Final Fantasy
 By: NeoSephiroth373


                                                         Before Midgar was totally destroyed by the Meteor, there was a story about a young man named Rufus...Rufus Shinra. He was vice president of Shinra, Midgar, Junon...hell, the whole 3 continents he lives in. His father was the president, the king, the emperor, the ruler of all. Some call him King Shinra, some emperor, most call him president Shinra. Rufus wasn't really called vice president Rufus much....he, infact, was known as Prince Rufus. Prince Rufus lives in the Shinra Mansion in Midgar. Through out his life of royality, Prince Rufus was taught proper manners, he was taught many rules he must obey, taught not to get dirty in public, and many more clean nice manners. Prince Rufus never went to school, he was tutored by Professor Hojo, a scientist devoted to his work and a nutcase when it comes to magic and inventions. He can't invent things right and he believes in too may ancient spells. But he really loved spending time with Rufus. Hojo sees that Rufus' father is too busy for him that Rufus usually comes to see Hojo almost everyday. Prince Rufus had one thing he loved the absolute most....water. Every chance he gets, Rufus swims into the Ocean where he makes friends with sea creatures and he would stay there for hours. Infact, Rufus is what is known as a hydro elemental.....person with water abilities and able to breathe in water, plus he can read sea creatures minds. He's working on that one. Strangely, Hojo doesn't want Rufus near the Ocean and he has yet to tell Rufus. Well, we also must know that Prince Rufus Shinra totally HATES his life of royality. He wants to be out with the normal peoples, but he can't, sad, ain't it? Well, on with the story.
                                        was a beautiful orange sky. The window was huge and wide open in the room Rufus owns. He was not there though, just his pet, Dark Nation. Dark Nation patiently waited his master to return. Prince Rufus was near the ocean in Junon, he was swimming with his two fave dolphins....Chip and Baron. Rufus was having so much fun that he didn't notice Hojo walking in.
"Rufus!" Hojo shouted. " Rufus!"
"Huh?" Rufus turned around to see Hojo. "Oh! Hi, Hojo!"
"What did I tell you about going near the ocean?!" Hojo scowled at Rufus.
"I'm....sorry." Rufus came out of the water. " I can't help it though...I love water. I'm part of them."
"I know. I know." Hojo nodded. "Water is nice."
"How can anyone not like something so...beautiful." Rufus looked at the ocean.
" are so into water, you forgot what today is." Hojo smiled.
"What?" Rufus dried his hair with his towel. His strawberry blonde hair was sticking out everywhere.
"Your 17th birthday party." Hojo smiled.
"The party!" Rufus gasped. " I can't believe I forgot!"
"Forgot it all!" Hojo shock his head.
"I better go." Rufus grabbed his bag of supplies he brought and left.
Hojo saw the young prince leave before he saw the ocean and let out a sad sigh. He dipped his hand into the water and sighed happily.
"Hojo?" Rufus asked.
"Eerrrr....yea?!" Hojo quickly took his hand back out.
"What are you doing?" Rufus asked.
"Nothing...." Hojo smiled.
Rufus left. Hojo sighed of relieve.
                                      Rufus creep to his mansion afraid his father might catch him being in the ocean when he wasn't suppose to due to his party. He jumped into an open window and ran until he bumped into a bunch of teens like him.
"Oops, sorry." Rufus said.
"Oh, your majesty..." a teen boy said. " Why are you wet?"
"Uhhh....none of your concern...I better get ready....can't miss my own 17th...birthday." Rufus fled to his room.
"What a strange guy." the teen boy said.
"I heard he talks to sea animals." a fat boy said.
"I heard he likes to spend time with that geek Hojo!"
"What a loser!"
"Ha! He needs a life!"
They all laughed and Rufus heard everything. He sighed sadly and slowly went to his room.
"Rufus!" came Dark Nation, his pet purple dog.
"Hey, D.N." Rufus said to his talking pal.
"Anything wrong?" D.N asked.
"No...I'm fine." Rufus forced a smile he always has everyday. Most girls say he looks cute with his smile. His mother said that he's smile was angelic and brought joy to her....she always said that, but Rufus can't hear that anymore....she and his father divorced leaving Rufus with his horrible deadbeat dad.
                                   Rufus opened his closet with so many clothes. Most of them his father bought for him, but there were some clothes that Rufus made himself. Rufus was a good seamstress. He wore one of his clothes he made. It was a red coat with black linens on the sides. The front of his jacket was as long as his where his belt was, his back was all the way down to his knees. He wore a red scarf of some sort with a star symbol with a water droplet in it, wings next to the stars. He had long black pants with white lines, he also had black shoes. Black shiny shoes. He got gel and smoothed his hair until it was totally combed over. He then placed his red hat with the star wing symbol. He also had on gloves with holes for the fingers with a pad connected to the gloves(it's for fighting) and last but not least, he put on a blue pendant with the star symbol, his most prize possession. Rufus saw himself on a mirror.
"Not bad, Rufus." Dark Nation smiled.
"Thank." Rufus smiled. "I'm ready." Soon, someone came in. Hojo.
"Wow!" Hojo said. " Looking good!" He gave a thumbs up sign.
" Hey, thank." Rufus smiled.
"You ready for your birthday party?" Hojo asked.
"What's the point of going to the party?" Rufus asked. " I mean, my father arranged this party...not's gonna be so boring."
"I know it is. " Hojo smiled. "But you need to make your father proud."
"I know...I better go." Rufus left with D.N. Hojo followed close by.
                               The party was already on. Rufus saw his father from a distance looking awfully proud of the party he made for Rufus.
"Well, this is it...." Rufus went over to the party....

To Be Continued....