The Parodys....

Here's the funny stuff! Before you continue, ask yourself "if they make fun of my favorite FF character, will I be mad?" if the answer is yes, don't read this stuff! But please don't get offended. We kid, cause we love. *Warning*: Most of the content might be slightly objectionable to some people. All parody's are rated PG-13. Also, some of it *has* been edited.
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Crazy crap written by yours truly!

"The Many Emotions of Squall Leonhart"

"The Many Emotions of Cid Highwind"

 "Cloud and Sephiroth/ Zell and Seifer"
Here's what would happen if you invited Cloud and Sephiroth to the same party, or Zell and Seifer for that matter...

"How Fujin and Raijin Met Seifer"
He's cool, ya know?  AFFIRMATIVE.

"Squall...I am your father..."
Squall finds out Laguna's his Irvine's not having the best of luck....

"We Now Bring You To A Meeting of Shinra Inc."
A Typical Meeting. Uh, Reeve...what's that remote control you've got?

"Cait Sith Roasting On a Cosmo Fire..."
Only read it you hate Cait Sith. I'm warning you now.

"44 Hours of Work...Gone..."
The story of how my first FF7 game got erased...and why I blame Sephiroth.

"Tifa's Party"
What if all the characters from FF7 and FF8 got together for a party! Would it be a great time, or a big disaster?

Cid's Swear Jar
Tifa believes she has the solution to stop Cid's constant cursing.


Very funny stuff written by my friend Jackie

"Rinoa and Seifer's Story"
Exactly what kind of "fond memories" were they talking about?

"Rinoa V. Quistis"
Who loves Squall more???

"The Day Before the Battle With Sephiroth"
Will everyone show up to fight Sephiroth, or will Cloud and Tifa have to face him themselves? Forget what the game said!
Let  them come....
Shut up, Sephiroth.

"Chocobo's Roasting On A Cosmo Fire..."
Read only if you not a big Chocobo fan...

"Cloud's Date With Tifa"
Who does he *really* like better...Tifa, or Aeris??

"Marlene's New Word"
Is Barret influencing his daughter *too* much?

"Yuffie Strikes Back"
Uh...Where's my materia?

"Rinoa's Discovery"
Rinoa fans beware..she's been a little busy...

"Irvine Playboy"
You just *gotta* love Irvine ^_~


Very Funny Stuff written by my friend Michelle

"The FF Picnic"
Uh...Maybe putting everyone together wasn't such a great idea afterall....

"Lunatic Pandora"
Michelle's take on going into lunatic pandora...fellow Rinoa fans beware ^_^

The FF8 gang's "off to see the Wizard" on Halloween

"The Great Birthday Ramble"
A ramble Michelle wrote for her sister, Amy for her birthday. It's so kawaii!!! Hehe


"The FF7 Sleepover"
By: Aeris
Rating: PG-13
Yuffie, Aeris and Tifa decide to have a sleepover...warning! Titanic fans may be offended!

"The Real Sephiroth"
By: Aeris
Rating: PG-13
This is a song parody of the real slim shady. Aeris had this on her site and I really liked it, so I asked her if I could post it here. Unfortunatly she couldn't find the whole thing, but here's what she came up with!

"Boy Next Door: Issue June"
By: Mikey
Rating: R
Hmmm...I gotta get me one of those magazines ^_^

"Jerry Springer: Leave My Man Alone!"
By Mikey
Rating: R
Rinoa takes Quistis to the Jerry Springer show to settle the score. Quistis fans beware!

"The Scandal"
By Mikey
Rating: R
Rinoa has a relationship with Laguna and people find out....Rinoa fans beware!

"Girl Next Door"
By: Mikey
Rating: R
The guys look at porn, porn and uh...more porn! ^_^

"The Little Flirt"
By: Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Marlene gets in a lot of trouble...

"The Little Flirt"
By: Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Who can tell who off better?

"Super Market Sweep"
By: Don Seto and Miss Scarlet
Rating: PG-13
 When Dale Winton, host of "Supermarket Sweep", is unable to present
a show, he calls up his old friend Mayor Dobe to step into the breach.
Little did he know what he was letting himself in for, when the cast of FF8
run riot in the aisles!

"Shinra TV"
one, two, three, four
By: Cap Cid Highwind/ R. Keith Sewell
Rating: PG-13
I read these on another site and laughed my ass off. I asked the good Captain if I could put them on this site and he said yes. ^_^ Hooray!! You gotta love Shinra.

"Parody of the Master Card Commercial"
By: Angel Samantha
Rating: PG
You know those commericals where they tell you how much some stuff costs and then the last thing is priceless? This parodies those commericals.

Parodying My Rambles?

Seems people like my rambles so much they want to write them too! Very funny!

"Awaken, Cloud Strife"
By: Thalayla
Rating: PG, complete

"Karate Kids"
By: Sean Almasy
Rating: PG, complete

(a poem)
By: Sean Almasy

"Sephiroth's Job"
By: Sean Almasy
Rating: R, complete

"Zell's Problem"
By: Sean Almasy
Rating: PG-13, complete

by Sean Almasy
Rating: PG-13, complete

"Cat Ears"
By: Sabre
Cat ears? Search no further! Ever wonder what your favorite final fantasy character would look
like as a cat? Well read on! Cat ears included! [Well kind of!]
Rating: G, complete

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