Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Mr. and Mrs. Leander had spent two weeks honeymooning at Costa del Sol, but they were now back on the Highwind. Rufus was very glad of it. Although he got along better with Cloud and the gang, and no longer feared for his life, he still missed Bria....and Reeve very much.

    He was the first to greet them upon their return. "Bria, Reeve! I'm so glad to see you two!" He gave them each a hug. "Did you have a good time?"

    The couple exchanged a guilt look.

    "Well..." Bria began.

    "...yes," Reeve finished.

    Rufus laughed. "Okay, I get it. I've heard enough." He walked with them back into the Highwind.

    "So now that you know what we were up to, what have you been doing while we were away?" Bria asked.

    Rufus shrugged. "Nothing much. Flying around. Same old stuff."

    "No drunken bar fights I hope," Reeve joked.

    Rufus grinned. "No. You know I only save those for you, Reeve." Both men laughed.

    Bria shook her head. "That's not funny." But her face said otherwise.

    Tifa and Cloud came out of the operations room.

    Tifa said, "Hi you two! how was your honeymoon?"

    "Unforgettable," Reeve replied, his arm around his wife.

    "Glad to hear it." Cloud nodded.

    Bria affectionately tousled Rufus' blonde hair. "Did you take good care of my Rufy while we were gone?"

    Rufus smiled at her.

    "He barely spoke," Tifa told her, "but don't worry. Even Barret's lose most of the undying hatred."

    "Who couldn't?" Bria took Rufus' hand, still smiling at him.

    "I'll leave you guys alone to catch up," Tifa rushed, taking Cloud by the arm. "Come on, Cloud." They left.

    Bria, Reeve and Rufus went into the operations room.

    "Glad to hear you remain unharmed, Rufus," Bria sighed, slipping into one of the chairs.

    "I'm happy to hear everything's worked out for you here, Rufus," said Reeve, "I really am." he and Rufus took seats around the table.

    "I have a question," Rufus ventured, "where to from here?"

    Bria and Reeve exchanged confused looks.

    "What do you mean?" Bria asked.

    "Well you're married now," he shrugged. "Certainly you weren't planning on staying here on the Highwind...forever."

    Again the newlyweds exchanged a look.

    "We....haven't...really...talked about it," Reeve said slowly.

    "We should," Bria insisted, still looking at Reeve.

    Reeve was looking at the table top. "Not now."

    "No..." she looked away from him. "Of course not."

    "Sorry," Rufus hastily apologized. "I didn't mean to--it's just that--"

    "It's perfectly all right, Rufus," Reeve assured him, stroking his beard. "It's something we have to discuss."

    "And something you're entitled to know," Bria added.

    A silence passed.

    Rufus suddenly realized he had many, many questions for the couple. What about income? What about a job? He didn't know about Reeve, but he did not want to settled into a life where he killed things for cash. But who would hire him? His resume may seem *impressive*, but mostly *bad* impressive. Reeve too. After all, according to Bria, Shinra was the only job he ever had.

    As if Reeve was reading Rufus' mind, he mumbled, "there are many things I must think about."

    Bria put a hand on her husband's shoulder and changed the subject. "Where to now?"

    Rufus shrugged. "I don't know...anywhere to Junon?" he weakly offered.

    Bria frowned. He still hated to go back there....she wondered if it really had anything to do with Shinra anymore.

    A thought suddenly struck Rufus. He still had a few million Gil to his name, plus he owned the land the mansion had stood on...."...maybe we could go to Kalm...." Reeve and I could go into business together....

    "Kalm?" Reeve questioned, breaking off Rufus' thoughts. "Why Kalm?"

    Rufus wasn't even aware that he had spoken. "Huh? Oh yeah. Kalm." He got up. "Let's go there."

    Bria and Reeve exchanged a look. But before they could pose another question, Rufus was gone.

***   ***   ***

    Cloud didn't protest. He just shrugged, "whatever," and told the pilot to head for Kalm.

    "Yo, Shinra, why Kalm?" Barret demanded.

    Rufus simply smiled at him. "I believe I have a plan that will get me out of your presence forever." He watched Barret's expression change. "Good day." Rufus proudly left the bridge.

    Barret recovered from his shock and looked at Cloud. "Yo, whatever that damn Shinra's better not involve no reactors."

***   ***   ***

    Rufus returned to the operations room. Bria was gone, but Reeve was still there. "Where is she?" he asked, carefully closing the door behind him.

    Reeve leaned back in his seat. "She went to lie down...." he grinned at Rufus. "So what's with Kalm, Rufus? Anything you want to share?"

    Rufus seated himself across the table from Reeve. "How do you feel about being partners?"

    Reeve blinked. "What?"

    "I know we didn't get along--at all--back in the days of Shinra, but look at us now. Where are we to go? We have to make a living somehow, and fighting forest creatures for money is not something I'll ever do. What choice do we have now?" He paused. "I know it's crossed your mind, Reeve."

    Reeve nodded slowly. "So it has..." he trailed off. "What did you have in mind?"

    Rufus explained, "well I have that piece of land where the mansion was, and several million Gil left over...maybe we could build...something." He recollected his thoughts. "I didn't work out the details."

    Reeve was intrigued. You could see it on his face. "Build *something* a bar or--"

    "Great!" Rufus exclaimed suddenly, interrupting Reeve.

    Reeve blinked. "What?"

    "We'll build a bar! But not just any bar! A really nice one. A classy place. Part of it can even be a restaurant...maybe the second floor..." Rufus had ideas flooding in.

    It was Reeve's turn to interrupt. "Rufus, it's a great idea, really, but by what I think is in your head and by what's in *my* head, we're going to need a whole lot more than a piece of land and couple of million credits."

    Rufus nodded. "I know. That's why we're going to Kalm. There's a good bank there."

    "Of course," Reeve agreed. "So are you taking out a loan?"

    Rufus shook his head. "No. You are."


    "Yes. I can't. They're more likely to give you a loan than me, besides," he reasoned, "you took refuge in Kalm for awhile, right?"

    Reeve sighed. "Right."

    "Well....then what's the problem?"

    The older man shrugged. "I guess there is none. If, in fact, we do get a loan, for a couple of million, then we *could* build a nice establishment in Nibelheim." He smiled, the future looking suddenly much brighter. "This could work. This could actually work!"

    Rufus smiled too. He was glad Reeve was into the idea. Funny, he thought, how such venomous enemies can not only become partners, but friends too.

    Yes, for the first time in his life Rufus' future looked decidedly bright.

    ***   ***   ***

    Kalm was a beautiful town. Rufus has always thought Kalm had maintained it's quaintness, despite the fact it was in such close proximity to Midgar.

    Reeve and Rufus headed into Kalm with high hopes and smiles on their faces. Bria was napping, and they had elected not to wake her.

    The two men stopped in front of the bank and looked up at it in nervous excitement.

    "So....this is really going to work," Reeve breathed.

    Rufus nodded firmly. "Yes. Yes it is."

    "We shall see what the name Reeve Leander can do for us," Reeve mumbled, opening the door and heading in.

    Rufus followed him. That name was their hope.

    Both men stood inside the doorway, just looking around. The bank was busy, and many people were rushing around, papers in hand, making transactions.

    Rufus glanced around for an open line. There was only one, and his heart nearly froze upon spotting it.

    At the head of the line was the most beautiful girl Rufus had ever seen. She was fairly young and pale, with a smooth, clean, glowing complexion. Her wavy dark blonde hair just passed her shoulders, and her brown eyes shone brightly in the artificial light. She wore a sleeveless red shirt which was cut low enough to show what she owned. Rufus couldn't help but stare blankly at her, almost drooling. What a sight! He could stand here for an eternity...

    "Well...." Reeve prompted as he stared at Rufus. "Rufus! Hello!"

    "Wow...." Rufus sighed, his eyes still on the teller.

    "Come on." Reeve grabbed his wrist and dragged him in the direction of the only free line. He wouldn't concern himself with Rufus' trance for now. He stopped at the counter and dropped Rufus' wrist. "Hello."

    "Good morning, gentlemen," she greeted them, smiling pleasantly. "I'm Madeline Sills. How can I help you?"

    Rufus managed to compose himself. "Hi."

    She looked over at him. "Hi."

    Reeve glanced curiously at the both of them before interrupting the potential flirt fest. "I need to take out a loan."

    "Oh, sure!" she reached into her desk and pulled out several forms. "You'll have to fill these out and then bring them back to me." She pointed across the room. "You can go over there."

    Reeve collected the papers with a nod. "All right, thank you." Rufus was still somewhere far away. Reeve literally had to drag him across the bank.

    "Rufus," Reeve sighed impatiently once they were across the room. "What's with you? This is all your doing. The least you can do is pretend I exist."

    "Just but your address back in Midgar," Rufus said absently, his eyes super glued to the pretty bank teller. "Doesn't pay to lie on a bank form."

    Reeve's jaw dropped. "What?!" he exclaimed, reaching out to strike Rufus across the head. "You really haven't heard a word I've said!"

    "Huh?" Rufus finally turned away from the sirenesce creature. "Oh yeah. The forms. Right. So what are you doing? Fill them out."

    Reeve gave his former boss an annoyed look. "What are *you* doing? I'm trying to plan our future here, and you're ogling the bank teller."

    Rufus sighed dreamily. "Beauty like that is almost illegal....."

    "Right," Reeve brushed over the comment and sat down with the forms. "Now pay attention before I put Sephiroth's name on it and we *really* get nothing."

    That kept Rufus' attention, and they went through the forms. Just as Reeve had dotted his last 'i', Rufus grabbed the papers off the table and stood. "I'll bring them to her."

    Reeve frowned as he stood. "They have my name on them," he reminded the younger man as he took back the documents. "I have to hand them back."

    Rufus scowled as he followed Reeve back to Madeline's desk. "No you don't," he muttered bitterly to himself.

    Madeline smiled as they approached. "All done?"

    Reeve nodded and handed her the papers.

    Her eyes scanned over the documents, her expression growing increasingly serious. "Oh....oh dear," she breathed. She looked up at the two men before her. "I--I...I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me."

    Reeve said, "we don't wish to cause any trouble. We understand if you can't give us the loan."

    Rufus bit his lip.

    Madeline replied as she got out of her chair, "it's not my decision, it's the manager's. I'll go see him right now." She turned and went into the back.

    "Oh she is perfect from every perspective," Rufus drooled.

    Reeve rolled his eyes. "Just ask her out and then shut up about it. You're making me sick."

    Rufus perked up at the idea of asking her out. "I hadn't thought of that! Do you think she would?"

    Reeve only shrugged as the pretty teller returned, a neutral expression resting on her delicate features. "I'm sorry," she sighed, "but the manager does not approve the seems he doesn't approve of Shinra either."

    Reeve frowned. This was a blow they were prepared for. "We understand. Thank you anyway." he left, but he didn't realize until he was nearly out the door that Rufus had remained behind. The handsome young man was leaned casually over the desk, talking with the blushing blonde teller. Reeve was about to forcefully drag his former boss away when Rufus finally joined him, grinning from ear to ear.

    He reported, "she said yes. She'll go out with me!"

    "I wish she'd said the same about our loan," Reeve muttered sadly.

    She doesn't even care that I was President of Shinra," he bubbled as they excited the bank. "What a woman, huh?"

    "Too bad the manager does," Reeve continued with the same tone.

    "Huh? Did you say something, Reeve?"

    "No. Never mind. We'll talk later."

    They went into the Highwind.

***   ***   ***

    Bria was sleeping, but she woke when she heard Reeve and Rufus enter. "Well? How did it go?"

    Reeve slumped into one of the chairs with a sigh. "They wouldn't give us a loan."

    Bria sat up, a concerned look about her. "Well why not?"

    "Why do you think?" Reeve sighed.

    Bria frowned.

    "On a positive note, I got a date!" Rufus happily interjected.

    "Huh?" Bria turned to him.

    "He spent the whole time fawning over the teller," Reeve explained.

    "No I didn't," Rufus protested. Reeve gave him such a nasty look he couldn't help but step back. Rufus scratched the back of his head and added, "okay, fine. Maybe I did."

    Bria seemed to take the news very hard. "What now? How are you going to earn money?"

    Reeve shrugged and looked at his wife in surprise. "I really don't know, Bria. Don't worry. We'll be okay for now. Something will eventually come along."

    She nodded silently, not looking entirely convinced. "Yeah." She walked out of the room.

    "What's with her?" Rufus asked.

    Reeve shrugged. "I don't know. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

    The younger man heaved a sighed.

    ".....I am curious as to where to go from here," Reeve admitted. "Are we going to give up that easily?"

    Rufus shook his head. "No, of course not. But you'll have to give me time to think of another way."

    A brief silence passed. " really gonna go out with that bimbo from the bank?"

    "Hey!" Rufus protested. "Just because she's drop dead gorgeous doesn't mean she's ditzy."

    The older man chuckled. "I know, Rufus. I know."

    "We're going out tomorrow," Rufus reported. "Maybe there's still hope for getting a loan."

    "As she said it's not her decision," Reeve pointed out, "you'd have to sleep with the manager then," he added with a chuckle, "and I think it's a man."

    "Ha ha," Rufus replied dryly. "You're so hysterical, Reeve."

    The older man leaned back in his chair and heaved a labored sigh. "I don't want to think about banks or loans or futures anymore. Tell Bria to come back here, huh?"

    "Sure." Rufus left and looked up and down the corridor. Where did she go? He went to the room she and Reeve shared and walked in without knocking. The former President stood in shock at the sight of Bria crying quietly, her knees drawn to her chest on the bed. He couldn't speak for a minute, and she didn't even realize he was there. "Bria?"

    The young woman wiped the tears from her face and looked up. "Oh, Rufus. I didn't see you."

    Rufus quickly closed the door and came to her side. "What's the matter? You aren't crying because we didn't get the loan, are you?"

    She silently nodded.

    He embraced her. "Bria....why? We'll be okay. Everything will work out."

    Bria disagreed. "No, Rufus. You don't understand...."

    "Understand what?"

    " can't tell Reeve."

    Her words shocked him. "I don't know if I could do that."

    "Rufus, please," she stared at him, pleading.

    He gave in. "What?"

    "I'm pregnant."

    Rufus nearly fell over. "What?! Already?!"


    "Why can't you tell Reeve? I think this is something he should definitely know about."

    Bria shook her head and explained. "Reeve's very worried, Rufus. About money. About how he's going to support me. He's been in terrible shape worrying about it. He hasn't actually said anything, but I know him and I know he's scared." She took a firm hold on Rufus' arm.

    "Please, Rufus. You have to keep it a secret."

    The young man swallowed nervously. "Very well."

    She hugged him. "Thank you."

    "Hmmm...would this be a bad time to tell you Reeve wants to see you?"

    Bria managed a laugh. "I think I can manage that." Giving Rufus a quick kiss on the cheek, she went to see her husband.

    Rufus sat there, dumbfounded. He would have to help Reeve and Bria. They needed to get this loan, and nothing could stand in their way.

***   ***   ***

    Rufus tried to avoid Reeve as much as possible that day and into the next. He felt funny knowing such important information, but Bria was his wife, and she knew what was best.

    Other than that, it was a good day. After all, he was going on a date. Surprisingly Rufus had never been on a real date. Women used to just flock to him, hoping for a chance at his money. Such miserable memories of the past. He had made love to so many women, et it had never meant anything to him. The closest he had come was with Vadra, but that once perfect experience had turned repulsively sour as well, the worst experience on the list.

    Now there was no money to be attracted to. It was just him, lil ol' Rufus Shinra, the blonde with the charming smile and sparkling blue eyes. Sparkling with Jenova, but shining all the same.

    Right now he wanted nothing more than to be in love with someone who returned his affections. Someone he could hold in his arms and make love to him because they loved *him* and not his wallet.

    He waited impatiently outside the bank, pacing and wringing his hands. They had agreed to meet outside the familiar building at seven o'clock, and Rufus was several minutes early. Oh how he hoped everything worked out, even for a little while. Nervously he ran his fingers through his golden locks. He had such high expectations for something so simple. But oh how he needed it. He never needed something so badly in all his life.


    The perky voice jerked him out of his own world, and Rufus spun to confront the voices' owner. It was Madeline and he couldn't help but admire her beauty for a moment. Her blonde hair spilled over her bare shoulders, the red dress she wore was short and skin tight. Oh *gods* how I want her.... "Hello, Madeline," he replied, returning her smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

    "You're not half bad yourself," she teased. "So, where to tonight?"

    Rufus went to speak before he realized he hadn't a thing to say. Instead he closed his mouth and thought a minute. "I don't know," he admitted, "I'm not too familiar with Kalm."

    Her cheery smiled hadn't faded. "That's okay. Mind if I suggested a place?"

    He was thrilled to be with her...her cheeriness was a such a ray of hope...he needed that in his life, especially when everyone on the Highwind was in funeral mode. "Not at all."

    "Great." She took his hand. "Come with me."

    To the ends of the planet....

***   ***   ***

    It was a cool, clear night, the type of evening that showed off nature's astounding beauty.

    Most of the Highwind's passengers had elected to stay indoors and play cards this beautiful night, but Vincent had elected to sit outside, not far from the ship, and enjoy the planet he had helped save from...from...

    Oh my beautiful angel, the former Turk thought with a sad little sigh. If only I had stopped Hojo and Lucretia...then you never would have suffered at all...even if I would have had to live my whole life without you....maybe it would have been better that way....I don't know....what would have been your choice, my darling?

   But I doubt you'd even recognize me now, Sephiroth. I have grown older...and I fear I am not even completely human any longer. I am not the same man who once held you in his arms, sweet angel. He felt a tear slip from his suddenly moist eyes. I miss you terribly, my darling...and I can only hope that wherever you are you miss me too. He couldn't stop the tears, and he let them come, even though they blurred his vision of the stars. I told you we would never be alone, Sephiroth, but I lied. We are both alone....maybe we....maybe we were destined to be this way. Do I still complete you, my angel? Is part of you missing because I'm not there with you? I know that my life is empty without you....lonely....and empty.

    Is your mother with you, Sephiroth? My poor, beautiful Lucretia....I'm sorry.... He was sobbing now, trying to hide his eyes with his shaking hands. "I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm sorry I couldn't save your son..."


    The former Turk's head shot up and he saw Reeve looking at him in shock.

    "Vincent, what's the matter?"

    The older man shook his head, a tiny smile sneaking up on his lips. "I cannot help but reflect on the past...there is so much I have lost..." his voice choked up for a moment before he was able to add, "it is not good to gaze into the past so frequently, but I can't seem to help myself."

    "I understand." Reeve turned to leave. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you."

    "No, please," Vincent requested, "please join me if you'd like. Some company is always welcome."

    The younger man hesitated a moment before settling in the grass himself.

    The former Turk allowed a few seconds of silence to pass before he asked, "have you ever lost someone close to you, Reeve?"

    The other man nodded and quietly replied, " mother and....and my best friend." He paused before sighing, "Tseng..."

    "The Turk..." Vincent nodded, remembering. "I saw him at the temple of the Ancients..."

    "You did!?" exclaimed Reeve.

    "Yes," the older man confirmed, "it is not a pleasant memory to recall..." he shuddered, "one of too many."

    Reeve shook his head, trying to clear it, trying not to remember his dear, close friend...he couldn't help himself, and his his eyes from Vincent as he cried, growing angry as he remembered. "Dammit, Sephiroth!"

    Vincent's head jerked up at the mention of his name. "Please," he requested, "don't...don't mention that name around me...especially to curse it."

    Reeve looked up in surprise. "Huh? Vincent? You,--but,--everyone,--but--"

    "Please don't blame him. I know what he did was wrong, but *I* am more to blame than him...and Hojo more than I am....I suppose..."

    "I don't understand," Reeve replied, "what do you mean?"

    Vincent shied away. " is a difficult tale to retell..."

    I bet it's no worse than mine. "Please, Vincent?" he requested, "I want to understand why you think this way. What happened?"

    The former Turk drew a shaky breath. "Very well. But I do request you do not repeat this to any other member of Cloud's original team."

    "All right," Reeve agreed.

    As difficult as it was, Vincent told the story of him, Lucretia, Hojo and Sephiroth. About the Jenova project, and his relationship with Sephiroth, the aftermath with Hojo and everything in-between. He finished near tears. "So, you see, my poor Sephiroth...he was just reduced to nothing. He had nowhere to turn except...." he trailed off, taking a deep breath to fight off the impending flow of tears. "I still love him. I always have. That is why...oh gods...." He covered up his face again.

    Reeve's brain was nearly frozen. He had never heard a more upsetting brought him to tears as well. And he understood...he truly did. Wordlessly he embraced the older man, allowing him to cry quietly into his shoulder. "I understand now, Vincent. And I'm sorry. I won't blame him anymore. Plus..." his chin trembled, "I think Tseng *wanted* to die..." He quickly bent his head back to prevent any water from flowing. No. Oh no. He couldn't. Not now...

    Vincent drew away, wiping the final signs of grief from his eyes. "Thank you."

    "Thank you for telling me."

    The Turk changed the subject. "Where's Bria tonight?"

    Reeve shrugged sadly. "She said she wanted to be left alone...I think she's taking this whole loan rejection harder than I thought she would." He frowned. "I have to admit this worries me more. I don't want her to be unhappy with me..." He sighed and mumbled, "I've said too much."

    "Rufus told me about your idea," Vincent told him, "and perhaps there's a way I can help."

    "How?" Reeve asked eagerly.

    "What if I took out the loan for you? I doubt the bank will have any information on an old, disfigured Turk."

    "You would do that, Vincent? Really?" the younger man smiled excitedly. "Rufus, Bria and I would be eternally grateful!"

    Vincent seemed to hesitate. "....I do ask one favor."

    "Anything," Rufus promised.

    "....I need to go somewhere...just to...just to *calm* my mind." He added, "I would like you and Rufus to accompany me."

    Reeve was slightly curious, but elected not to question his benefactor. "We would be happy to."

    "Is tomorrow a problem?"

    "No. Not at all." He paused. "Vincent?"


    "Do you think Sephiroth is sorry for everything he did?"

    The former Turk didn't hesitate. "Yes. I know he is."

***   ***   ***

    Rufus strode through the town of Kalm hand in hand with Madeline, talking and laughing. The young man couldn't remember the last time he ahd laughed so often. She was certainly a rare species, and Rufus had fell for her hard. She was everything missing in his life. Madeline was so sunny, upbeat and carefree. She was young too, younger than him, and she was brimming full of life. Rufus hoped some could rub off on him. He needed her in his life. He needed her badly.

    She led him to an open field after dining at a small cafe. "I used to come here a lot as a child," she told him.

    "Really?" Rufus remembered being locked in bleak rooms as a child.

    "'s such a nice view of the sky." She pointed up. "It's so beautiful...I wish every night was as clear as this."

    Rufus glanced up at the sky, but his eyes ended up back on Madeline as she looked up at the heavens, eyes shining brightly. Slowly he leaned over, positioned his lips next to her ear and whispered, " make this evening all the more beautiful."

    She turned to him, clearly taken with his words. "Oh, Rufus...I don't know what to say...."

    "Say you'll let me kiss you."

    She silently nodded and he wasted no time taking her lips with his. Arms went around one another and they stood passionately kissing in the starlit field.

    When they finally drew apart, Rufus felt so....giddy. It was as if just by kissing her he could become part of her, and be so insanely happy. He wanted more of it.

    But she said, "Rufus, I think I should tell you something."

    He panicked. "What is it?"

    "...I...I'm a virgin," she admitted, "just so you know. And I'm suggesting that's what you're after, but...I...I like to move at my own pace."

    A tiny portion of him was disappointed, but he really didn't mind. As long as his lips could meld with hers. "That's fine, Madeline," he assured her.

    She smiled. "Sorry to be so honest about it, but form my experience that's what most men want with me." Her brown eyes met his blue ones. "I don't get that feeling with you, Rufus. Not at all..." she sighed, leaning forward to kiss him again. "You have such beautiful eyes..."

    He happily accepted her lips, graciously allowing her tongue into his mouth. This truly was bliss. Madeline was the match Rufus had been searching for his whole life. So pure, so vibrant and so innocent. What did she care about Shinra? Shinra, Shinra, Shinra. Now it was just a last name.

End of Part One
