Secret of the North Cave

I am everywhere,
Yet I am alone.
Swirling black and silver,
I am you nightmare.

I am an angel,
Yet I am a devil.
Green eyes see through your soul
I am your fantasy.

I am no where,
Yet I am the planet.
Lurking in the shadows,
I am your destiny.

I am flying,
Yet I am falling.
Your hate twists and threatens,
I am your friend.

I am frightning,
Yes I am comfort.
Teasing you from safety,
I am your enemy.

I am crazy,
Yet once was sane.
Will you come and get me?
I am invincible.

I am laughing,
Yet I am crying.
And I will wait for you.
I am waiting.

I am confident,
Yet I am scared.
And now I will kill you--
I am ready.

I am free,
Yet a prisoner.
Take pity on me, please.
I am Sephiroth.

Blood in my Hand

Blood on my hand
I stare
And wonder
You confuse me

Tears in my eyes
I cry
And worry
If I will die

Words in my throat
I yell
And collapse
Too familiar

Life in my veins
I live
And wonder
Why I see you

Scar on my chest
I count
And tally
Now I've got three

Pain in my heart
I sleep
And dream
Blood in my hand....


Lightning strikes a distant hill,
The thunder shakes the land.
I hear nothing,
Locked away in a coffin of my own design.
For how long?

I am alone with my punishment,
With only the voices in my head for company.
They comfort me
And torment me.
My own conscience eats away at me.

The sunlight seeps through the cracks in this old mansion.
It brings hope,
But does not reach me.
I am a prisoner of my own mistakes,
A monster of my own creation.

I shut my eyes and close out the world,
Only to torment myself.
There is no other way for me.
I am alone.
I have my dreams.

The lightning strikes and the sun does shine,
I see nothing but my guilt.
Can I face the world again?
Perhaps I will know,
When this nightmare ends.

(another one about Vincent)

Tear myself apart
I scream
Who hears me?
My voice is lost

Choke myself to death
I cry
Who hears me?
My sobs are lost

Sleep my life away
I dream
Who hears me?
My soul is lost

Locked up with my sins
I pray
Who hears me?
My life is lost.

(more on Vincent)

Heated emotion
Flows through my veins
What you did to her
Took from her
Blames me

Searing agony
Burns within my chest
What you did to him
Made of him
Pains me

Heavy burdoned soul
Carry it always
What you did to me
Gave to me
Killed me

Lone Wolf

I hide
Hide in my shell.
Away from you
Can't see me
I'm safe.

I can't
Pressure hurts me.
My head is spinning
It breaks me
I'm sad.

I cry
Ashamed I can't.
Mad that I won't
So I hide
I'm scared.

I wish
I could show you.
I actually am that
But I'm not
I'm this.

I hope
Next time I can.
Won't freeze on you
Be the man
I'm not.

From the Corner
(a poem about reeve)

Looking at you I think
How dead is your conscience?
I can't understand you.

Seeing you I wonder
Why don't you care?
There something I'm missing?

Gazing 'round I hope
What posessed you?
I won't understand you.

You've set me apart
Cold blood and money.
I will never be you


No answers
Lies to me
I wonder why

No love
No more hope
Broken promise

So clear
The vision
Shattered, Broken

Locked up
In my box
Already dead

My life
I can live
Without limits

Don't speak
I observe
And read the world

My job
I've been taught
Forget conscience

No life
You've been trapped
Open eyes shut

(that was a several person one...this is the order: sephiroth, rufus, reeve, vincent, reno, rude, and tseng)

Sometimes, I can

I can still feel the flames
Circling me
Seducing me
Then I wake

I can still feel the razor
Stinging me
Slicing me
Then I fall

I can still hear your voice
Fooling me
Promising me
Then I close

I can still smell your scent
Choking me
Covering me
Then I puke

I can still see you die
Leaving me
Emptying me
Then I scream

I can still taste the pain
Piercing me
Puncturing me
Then I'm shot

(that was tseng, sephiroth, rufus, reeve, reno and vincent)

(one about Reno)

Shaken free
Helped to my feet
You're my savior
I'm your slave

Rescued from
A certain doom
You gave me hope
I'm your doll

A new life
Handed to me
You're my one god
I'm your pawn

You made me
I will repay all
You gave me life
I'm your Turk

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