "Vincent....tell got the gun I left you? The Death Penalty?"

    "Yes...." he paused. "Why?"

    Her voice was barely audible. "I need you to use it."

    "What?" he hissed, drawing away. "No, Lucretia."

    "Please," she begged, clinging to his jacket like she was drowning. And she was drowning. Drowning in self pity. "I've tried so long, Vincent. I left you that gun so you could come back and kill me."

    He said sternly. "Lucretia, I did not come here today to put an end to your suffering. We've all suffered. And we'll continue to. Just...we have to let go."

    "I never even held him my arms, Vincent. I never had a chance to soothe him, to ease his pain." Closing her eyes she she whispered, "I don't even deserve to be called his mother."

    "Stop it, Lucretia," he commanded, "voice raising to uncharacteristic levels. "Stop this."

    "I'll do my best." Her hands slipped under his jacket and before he could react the gun was in her hands and pointed at her head. "Thank you, Vincent."

    "Lucretia!" he cried, moving to pry the weapon from her hand. "No!"

    But it was too late. Four shots had been fired into her head and she fell back into Vincent's arms, bleeding everywhere. The Jenova inside her would not let her have a quick, painless death.

    "It didn't have to come to this!" he cried, tears escaping from his well worn crimson eyes. "You and I, Lucretia, we were the last. We could have made it."

    She trembled, face pale with her impending death. "No, Vincent. We can never escape it. That's why...that's why..." she broke off, moaning and gripping his hand for support. "I...always did love you, Vincent."

    "I should have stopped you."

    "It' all right....I'm happy's all....all....right," she sighed.

    "No, no it's not!" he exclaimed.

    She whispered, "good-bye, Vincent."

    He shook her. "Lucretia! No! There's something I have to tell you--something about Sephiroth--"

    "Sephiroth..." she interrupted, whispering the name with a smiled and a nostalgic glow in her glossy green eyes. "I can see him now..."

    She fell limp in his arms.

    Lucretia, finally, was dead.

    Just like she had wanted.

    "Lucretia!!" he yelled, hoping those eyes would open once more. His last "Lucretia, no!" he pleaded. "You can't! You can't just leave me here! I--I..." he lost it at that point, cradling Lucretia's body to his own as he sobbed into her. "Oh my angel...." he moaned sorrowfully. "I hope you enjoy your mother's company."

    Rufus and Reeve looked at each other, and Reeve noticed the younger man had tears in his eyes. He took him into his arms, soothing him like a father would his child. "'s all right, Rufus," he whispered, stroking his hair. He's so young, he thought. I forget sometimes how innocent even he can still be.

    Finally Vincent stood, lowering the deceased woman's body to the ground, covered in her blood. "Good night, sweet Lucretia," he whispered. "Tell you son I love him." Wiping the tears from his face he looked up at the two others. At Rufus crying quietly into the other man's shoulder. The pain inside him was overwhelming. How could I have brought them? "I'm sorry," he told them.

    They rode back to Kalm in silence, alone with their thoughts. There was plenty to think over. Was she right? Were they all trapped? Was death the only option?

    Two convinced themselves that it wasn't.

    The other wasn't so sure.

End of Part Three
