(part 4 continued...)

    The reactor was a smoldering, charred skeleton of twisted metal. Once Rufus' eyes came upon it, they did not stray. Reeve led him along.

    "Come on, Rufus. Try and keep up."

    Reeve was prepared for it. Rufus wasn't. He hurried to keep up. "Why didn't anyone tell me? The Turks, Scarlet, you, *anybody*?"

    Reeve shrugged. "We were afraid of you, Rufus. All of us. We only told you what you wanted to hear, not what we knew."

    Bria was far ahead. She stopped and turned to them. "Come on." She was off again.

    Rufus shook his head and he and Reeve picked up the pace. "Why didn't anybody clean it up?"

    Reeve told him the truth. "Because nobody cared."

    They came up to the road to the town, passing a small graveyard on the left. Several people stood within it's boundaries, visiting. Rufus couldn't look and gripped onto Reeve's arm.

    Bria turned to face them. "I think I should go in alone," she rushed. "Give me about twenty minutes. Then come in, all right?"

    Both men nodded. "All right."

    She turned away from them, took a deep breath and went into the house. "Mom?" the door closed her in.

    "Come on," Rufus ordered, dragging Reeve back down the road.

    "Rufus, we can't just leave."

    "We're not."

    "Where are we going?"

    "Where do you think? To the reactor."

    Rufus inspected the remnants with a blank expression. Reeve watched him.

    "How could it just *explode*?"

    Reeve shrugged. "We aren't sure."

    Rufus shook his head. "And they just *left* it here....as if the explosion itself and the body count wasn't enough of a reminder...I don't understand it. Why didn't my father try to cover it? Why did he leave it here? Why did he let them hate Shinra?"

    "I can't answer those questions," Reeve reminded him. "I'm not your father."

    Rufus kicked the metal in disgust. "Piece of cheap shit."

    Reeve said nothing. He just watched Rufus stare at the remnants in disgust.

    The younger man finally turned back to him, looking as though he was deep in thought. "Let's go, Reeve." He started down the path again.

    Reeve didn't need to ask where they were going. He already knew.

    Rufus couldn't get over how crowded the graveyard was. After all these years, they didn't stop coming. He and Reeve moved silently from grave to grave, etching the names of lives Shinra took into their memories.

    A few people eyes Rufus and Reeve suspiciously. Perhaps they recognized them, but said nothing. Their eyes were mistaking them. Rufus Shinra was dead after all, and Reeve Leander would never bother with this town. Rufus didn't see the gawkers. He was too intent on the names carved on stone. Reeve saw them with his dropping eyes. They stared back with their bleak expressions. Reeve nudged Rufus, his eyes glued to these unfortunate people, but the former President only moved on to the next grave.

    One woman, one brave woman who had not a trace of fear nor hate on her face, approached the odd pair. Reeve nudged Rufus harder, but *still* the young man did not look up. "You seem out of place."

    Rufus finally looked up and joined Reeve in gaping silence.

    "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were from the Shinra."

    The two men exchanged a look. Reeve still couldn't speak, so Rufus did.

    Mustering up all the courage he had tucked away for an emergency, Rufus looked the woman straight in the eyes and said the words he vowed never to utter in response. "We are."

    The woman didn't flinch. "Why are you here?" Everyone in the cemetery had their eyes set on the odd pair.

    Rufus didn't falter. "Because we are sorry."

    "Are you Rufus Shinra?" another voice joined in.

    Rufus turned to face the new voice. "I am."

    There was an aftershock of silence.

    "You were dead...." another voice breathed.

    Rufus shook his head. "Unfortunately  I was not slain by WEAPON."

    Reeve turned and looked at him in surprise. "Rufus?"

    Rufus silence him with a gesture. "It is unfortunate that someone as guilty as myself has survived while the innocent lie here in this cemetery because of me. The least I could do to pay for this is die."

    "Rufus---" Reeve began again.

    "Shut up, Reeve," Rufus silence him. "I want to apologize for all the suffering the town has endured." He dug a wad of cash out of his pocket. "I realize money is insufficient to make up for your losses, but please, take it, and get rid of that terrible reactor." He handed the money to the first woman, who accepted it graciously.

    She looked at Rufus, a shocked expression on her face. "How can we believe you?"

    Rufus shrugged. "I can't make you believe me, and I understand if you think this is just another lie to gain favor. I don't care what you think of me, I just want to give you the chance to rebuild."

    The woman nodded, a smile coming to her lips. "Welcome to Gongaga, Mr. Shinra."

    Reeve hurried to keep up with Rufus as they left the cemetery. "Rufus! Wait!"

    Rufus stopped, but he didn't turn. "Yes?"

    There was a moment of silence before Reeve spoke. "What were you talking about when you said you would have to die to pay for this?"

    "I meant just what I said."

    "Rufus....no. You're not talking about....suicide....?"

    He finally turned, Jenova fused eyes intent. "And if I am?"

    "Have you gone mad?!" Reeve exclaimed. "What will Bria think?!"

    "Look at what I have done, Reeve. All the suffering people have endured because of me. How can I live knowing I escaped death, when the innocent didn't?"

    "Maybe it was a mistake for you to come here," Reeve said.

    Rufus disagreed. "No. If I hadn't, I would not have found my destiny. It was a mistake for me to live."

    Reeve punched him. He slugged Rufus right in the face, and the younger man went flying backwards, and hand to his cheek.

    "What the hell was that?!" Rufus yelled, eyes flashing. "What are you doing, Reeve?!"

    "Trying to knock some sense into you!" Reeve yelled back, approaching Rufus only to shove him backwards. "That is *not* your destiny! Your being alive was no mistake, and I won't have you talking about suicide."

    Rufus narrowed his eyes. "You, of all people, Reeve? Without me, Bria's yours."

    "This isn't about Bria. This is about something you have nothing to do with. You didn't destroy Gongaga, Rufus. Your father did. I was there."

    Rufus said, "I've inherited his evils. It was me. So until I'm dead--"

    Reeve grabbed Rufus by the shoulders and shook him. "Your father's dead, Rufus. He paid for his crimes. You don't need to take what he's done upon yourself. If other people blame you for it then they're ignorant. You need to live, Rufus. If not for yourself, than for Bria."

    Rufus shook his head. "I don't understand you, Reeve. Why?"

    Reeve stepped away from Rufus. "It's not because I like you Rufus. It's because I hated your father. And I love Bria....and she loves you." He headed down the path to her house.

    Rufus remained still. Reeve was right. He couldn't let what his father had done get the better of him. He was alive for a reason. If only he knew why.

    Rufus sat by himself in the Highwinds operations room. He had a lot on his mind. Reeve wouldn't give Bria up, yet he didn't want Rufus dead either, because Bria loved him too. Rufus wasn't willing to give her up either, even though he knew this game of tug-of-war was tearing her apart. It was a very difficult situation.

    At least the worries over her parents had ceased. They ahd all cried over Zack, but hadn't condemned either Reeve or Rufus for it. Reeve was right. Anyone who blamed him for his father's doings was ignorant. For the short time he was in office all he did was chase Sephiroth, fight off WEAPON and try to execute AVALANCHE. He didn't destroy Gongaga or burn down Corel. That was someone else.

    Rufus yawned and stretched, suddenly very tired. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

    He awoke the next morning to find the Highwind had stopped moving. Where were they? Rufus glanced outside. Nibelheim? Again?

    Leaving the operations room, he nearly ran straight into Vincent. "Vincent, why Nibelheim?"

    Stoic as always, Vincent replied, "Reeve requested it."

    Reeve? Why would Reeve want to come to Nibelheim?

    "He and Bria were headed for the mansion," Vincent added.

    The mansion?! Why there? He took off. Out of the Highwind, through the town and down to the mansion basement. "Bria?"

    "Rufus?...No, Reeve. Stop it."

    Rufus heard Bria's voice and came jogging into the library. Bria and Reeve stood side by side looking at him. Reeve held several books.

    Rufus, out of breath, gestured to the books Reeve held. "What's that?"

    Reeve handed the volumes to Rufus. "Here."

    The former President frowned. "This isn't more Jenova crap, is it?"

    Reeve shook his head.

    Rufus read the title. "The Nibelheim project?" he looked up in confusion.

    "You and Bria may want to share that with Cloud Strife," Reeve told them.

    Rufus frowned. "I don't understand."

    "Read it," Reeve instructed as he brushed past Rufus and left the library. "And you will."

    He glanced at Bria for an explanation, but she was as clueless as he was. "How are you, Bria?"

    She shrugged. "I'm all right...I'm just worried about Reeve."

    "What's wrong?"

    She frowned, staring at the vacant doorway Reeve had passed through not two minutes earlier. "Ever since we came back from Gongaga...." she sighed. "He's been so *distant*. He said he needed to show me something...." she turned and set her eyes upon the books Rufus held. "I guess that's what he meant."

    Rufus assumed Reeve had said nothing to her about what had happened to them in Gongaga. It was for the best. "I guess so."

    She looked up at Rufus' face. "I meant to ask you why you dyed your hair back." She took the books from him.

    Rufus brushed his bangs back. "I was sick of hiding."

    Bria just nodded as she sat down with the books. Rufus pulled up a chair and leaned over. The volume was not old, but it had not been opened in years. Bria blew the dust from the cover before opening it. "The Nibelheim Project," she mumbled, only half-way paying attention to what she was reading. "Headed by Hojo, supervised by....Reeve Leander?" She looked at Rufus with a confused and somewhat frightened look in her eyes.

    Rufus glared at the paper. "What the hell *is* this?"

    "Rufus..." she slid her chair away. "I don't know if I can read this."

    He grabbed her hand and jerked her back over. "You have to."

    So they did. The two poured over the words from cover to cover, solemn faced and silent. When they were finished Rufus closed the book.

    They sat in silence.

    Bria spoke first. "My brother...."

    "Stop it," Rufus whispered, his eyes glazed over.

    "After Sephiroth burned the town they used survivors as *experiments*," Bria commented with a look of disgust. "My poor brother...."

    "That's Hojo for you. Twisted freak."

    "It wasn't just him...." Bria trailed off. "Reeve...."

    Rufus shook his head. "What is he trying to prove....??"

    "What?" Bria looked at Rufus strangely.

    He got up. "I have to go." He ran for the door.

    "Wait, Rufus! Where are you going?!" But by the time Bria was on her feet, Rufus Shinra was gone.

    Rufus found Reeve back on the Highwind, alone in the operations room. He didn't bother with pleasantries, he simple dug straight to the core. "Why'd you do it, Reeve? Why'd you have us read that?"

    Reeve sat perfectly still, his eyes on the table top. "My record isn't clear either, Rufus."

    "What are you trying to prove, Reeve?" Rufus demanded.

    "I am the only one with a town's blood on my hands. I helped Hojo transform Nibelheim into the phony ghost town it has become."

    "It wasn't your idea," Rufus reminded him. "That was Hojo. You were just....doing your job."

    Reeve looked up. "I am no better than you, Rufus. Only worse. What went on in that mansion....it is far worse than anything you ever did." He sighed.

    Rufus slammed his palm on the table, successfully making Reeve jump. "No, Reeve. You and I are the same. We're two men who were in the wrong place and got sucked in by Shinra's evil empire. Neither of us are bad people. You did nothing willingly. I was born into it. Hojo was bad. Scarlet was bad. My father was the worst of them all. We were just caught up with them. Things were different then."

    Reeve blinked. "How's Bria?"

    "She understands," Rufus sighed.

    "....she didn't want to go into the mansion."

    "Understandable. I didn't either."

    "Nor did I."

    "Scary how a building can bring so many people so much pain...." Rufus quietly commented.

    A knock at the door made both men jump. "Yes?"

    Bria peeked in. "Is everything all right?"

    "Yes," Reeve assured her. "Come in."

    She did, and shut the door behind her. Nervously, she cleared her throat. "Rufus, may I speak with Reeve privately a moment?"

    "Sure," Rufus nodded. He glanced at both Reeve and Bria before heading outside. He shut the door and sat with his back against the wall.

    "It's all right, Reeve," she was saying. "I don't blame you for anything. I just want to know why you had me read that."

    "....so you would know that I am not as guilt free as you believe....so it would make everything fair."

    "Everything fair?" she questioned.

    Rufus wrinkled his brow. What was Reeve talking about now?

    "Bria...I just want you to be happy. Whether you choose me or Rufus....it doesn't matter...as long you're happy."

    Rufus was besides himself.

    "I can't *make* that decision, Reeve. It's not that easy."

    "Bria...." there was a momentary silence. "I just want you to know that....that...."

    "What is it, Reeve?"

    "That I *really* want to marry you," Reeve blurted out.

    "Oh, Reeve...."

    "Bria, wait!"

    Bria fled the operations room and ran down the hallway.

    Rufus sat there in shock for a moment before getting to his feet. He peeked inside the operations room and saw Reeve face down on the table, sobbing.

    Rufus stepped dead. It never occurred to him that Reeve's love for Bria could be stronger than his. He was truly accept whatever decision Bria made just to see her happy. Rufus suddenly realized he had to stop this. "Reeve?"

    "I blew it," the older man mumbled.

    Rufus kneeled besides him. "Reeve--"

    "Just promise me you'll treat her well, Rufus," Reeve requested. "That's all I ask."

    Rufus shook his head. "No, Reeve. *You're* the one who'd better treat her well. I believe that's in the marriage vow."

    Reeve sat up and looked up at him as though he had grown three head. "What?"

    "Reeve, you know I love Bria, but I compete with you. You're so devoted....I interrupted everything, and I can't bear to see her miserable because I had to fall into her life. I love her too much to see her unhappy and confused. And she can be happy. With you."

    Reeve placed a hand on his former boss' shoulder. "I don't care what you or anyone else says, Rufus Shinra. You're a better man than most. Better than me."

    Rufus pushed his bangs back. "Go to her. She loves you."

    The former President of Shinra Inc watched Reeve leave, then heaved a sigh and wiped the remnants of tears from his eyes. Although he had lost Bria forever, Rufus wasn't sad, and there were no regrets. To see Bria unhappy with him was greater pain than seeing her happy without him. After all, there was no doubt that Reeve loved her more than could possible express. To Rufus that made *Reeve* the better man.

    The sounds of construction were everywhere. Many of the Nibelheim citizens had come out to watch.

    The Shinra mansion was coming down.

    Everyone from the Highwind was gathered around the site, watching Rufus' money at work. he had put up the money for the job, and to him it was the best 3 million he ever spent.

    Vincent watched the roof collapse with a sort of smile playing on his lips. "....today is a beautiful day."

    Bria and Reeve stood to the left Rufus, their arms around each other. "I'm sure it was beautiful house once upon a time," she sighed.

    "Before the Shinra name was attached to it," Reeve put in.

    Rufus Shinra had not said a word. he silently watched the house come apart with a satisfied smile. He was doing this for Bria and Reeve, for Zack and Cloud, for Vincent and Lucretia and even for Sephiroth. but most of all, he was doing this for himself. Because he didn't want anyone else hurt by that building. It had cause enough damage to enough people.

    What of the books. He had discussed it with Vincent, Cloud, Reeve and Bria, and they ultimately decided the only safe thing to do was burn them. Hojo's year of research gone in a flare of fire. That was for later.

    The last of the mansion was flattened to the ground, and a bulldozer ran over the once proud structure. The job was done. The Shinra mansion was no more.

    "...beauiful," Vincent commented.

    "That's it..." Cloud breathed, sounding somewhat shocked.

    "Never thought he'd have the guts to do it," Barret muttered.

    Everyone began heading back to the Highwind, aside from Bria, Reeve and Rufus.

    "I'll be right back," Bria told them, as she headed away. "I left my suitcase in the Inn." She disappeared down the road.

    "I'd like to thank you again, Rufus. For everything."

    "This mansion will still haunt us," Rufus sighed, still staring at where the structure once stood, "but as least we don't have to look at it."

    Reeve extended his hand to younger man. "Rufus, I'd like you to be my best man at the wedding."

    Rufus was shocked, but he turned and enthusiastically shook the older man's hand. "It would be an honor."

    As the two men stood exchanging smiles under the noon day sun, Bria approached, suit case in hand. "You boys ready?"



    Bria smiled and not a stitch of fear or worry brought down it's glow. "Good."

    With Bria in the middle they headed back down the road, back towards the Highwind. The mansion was gone, the last remnants of Shinra wiped from view. Rufus was the only thing left that bore that feared name, and he didn't care who knew it. There was no longer any reason to fear him. He just wanted to take advantage of his chance to live, and be seen as he always wanted. For Jenova or not, Shinra or not, Rufus Shinra could be a damn fine human being.

(I'm writing a sequel!)
