Lark: "Welcome to the Fanfic/Parody section of the site."

Sephiroth: "All the fanfics and parody's are about me."

Lark:"Sephiroth! They are not! As you may know by reading the other pages on this site--"

Sephiroth: "Why would anyone do that I ask?"

Lark: "I'm ignoring you! Anyway, Sephiroth likes to follow me around and annoy me."

Sephiroth: "Quiet, woman! Let me speak!"

Lark: "No! Who's webpage is this?"

Sephiroth: "Soon I will become one with the webpage."

Lark: "You do that."

Sephiroth: "Are you mocking me?"

Lark: "Yeah. What're you gonna do? Throw destruct materia at me?"

Sephiroth: *Swings Masamune*

Lark: "Ack!" *ducks* "What did I tell you about having that thing in the house?"

Sephiroth: "I seem to have forgotten."

Lark: *sighs* "Where was I?"

Sephiroth: "You were about to hand over control of the webpage to me."

Lark: "What am I, Cloud? There's no Jenova in me, honey."

Sephiroth: "Do not call me 'honey'."

Lark: "Whoops. Sorry. Ok, back to my original intent. This page is full of fanfics/parody's written by myself and others."

Sephiroth: "And me."

Lark: "I'm not posting anything you write."

Sephiroth: "You're right. I suppose my writings are too good for your pitiful website."

Lark: "You haven't written anything anyway, Sephy."

Sephiroth: "That's besides the point. And my name is Sephi*roth*, not Sephy."

Lark: "Whatever. Anyway, for the *3rd* time, this is the fanfic/parody page. What is the difference between a fanfic and parody you ask? A fanfic is a story about the FF characters and protrays the characters accurately. A parody is written in a diolouge form and blows the characters out of proportion for a humourous effect."

Sephiroth: "Nothing you write is humorous."

Lark: "Nothing you say is intimidating."

Sephiroth: "Oh, that was mean."

Lark: "Heh heh. I know."

On With The Business....

Choose your path...

Looking for something to laugh about? Look no furthur.
Here's the funny, crazy stuff written by fans using the FF characters.

Looking for the serious stuff? Here's the place. Stories and
poetry based off the Final Fantasy games.

In case you can't tell, these are written all about Shinra
and they're almost all written by me.

For any questions about content, go here.

Want to send me *your* fanfiction? Go here.

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