Only Resort

By: Phil

This is a parody to Last Resort by Papa Roach and I wrote this in a form of Vincent's life, hope you like it. :)


Cut my life into pieces
This is my only resort
Suffocation no breathing
Dont give a #%@$ if i go to sleep bleeding
This is my only resort

Cut my life into pieces
This is my only resort
Suffocation no breathing
Dont give a #%@$ if I go to sleep bleeding
Do you even care if i die bleeding
Would it be wrong or would it be right
If took a long sleep tonight
I did but Could woke me up that night
Maybe I shouldn't have follow them all
but i had some unfinished business with Shin-Ra

Cause im losing my sight
Losing my mind
The demon in me is burning inside
Losing my mind
Losing my sight
The demon in me is burning inside
Nothings alright nothing is fine
Im running and im crying

I never knew that Hojo used me as experiment
Till it was to late and I was empty within
Hungry, turning into Chaos and living in sin
I feel less human every time and then
It all started when I lost my lover
No love for myself or no love another
I thought that I was the punished but no
The no that should be punished is Hojo



Cut my life into pieces
this is my only resort
Suffocation no breathing
Dont give a #@#$ if I go to sleep bleeding
Would it be wrong or would it be right
If I took a long sleep tonight
I did but Could woke me up that night
Maybe I shouldn't follow them all
But I have some unfinished business with Shin-Ra



Cant go on
living this way
nothings all

Two Letters, A Tape, And a Sad Good-bye
By: Phil
Based on Eminem's "Stan"

Chorus: My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why....
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window...
and I can't see at all
And even it I could it'll all be gray,
but your picture on my wall....
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..

Chorus(One):volume gradually grows over raindrop background then full volume
with right after "thunder" noise

Squall: Dear Rinoa, I wrote but you still ain't calling
I left my cell, my pager, and my fathers home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not of got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or something
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyway:f**k it, how has it been Rinoa, how's our daughter
If you hadn't named her yet guess what I'm going call her
I'm going name her Rachel
I read about your uncle Mitchell too I'm sorry
I knew a guy killed himself because some b*tch didn't want
Well anyway, I hope you get this man, hit me back, just a chat, always with
love, your only boyfriend,
This is Squall


Squall: Dear Rinoa, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad-I just think it's F**KED Up you don't answer you boyfriends
If you didn't wanna talk to me outside the concert
You didn't have to, but you could of at least see my new friend Sito
She was a real good friend Rinoa, you know we had to do,
we had to wait in the blistering cold,
I waited four hours for you but you just said no
That's pretty sh*tty Rinoa, you're like her f**kin idol
She wants be just like you Rinoa, I bet a lot of people could relate to her
But I ain't that mad, I just don't like being lied to
Remember when I went to leave for Estar
You said if I'd write to you would write back
See I'm just like you in a way
I never really got to know my mother neither:
my father left her and probably cheat on her
I can relate to what you're saying to me and all
so when I have a sh*tty day, I drift away and put 'em on
cause I don't really got sh*t else so that sh*t helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest
See my dad just jealous because of our love
and I think he's annoyed that I talk about you all the time
But still, he don't know like I know you Rinoa, no one does
He don't know what it was like for people like us growing up
You gotta call me Rinoa, I'll be the biggest boyfriend you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Squall--P.S.
We should see each other more too


Squall: Dear Misses-I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-To-My-Boyfriends
This will be the last package I'll ever sent to your @$$
It's been six months and still no word-I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect
So this is my cassette I'm sending you I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on a freeway
Hey Rinoa, I drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?
Remember the time you went to space and almost died
But I flew up to you saved you
This kinda how this is, only you couldn't save from me from dying
Now it's too late-I'm on a 1000 downers now, I'm drowsy
and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know I ripped ALL of your pictures of the wall
I love you Rinoa, we could of been together, think about
You ruined me now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM about me
I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can't BREATHE without me
See Rinoa:(screaming) Get off the rode b*tch! I'm trying to talk!
Hey Rinoa, I tied my self up so I wouldn't retrain from killing my self
Cause I ain't like you
cause if i try to move the wheel I can't, then I die faster than you
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh sh*t, I forgot, how am I supposed to send this sh*t out
(car tires squeal)
(A loud crash is heard)
(Brief silence)
(LOUD splash)


Rinoa: Dear Squall, I meant to write to you sooner dear
I just been busy
You said that we should call our daughter Rachel
And I'm pregnant again, I don't know how far or long he is
Look, I'm really flattered that you had a friend who admires me
So I wrote my autograph and made it really fancy
I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show I must of missed y
Don't think I did that sh*t intentionally just to diss you
But anyway Squall I think you need to get some counseling
to help your @$$ from bouncing of the walls if you be down something
I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time
before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doing just fine
if you relax a little, I'm glad you love me very much but Squall
Why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a boyfriend
I just don't want you to do some crazy sh*t
I seen this one sh*t on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick
Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
and in the car they found the tape but it didn't say who it was to
Come to think about, his name
No......(distant sobs are heard)

I'm Back
By: Phil
Based on Eminem's "I'm Back"

*Repeat chorus 4 times*
Chorus:That's why they call me The Great Sephy (I'm back)I'm back(I'm back)

I murder this planet one person at a time
You never heard of a mind as twisted of mine
You better get rid of that sword Cloud ain't gonna help
What goods it gonna do against the man who makes you strangle yo'self
I'm waiten for meteor to come, Sh!t I'm tossin in my bed
Zack your safe in Cloud's head, be thankful your dead
I used to be Hojo's little experiment at ten
At thirteen I was chopping heads off with my sword and putten em under my bed
I used to get bullied and beat to hell
That sh!t stopped when they injected the Jenova Cells
I used to care about life but now I could give a f#@% less
What do I think about Shin-Ra? It sucks, too much press,I'm stressed
Too much death, with aggress,too much pressure, it's all a bloody mess
Guess I'll just blow up the planet quick(yes)
Grew up too quick(no) wasn't raised right, whatever I say is wrong
Whatever they say is right
You think of my name now whenever you say Jenova
Became a GOD cause my mother's an A-N-C-I-
E-N-T cuz they won't be friendly to me, Can't wait till Hojo see's me
Look at my dad is it worth it? Ain't life just perfect?
Read my lips Cloud, what? My mouth isn't working?
See this sword? Oh its upside down
Here, Lemme sheath this Motherf@#%er in yer gut right now


I take Clouds spiky-@$$ head and make him do sh!t
Just to see if he'll kill Aries before I do it
Even if he did it she'd still be an innocent victim
And becomes a puppet on the string of my insanity
(Err-Ek-Errek) I am the Great Sephy, I'm crazy and you don't to try to fight
The sensational "General Seph is incredible!"
With Don Cornero who finds woman edible
It's Don Cornero, on the internet
Tryin to lure your daughters with him into bed
It's a sick world we live in these days
"Seph for the planet's sake put down President Shin-Ra's legs!"
Jeez you guys are so sensitive...
"Seph it's a touchy subject, so try no to mention it"
My heads got Jenova in it, I get so frantic
When my eyes start squintin and I'm blind from bombing things
With my thoughts tainted, with nine buggies lined up, doing lines of mako on
With bunch of clones hoping off a cliff all high and sh!t
And that's where I get my name from, that's why they call me


I take 7 kids from Midgar and stand em all in line
Add a can of gas, a fire materia and then add my twisted mind
Burn It up and take my sweet time
A natural old school soldier I'm crossing the line
Cause I'm Sephy and they call me crazy
As Shin-Ra is over this problem land thing
And by the way, AVALANCHE why do they bring
Am I the only person that realizes they stink?
Should I spike my hair up and get a big breasted chick like Tifa?
Stick a gun in my hand and say that someone shoot it off?
That's why I tend to spaz out when I hear things
Cause all the planets crying is making my ears ring
So I just stick you with my sword and let it linger like I'm proud
Longer than the rumor I was sticken it to Cloud
If I ever stuck it to anybody in the game biz
It'd be Lucrecia or whatever her name is, and Vincent you should know this
Sorry Vince but I don't give a f@#% if she is or is not my real mother
I'd still take her to your coffin and commit a sin inside her
And make you my son and brand new brother at the same time
And then just say that your not even mine, what's my name?

Guess who's back
Hi mom
Guess who's back
Northern Crater
Guess who's back
Dr. Hojo(GAG)
Guess who's back
The Great Sephiroth
Squaresoft 2001
Guess who's back
Gonna take a chunk outta the planet

By: Phil
Based on Korn's "Ball-tongue"

There you are with your buds
With no hope of ever having something to be proud of
Something earned without killin' (LIKE ME!)
Yes, I know you're a clone, a spiky-@$$ clone of me
Who do you think you are?! What more dO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!??!

-Yes i am the killer, i'll kill ya harder
-Peace is just f*ck up, like you!!
-Congrats after you f*ckin' killed me you piece of sh!t
Why are so f*cked up?!?

Why are you runnin' around, buried in your own emotions
Why do you insist on living your life to kill me?
Yes, I know you're the clone, the clone that took down me
Does it give you the right to inspect YOUR LIFE REVOLVES AROUND ME?!!?

-You have a hoebag like a playboy bunny
-You never ever been so f*ucked up
-Your mind is i'm controlling you nut
-Ahh, that swearing b@tch is fine for the day
-You got mako poisoning form me
-I am an invisible enemy
-Came back to save your girl but then gave up
-I'll kill her again and laugh at you

You were my first born clone
Where does the madness end?
You were my...
I'm never going to give in because of you

How can you f*ckin try to kill me, but not again

-You've driven your friends to fight me
-They've taken the livin' sh!t in me
-They're a psycho band of motherf*ckers
-You've come to enslave me
-Your friends are f*cken weird
-You have no idea what goin' on even if someone screams in your ear
-Your f*ckin limit breaks kill me


-Barret's like a messed up Mr.T
-I'm dead, your dead, METEOR dropped, but who was it?
-That slut Tifa is a damn hot chick
-Can I die?! Can I die?!
-And then, you're kickin' my @$$ with Omnislash
-Aries is dead, so she's cool
asn't dead, I'll go over to the Highwind and knock you in the head
-No more Cloud, I'm sick of you.  You're a Dyke!

I Know Why You Wanna Kill Me
 By: Phil
Based on Limp Biskit's "Take A Look Around"

All the psychos in the world today
All the little girls trying to be tough today
When life turns to bad, then turns to good
I'm-a gonna live my life like I should
Now all the ratings wanna sh!t it
To make kids not play it, cause they just don't get it
But I'll stay fitted, new era committed
Now this Squaresoft gives a rap for these critics
So do we always gotta cry
Do we always gotta live a fake life
Life is like a truck that is ready to crash
Ya better stay strong or life'll kick you in the @$$
So follow me around like Sephiroth
Remember him kid? So whatcha gonna do?
And were you gonna go when you hear Cid cussin like a..
Gun to your back ready to go off
Final Fantasy is rockin' the games
Thats why they got all the fame and that ain't no shame
So dont be upset when you die more than once,
Cause i'll be the on with the gun

Chorus:I know why you wanna kill me....
I know why you wanna kill me....
I know why you wanna kill me....
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately
I know why you wanna kill me....
I know why you wanna kill me....
Now I know why you wanna kill me...
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately
Now you wanna kill me....
Cause killin' is all the world has ever done lately
Now you wanna kill me....
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately

Does any one really know the secret,
Or the combination for Vincent's vault and were they keep it
It's kinda of sad when you dont know who you're being
But everything happens for a reason
I dont even know what Squall should say
Cause he might be a idiot, a loser, a Seifer-like abuser
All these characters analyze ever second they exist
Beating every monster every second with their fist
So everybody wanna hide...
Everybody gotta run from the evil guy
You could take a ride with your friends if you want
But cant take the edge off of swords
And know your parents want their money back
Cause they're denied, your brains fried from the sack
And there is nothing i could do...
Cause life is a lesson, you'll learn it when your through



Now....I....know....why...(why you wanna kill me)

Now I know why you wanna kill me...
Now I know why you wanna kill me...
Now I know why you wanna kill me...
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately...
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately...
Cause killin is all the world has ever done lately...

Wait and Bleed
By: Phil

This is a songfic based on the Dueling between Seifer and Squall in the Beginning of the game in Squall's point of view.  And I also added the song "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot. DuZt!!

I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wonder out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...


I walk towards the rocky valley called "duel hill."  Each and ever step, taking me closer towards my rival, Seifer.  The man who mad my life miserable wanted a battle saying it was just a "friendly practice,"  I knew he wanted a real battle. I step in front of him, face to face.  "So, we meet again 'old friend.' " said the cocky blonde.  But the only word I could say too him was... "Whatever."




We both back off and sheath out our Gunblades.  He starts to charge towards me.  I let out my Gunblade just in time. The load and sharp slashes of the two blades making noise to scare any nearby birds.  Both of us striking deathifying blows at each other...


I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me


Me and Seifer were untouched but we're still fighting.  I'm sweaty and tired, but that's not going to stop me.  Each blow was getting harder and harder to block off.  So, I decided to charge towards him.....


I can't control my shakes, how the hell did it get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?


I charged towards him. But, he had something up his sleeve, he attack me with a fire element force.  He shoot it toward me and I blocked it off with my Gunblade making a loud, sharp noise.  I flew backwards landing on my butt with pain on my chest....


Get outta my head cuz I don't need this
Why didn't I see this?
I'm a victim-Manchurian candidate
I - have - sinned - by - just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away


I Get up with all my might.  My Gunblade feeling like it weighs a ton, I still try. But I look up too see Seifer's cocky little smile, looking straight at me.  He gets his Gunblade up and then slashes me between the eyes....


You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free


I arch down with blood dripping out form the gash between my eyes, with pain like I never felt before.  Luckily, he didn't pull the trigger, or I would of get knocked out.  So I get up, looking at his cocky little grin.  With all my angry towards him, I manage to lift up my Gunblade, slashing him between the eyes as well....after that, I passed out....


And it waits for you!



WUZUP!! This one is about Aeris, well duh. And it's a parody to The Offsprings "She's Got Issues." Hope ya like it! PEACE OUT!! ~ph!L

She An Ancient

I just met this girl and she might be one of a kind
Well she's an Ancient with the ability to talk with her mind
She talks about the Planet dying and all the Cetra bit
I don't mean to be insensitive, but I really hate that sh!t

Yeah, Yeah
Oh crap she's an Ancient
And I'm gonna pay
Yeah, Yeah
She thinks she has special powers

Now I know she'll feel abandoned
if I don't take her out late
And I know she's afraid to be kissed
But it's only our very first date

Yeah, Yeah
Oh crap she's an Ancient
And I'm gonna pay
Yeah, Yeah
She thinks she has special powers
But never uses it when it's needed

I don't know why you're an Cetra
I don't know why you've been chased by Turks
Just do me a favor
And help me kill Sephiroth that jerk

Now she talked about ex just once, yet, I don't mind
But when I find out that he is Sephy
That's when I draw the line
You told me a hundred times how the Planet's gonna cry
But I wish you wouldn't call back to it
When we're trying to kill badguys

 Yeah, Yeah
Oh crap she's an Ancient
And I'm gonna pay
Yeah, Yeah
She's playing the victim
And taking it all out on me
Yeah, yeah
My god she's an Ancient
And I'm gonna pay
gonna pay
gonna pay
gonna pay
gonna pay
gonna pay

If you think I'm controlling
Then why do you follow me around
If you're not such a wussy
Then why do you let others smack you down

I don't know why you're a Cetra
I don't know why you've been chased by Turks
Just do me a favor
And help me kill Sephiroth that jerk
