Part 4: Torn Apart

    There was hope. Why, if she believed in him, she who had hated Shinra with such passion, then there was hope for Rufus Shinra. Hope that he could live the way he had always hoped. There was no more fear.

    Not in that area anyway. Reeve was coming. Him and the rest of Cloud Strife's headache brigade. Rufus was not happy about that at all. Not only because of the mutual hatred between them, but because Reeve loved Bria, and Rufus knew she felt the same. Would she push Rufus aside? She promised to always be there for him, and he needed her besides him. Reeve was an unwelcome addition.

    Rufus tossed and turned, thinking about Reeve and Bria together. It bothered him very much. for one, he had always disliked Reeve and knew Reeve didn't exactly love him either. Secondly, because Reeve didn't like Rufus, he would try and keep Bria away from him, even though he needed her more. But that wasn't all. There was something else, some other reason why the thought of Bria in the arms of Reeve made him burn with anger. Rufus couldn't give it a name, but it was very powerful.

    He sat up in bed, running his hands through his black hair with a sigh. Tonight he just couldn't sleep.

    Rufus looked over at Bria, who slept soundly in the other bed. She was so at ease. He wished he was half as calm.

    With another sigh, Rufus lay back down and closed his eyes....

    "Rufus. Rufus!"

    "Huh?" Rufus' eyes struggled open. Had he fallen asleep? He wasn't sure. The room was still dark, so he knew it was still night. Then why was Bria kneeling besides him? "Bria? What, what time is it?"

    "I don't know..." she trailed off.

    Rufus frowned. She didn't look at all calm anymore. In fact she looked, well, scared. "Bria, what's wrong?"

    She hesitated. "Rufus, this may sound really weird," she rushed, "but can I come in there....with you?"

    Immediately he moved over and pulled the covers aside to let her in. She lay down besides him, and he hesitated a long time before putting his arms around her. She didn't object.

    "What's wrong?" he asked.

    There was no immediate reply. "Tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow," she yawned. "I'm glad you're here, Rufus."

    Rufus lay there, holding Bria, and utterly confused. What had caused her to come to  him? He was supposed to lean on why was she leaning on him?

    The next morning he awoke to find Bria on the PHS.

    "Yes, Reeve, of course I am," she was saying a wide smile spread across her face. She didn't realize Rufus was awake. "I can't wait to see you either....yes....but I need to talk to you.....about Rufus.....okay.....yes, I guess that's long as it's not going to cause a war.....I understand.....I have to be with him.....I know, thanks.....don't worry, we'll be too....I love you too....bye, Reeve."

    Rufus cringed at hearing her use the words 'I love you' to Reeve.

    She turned to look at him. "Oh, Rufus! I didn't realize you were awake."

    Well she was acting as if everything was fine....

    "That was Reeve," she went on. "They're coming to pick us up tomorrow."

    "They?" he questioned.

    "Cloud, Reeve and everyone on the Highwind."

    Rufus frowned. "Oh."

    Bria frowned too. "Oh, Rufus, don't let it bother you. I know you guys never got along, but at least try. There's no where for us to go."

    "Why don't you go home?" he questioned, "back to Gongaga?"

    She turned away from him and avoided the question. "Reeve says they'll leave you alone if you leave them alone."

    Rufus scowled and mumbled. "I don't like Reeve." He didn't think she heard.

    She did. "Rufus...." she sighed, her eyes practically pleading with him. "I'm not asking you to like anyone, but, please, tolerate them?"

    He didn't have a choice. He was going to have to get along with these people if he wanted to be with Bria. "All right."

    She relaxed, and her smile returned. "Good."

    "So, what happened last night, Bria?" he ventured.

    She headed for the door. "You should get dressed."

    He scrambled out of bed. "Bria!"

    But she was gone.


    He awoke that night to find Bria gently shaking him. The room was pitch black, and he could barely make out her shadowy form. Again? "Bria...?"

    "Rufus...." she said again, her eyes intent on his. "I....Rufus, I'm scared. Can I...." she didn't finish. She didn't need to.

    He moved over to let her in, confused once again. Bria, scared? It was almost unthinkable. It had always been impossible to him. What could she fear? She lay with her back to him again, and he once again wrapped his arms around her waist. "Bria, what are you afraid of?"

    "Just hold me, Rufus," she requested. "Please. I need to know someone's there."

    Rufus tightened his arms around her and wondered what had disturbed Bria so much to bring her here to him *twice*.

    Rufus awoke before she did the next morning. Bria lay fast asleep, her arms around his waist, her head resting on his chest. She looked so at  peace, it was hard to believe anything could frighten her.

    Not that he minded having her here. He didn't mind at all. It was not hard to see why Reeve loved her so much...

    No, he didn't. He couldn't. It was just a matter of seeing what could make someone else love her. But why then did he get so jealous of Reeve.....?

    Bria stirred, and her pretty blue eyes fluttered open. She seemed confused for a moment, but she quickly remember. "Oh, good morning, Rufus." She sat up to look at him. "Sorry."

    He shook his head. "Don't worry. I don't mind at all." He paused. "What was it, Bria?"

    "I'm all right now," she assured him. "Forget it." She went to get up, but a thought struck her and she turned back to him. "Don't tell Reeve."

    He wanted to ask why, but frankly he didn't even care. Rufus wasn't planning on talking to Reeve about anything, especially not Bria. "I won't."

    She smiled at him, and got out of bed.

    "You're sure Reeve isn't planning on dropping me off a cliff somewhere, right?" he blurted out suddenly. "Bria, you won't leave me, will you? You promised."

    She turned back to him. "Rufus, a promise is a promise. I won't put you in any danger. We'll be safe with Reeve."

    She left the room then, and Rufus wondered why she said 'we'.

    "How do I look?" she asked nervously, fussing over herself in the mirror.

    "You look beautiful, Bria." She really did, in a blue dress that perfectly matched her eyes. "I know Reeve will think so too," he assured her, somewhat annoyed that she was going out of her way to make sure she looked perfect for Reeve.

    Before she could reply there came a knock at the door and the word "Bria?"

    She dropped her hair brush like it was on fire. "Reeve!" In a second she was at the door. "Reeve!" She embraced him immediately.

    "Hi, Bria," he answered, stroking her hair.

    Rufus looked upon them with a thoroughly unhappy expression. If looks could kill, Reeve would be no more.

    "Hi, Rufus," Reeve greeted him chipperly.

    Rufus continued frowning, arms crossed. "Hello."

    Bria pulled away from Reeve and looked from Rufus to Reeve and back, smiling happily. It was if they were suddenly one, big, happy family.

    Rufus knew they were far from it.

    "Come on," Reeve encouraged. "Everyone's waiting."

    Rufus spoke up. "Where are we going?"

    Reeve stopped half way out the door. "Better take that up with Cloud."

    Cloud? Forget it. Rufus suddenly didn't care if they were flying to hell.

    Bria was following Reeve with her luggage. "Come on, Rufus."

    Rufus sighed and slowly gathered his stuff together. Hope had just left with the one person who distressed Rufus the most.

    If looks could kill, Rufus wouldn't have even made it out of the Nibelheim Inn alive. the glares coming from Cloud Strife and the loser brigade were piercing to the core. Rufus was somewhat intimidated. Some of them didn't even really know him! He returned with his own glare. No one getting the best of him.

    "Hi," Bria greeted everyone with the same joyful smile. "I'm Bria Mainstay."

    So that was her last name? She had never told Rufus. Bria Mainstay. How fitting.

    Cloud's gangs looks changed from deadly to friendly as they looked towards Bria. They all bothered to introduce themselves to her. Cloud, of course, whom he knew too well. Barret Wallace, who he could never forget, and the same went for Tifa Lockheart. There was the pilot, Cid Highwind, whom he was familiar with, then there was the ninja, Yuffie-something- and Vincent Valentine, who looked incredibly stoic. Finally, the cat, Red XIII, looked familiar. What a crew.

    They all headed for the Highwind, except for Bria who unattached herself from Reeve's side to come to Rufus.

    "Would it hurt you to look at least uncaring?" she asked, still smiling.

    His frown remained. "Look, I promised I wouldn't say anything to create sparks. Don't expect me to be as elated as you are." He headed away from her.

    "Rufus, don't close up on me!" she called after him.

    He stopped and slowly turned to look back at her. "Don't you do the same to me."

    Reeve had taken Bria off somewhere to be alone. Wonderful. Now he was alone, an outsider on a ship that had once been his.

    Rufus leaned against the wall, and he began to think about Bria....and Reeve. She had never elaborated on how she knew him. They had obviously been "more than friends" for quite awhile. He couldn't help bu wonder if they had ever slept together...she had never answered his ill intended question. Bria was certainly not the type to sleep around, but she was so infatuated with him....and him with her. Reeve was so much older than her. In his late 30's at the least. Bria was young, a mere 23 years old, like him. Reeve had no business pursuing someone so much younger.

    Why did Rufus find himself envying Reeve so much? He had no attraction to her. Well, of course she was beautiful, and it had felt so wonderful to hold her in his arms....and each time he saw her kiss Reeve, how he wished those were his won lips tasting her sweet flesh--

    What was he thinking?! Was he going insane? Bria was a friend and no more.

    His mind needed other attentions. Was he allowed on the bridge? he began to wonder. He was, thankfully, not a member of Cloud's mayhem squad, but he was a passenger as anyone else was. He saw no reason why he should be banned from it, and headed in that direction. Just as he was about to enter, the words of Cid Highwind turned him to stone.

    "I can't believe that @#$%& Shinra's still alive."

    "Yeah! He tries to have me an' Tifa executed, now he's riding on the damn ship!" added the infamous Barret Wallace.

    "Look, I'm not too happy about it either," Cloud put in, "but there's no choice."

    "I still don't understand how he could have lived," Tifa Lockheart sighed.

    "...Jenova," a new voice Rufus didn't fully recognize added.

    "Jenova? What do you mean, Vincent?" came Tifa's voice again.

    Vincent? Rufus thought a moment. The scary looking could he know?

    "President Shinra had his son injected with the Jenova cells," Vincent explained. "That is why he survived."

    There came a momentary silence. How could Vincent know all this? Perhaps Reeve would know...

    "I'm tellin' ya though, Jenova or no Jenova, that punk Shinra better stay da hell away from me or I'll finish the job WEAPON started."

    Rufus' heart froze solid in his chest, a tidal wave of fear washing over him. How could be have thought, even for a moment, that he could be safe here? Rufus Shinra was safe nowhere, except with Bria.

    Which was where he had to be now, Reeve or no Reeve. He went towards the operations room, but stopped to listen in on the conversation first.


    Rufus paused. Why was Reeve talking about him?

    "What about Rufus?" Bria responded.

    "...Where is he going to go?"

    Rufus clenched his fists. He knew that Reeve would try and rid of him right away....

    "He's not going anywhere," Bria said simply, sounding somewhat shocked that he had even asked. "Rufus stays with me."

    Rufus smiled. This was why.....

    "He has no where else to go?"

    "No, Reeve. His world is gone. I'm all he has. I promised to be there, and as long as he needs me I'll be by his side." There was a slight pause. "Besides, I like him. I don't want him to leave."

    "Bria, you hated Shinra more than anyone. Rufus Shinra scared you more than Sephiroth, yet you took him in....and now you're apparently friends."

    Rufus wrinkled his brow. Bria....had feared him? He recalled how she jumped back upon recognizing him.

    "You feared him too, Reeve."

    "I always will."

    Reeve too? Hmmm....

    "Reeve, how could I possibly fear anyone lying helpless in a flower bed? No matter what his title was, Rufus was a human being in need when I was brought to him. That's all he is. Just like us, Jenova or not. It's a shame you fear him, Reeve, because he's so different from what everyone has come to believe."

    Rufus smiled.

    "Bria....I had to work with him, but the others...especially Barret. They won't forgive him, and things might get....dangerous."

    Now he tells her, Rufus thought angrily. Now that I'm stuck here....

    "....I'll have to leave if anything happens," she said softly. "I can't put him in danger."

    "You can't protect him for the rest of your life, Bria," Reeve told her. "You, me and....Rufus? That can't work....."

    Guess we'll have to cut you outta the picture, jerk....

    "What are you trying to say, Reeve?" she pressed.

    That I'm a stupid jerk and Rufus is a million times more important than me.

    "That I....I..." Reeve stuttered.

    Rufus would die if Reeve was to finish that sentence. He burst into the operations room without a warning.

    Reeve and Bria sat across from one another, and Reeve held her hand in his. They looked at Rufus in shock.

    "Rufus?" Bria questioned.

    He tried his best to make it look like an accident. "Oh, I'm sorry!" he laughed. "They *really* should put locks on these doors."

    Reeve glared at him fiercely. "Rufus, we were in the middle of something...."

    But Bria had moved away from Reeve and was coming towards Rufus. "Is everything all right?"

    "Yes, despite the fact that most of the people on this ship want me dead," he said casually.

    "I told you," Reeve put in.

    The next occurrence was completely unpredictable. Bria's delicate chin quivered as her eyes filled with tears. Rufus gaped at her, not being able to do anything but helplessly watch.

    "Oh, Rufus.....!" she choked out. Then she bolted from the room, wiping her tears away.

    It took a moment for Rufus or Reeve to react.

    "Bria.....??" Rufus whispered, his brow creased in confusion.

    Reeve was on his feet. "You insensitive moron!" he yelled, marching over to Rufus. "What did you do?! How could you?!"

    Rufus was more confused, but also angry. "What the hell are you talking about, Reeve?!"

    "You're a fool," Reeve snapped, as he pushed past Rufus to pursue Bria.

    Rufus clenched his fists. A fool, huh? We shall see, Reeve. If Bria's dilemma lies between being with you or fulfilling her promise to me, I will bu sure to see to your loss.

     "Bria?" Reeve called, lightly tapping on the door.

    "Please go away," she replied, voice choked with tears.

    "I can't," he stated. "Not until we talk about this."

    "I want to be alone," she replied. "Please."

    Reeve heaved a sigh. He wasn't going to get through to her. Not right now. He walked back towards the operations room, deep in thought. Didn't Rufus see she was breaking inside, unable to please both of them? Hearing how Rufus wasn't safe in the only place she had to made her hopeless.

    Rufus was leaning against the wall outside the operations room, his arms crossed and a melancholy look across his face.

    Reeve approached him. "I want to apologize."

    Rufus barely glanced at him. "I want to talk to Vincent."

    Huh? "What?"

    Rufus turned, Jenova fused eyes intent. Reeve couldn't help but back up a step, intimidated by the look. "Vincent, I believe his last name is Valentine. I need to talk with him."

    "The former Turk?"

    Oh, so that's how he knew so much. "Yes, that's him. Can you arrange it?"

    Reeve nodded. Vincent had not venomous objections to Rufus. "It shouldn't be a problem."

    The former President of Shinra barely nodded.

    An awkward silence passed between the two former co-workers.

    "Rufus...." Reeve ventured, the curiosity to know winning. "You're not in love with her, are you?"

    "Bria?" Rufus sighed, as if he didn't know. He thought for a moment. How should he answer Reeve? "No."

    Reeve looked as though a weight had been lifted from her. "Oh. Okay. Well, I'll talk to Vincent for you." He left for the bridge.

    He had told Reeve no. No, he didn't love Bria. Rufus suddenly felt as though he told a horrible lie. Now that Reeve thought he had nothing to fear, Rufus could steal Bria away from right under his nose....if that's what he wished.....

    He really wasn't sure. Did he love her, or not? He wished he could tell for sure, but it was all a question mark.

    Bria looked both ways before stepping out into the hallway. She was so could she have burst into tears so easily?

    She hated to be able to answer her own question. Deep inside it hurt so much to see Rufus so miserable. It hurt almost as much as losing Zack.....but why? She wasn't in love with him.....she loved Reeve....


    She turned to see Rufus approaching, looking so handsome in his black outfit. Still, she preferred his original hair color. "Yes?"

    He stopped in front of her. "I- I wanted to apologize." He paused, looking at her with genuine sorrow. "I didn't know."

    She smiled slightly. "I apologize for freaking out on you like that...." she trailed off and looked away from him. "Do you want to leave here....??"

    "No," he answered quickly. I couldn't make her make that choice....not right now...."I'll be all right. Don't worry."

    She hesitated. "Where's Reeve?"

    "On the bridge.....want go get him?" Rufus forced out.

    She shook her head. "Rufus....are you wondering how I know Reeve?"

    He was *dying* to know. "I'm curious."

    Bria led him into the room she had previously been crying in. "I suppose it's better to tell you than to keep you guessing and assuming. As you know, I met Reeve when I applied for a job at Shinra. I insulted the company, as I told you, and was asked to leave. The very next day my neighbor gets a call on her PHS for me. I was Reeve. I didn't have a PHS, so I had used her number when applying for the job. To my surprise, Reeve wanted to meet with me. He told me it would have to be in secret and in private." She smiled, remembering. "Of course, I was a little wary, but he had a very serious tone in his voice, and I knew this wasn't a plot to have me arrested. So we met and he asked me about what happened in Gongaga. He wanted to know everything, and I was more than willing to tell him. I thought I'd never see him again, but he called the next day. We met frequently after that. We talked about Shinra and politics, but as our friendship grew we branched out to other topics. Reeve told me everything, about how he hated Shinra himself but had been too scared to do anything about it until the day I walked into his office. The only reason he remained loyal was because he needed to make a living. Anyway, one day he showed me a remote control cat called Cait Sith used to spy on Cloud Strife. That's when I told Reeve that whether he needed the money to live or not, by helping Shinra he was hurting more people than he was helping. Reeve admitted he was beginning to lean further towards Cloud's side every day and it was getting more and more difficult to take direction from Shinra...." she paused. "Do you want me to continue?"

    "Please," he encouraged.

    "Reeve was too afraid to take any drastic action. He was afraid of you and he was afraid of Scarlet....yeah, he really hated her.....anyway I told Reeve that Cait Sith was his way to go against the Shinra without them knowing, that he couldn't let his fear stand in his way." Her eyes were overcome by a dreamy look. "I guess something I said must have struck a cord, because the next thing I knew he was kissing me....and I....I was letting him." She looked back at Rufus. "Should I go on?"

    He nodded slightly.

    She sighed. "After that we were much more than friends. Shinra became disorganized but Reeve made sure to see me everyday. I was so in love with him....Reeve was trying to destroy Shinra from the inside out, and there was no act more noble in my eyes. Things....happened between us right before WEAPON attacked. Then I didn't see Reeve until he was on his way to Kalm...." She shook her head, "that's basically the story."

    She had slept with him.....he knew it. "I would have left myself there to die."


    "If I were you," he explained. "I would have left Rufus Shinra there to die, Jenova or not."

    "Don't even think like that," she replied.

    He pushed onward, taking a step forward. "Did it cross your mind for even a moment, Bria? Leaving me there to die? I saw you reel backwards upon learning my identity."

    "No," she answered seriously. "Stop it, Rufus."

    "Why don't I believe you?" he continued. "You hated Shinra with such a passion....Bria, it's okay. Tell me the truth."

    Bria glared right into his eyes, deep into his soul. "It never crossed my mind for a moment." The tone of her voice indicated complete seriousness.

    He acted without thinking. In one graceful movement he took Bria gently by the shoulders and softly captured her lips. She let him in, and he stroked her tongue, drinking her in, his eyes squeezed shut as her arms encircled his back. If he didn't love her, why did this feel so right? Why couldn't he pull away....??

    Bria came away for air, and Rufus opened his eyes to the world again. Her eyes  remained shut a moment longer before gently easing open.

    Bria's eyes grew to nearly twice their size and she quickly moved away from Rufus. "What was that?"


    "No...." She shook her head fiercely. "That didn't just happen." She paced several steps before turning to Rufus again. "That was just an accident."

    Oh that was no accident....

    "We don't....we don't...." she had to force the word out, "*love* each other." She looked at him with the words 'do we'? Written clearly across her face. She need convincing.....she didn't want to believe....

    Suddenly it all made sense to Rufus. Bria....was in love with him. In love with him *and* she was torn....torn between the two men she loved...the two men of Shinra. Only Reeve *belonged* and Rufus didn't. he stepped forward. "Bria..."

    She shook her head and held her hand out to stop him. A single tear slid down her smooth, pale face. "No, Rufus. Don't say anything. *Please* don't."

    Her denial pained him. "I'll leave." And he did. Now if only he could hear the words 'I love you' pass from her sweet lips....then she could hear the same from him.

    Rufus wandered back to the operations room, shuffling his feet along, his hands in his pockets. He was oblivious to everything but the thoughts in his heads. How could he convince Bria to dump Reeve?

    Speak of the devil. "Rufus."

    Rufus must have looked scared for a moment as he glanced up at Reeve, before he remembered Reeve couldn't see inside his head. The other man was smiling....he could never know...not until it was too late....too late to win her back. "Hello."

    "Vincent said he'll speak with you now," Reeve said. "He's in the operations room."

    "All right. Thanks."

    "Is Bria still down there?"


    The two men passed in the hallway, and Rufus silently declared war. Reeve was completely unaware that the battle for Bria had begun.

    "I am Rufus Shinra."

    "And I am Vincent Valentine."

    They both sat down, and Rufus began the conversation. "I need to know what you know about me, the Shinra mansion and Sephiroth."

    Vincent nodded. He explained to Rufus about how when he was a Turk he was sent to guard the mansion in Nibelheim where research on a 2000 year old living specimen named Jenova was taking place. "This was before Midgar," he said. "Before Midgar there was the mansion." He told Rufus about Gast, Hojo and Lucretia. He explained how he loved Lucretia, but how she left him for Hojo. "That was how the greatest threat to the planet was created."

    "So Bria was right...." Rufus mumbled. "Sephiroth's mother was Lucretia." He looked up at Vincent. "What about me?"

    "The testing on Sephiroth was going well. He grew up strong, stronger than any child his age. We all believed this to be the Ancient power within him. Around this same time Gast ran off with Infalna, his Ancient specimen. I was glad of it, as I hated to see humans experimented on. But your father was enthralled by the stories of the promised land, an area full of Mako. Mako was an excellent energy source, as he was discovering then. Shinra's weapons manufacturing was becoming a memory behind your father's steps of exploiting Mako. If he could find this Promised land, he could become rich beyond all else. So he decided he too would have a child strong like Sephiroth who could rule Shinra besides his father and lead them to the Promised land." Vincent shook his head. "But Hojo made many mistakes. Sometimes I believe it was sabotage, because he wished no one to overcome his son. Sephiroth was a teenager by now. You did not live up to your father's wishes, and were sent away. Soon after, before he could try again, your mother died. Your father gave up on the idea of producing a Sephiroth type offspring and set out to find someone who could build a city on the eastern continent to extract Mako from the planet. I told Hojo that I could not allow him to experiment on humans anymore...and that is all I can tell you."

    Rufus frowned. "He thought I'd be an Ancient....little did he know..." he looked up at Vincent. "Why didn't you stop Lucretia? If you loved her...??"

    Vincent sighed. "As long as she was happy, I didn't mind....but it became my greatest regret that I didn't try to stop her....and I punished myself for it." He looked up at Rufus. "That mansion has brought much pain to many. It is the beginning of a nightmare."

    Rufus nodded slowly, thinking of himself and Bria. Thinking about Zack and Vincent and Cloud. And even Sephiroth. The amount of tears shed between those many lives were shattered.....??

    "....Is there anything else?" Vincent asked, interrupting Rufus' thoughts.

    Wordlessly the younger man shook his head, and extended his hand. "Thank you, Vincent."

    Vincent shook his hand. "If you ever have any problems, I'm available."

    Rufus nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

    Bria kept her back to him as Reeve spoke to her. She was very reluctant to talk about Rufus.

    "Do you honestly think he even *expects* you to look after him the rest of his life?" he asked.


    "Well that's pathetic."

    "He'll be murdered on his own. The people hated him....they hated Shinra...."

    "Oh, and what am I? Was I not part of Shinra?" he shot back, "aren't I in danger?"

    "Shut up, Reeve," she snapped.

    .....It had not even crossed his mind until that moment. Suddenly he was very uneasy. Taking a step forward as he ventured, "'re not in love with Rufus, are you?" A feeling of such sickness took him over as he awaited her answer. Such a sickness that he thought he might die on his feet right there.

    Silence. Then, "no." She finally turned and shook her head. "No."

    He embraced her, the sickness fading as her arms went around him. Bria wouldn't lie to him.

    The next moment she was kissing him, her hands holding his face, the passion almost overwhelming as her tongue entered his mouth. Every doubt he had had flew out of his mind and he responded to the kiss.

    Rufus was on the bridge the following day. Sure, he was standing behind Bria and Reeve, using them as a sort of barrier for protection, but he was there nonetheless. Take that, Barret Wallace.

    "So where the @#$% we going?" Cid Highwind asked.

    Cloud shrugged.

    "How 'bout we go to Sector 7....oh wait. It's smashed," Barret growled, glaring at Rufus.

    "That wasn't even me...." Rufus muttered. "I'm not and never was my father...." No one heard him.

    "I wanted to rebuild it," Reeve sighed, mostly to himself. Only Rufus and Bria heard. Bria reacted by putting her arm around his waist.

    Rufus set his jaw.

    "We can't circle around forever," Cid pointed out. "Where you wanna land, Cloud?"

    Cloud shrugged again. "Doesn't matter to me."

    This is a great leader? He can't even make a simple decision.

    Reeve turned and spoke to Bria quietly. "Do you want to go to Gongaga?"

    Bria shook her head silently.

    Why won't she go back.....?

    "How about Junon?" Tifa suggested.

    "No!" Rufus exclaimed immediately, much too loudly. Everyone turned to look at him.

    "Yo, ain't no one asked what you thought, Shinra," Barret snapped.

    Rufus swallowed nervously. Not Junon, not Junon....

    Barret looked at Cid. "I say we go to Junon, just cause Shinra don't wanna go there."

    Cid nodded. "Sounds like a plan," and turned to the pilot.

    Rufus ground his teeth.

    "Barret, that is extremely mean spirited," Reeve spoke up. "I think we should *all* decide on a destination."

    Why is he sticking up for me?

    "Give me a break, Reeve," Barret replied. "You're the first one to join in when the Rufus bashin' starts."

    That's it. Rufus couldn't stand another word. He exploded. "You fucking asshole!" he yelled, giving Reeve a good, strong shove that sent him flying. "I don't need you to pretend for me!" His Jenova fused eyes flashed at everyone in the room before he ran out.

    Bria looked at Reeve with sad, drooping eyes. "Why, Reeve," she said sharply, her voice showing the complete opposite emotion than her eyes. "Why do you do this?"

    "Bria," Reeve started, "I--"

    Bria looked at everyone in the room before leaving too.

    Reeve stared helplessly after her, before turning to Barret. "You had to say that?!"

    "I was only tellin' the truth," Barret defended himself.

    "What a scene," Yuffie commented.

    "......terrible," Vincent commented absently.

    "I don't like Rufus," Reeve admitted, "but Bria does."

    "What the @#$@'s wrong with her?" Cid asked.

    Reeve shook her head sadly. "I'll never see it."

    "I'm going to talk to her," Cloud decided, leaving the bridge.

    "You? Cloud, wait---" Reeve tried to stop him, but Tifa interrupted.

    "Let him go. Cloud has some stuff to tell's about Zack."

    Reeve heaved a sigh and, feeling thoroughly defeated, took a seat. "Go to Junon.

    "Rufus!" Bria called to him, chasing him down the hall.

    "What the hell's wrong with him, Bria?" Rufus asked, his voice still filled with anger as he turned to face her. "Why does he do that?"

    "I don't know," she answered truthfully.

    "He's an asshole," he continued. "I don't pretend to like him, and I won't---"

    "Rufus, please," she interrupted, putting a hand to her head. "Reeve disappointed me too. I'll speak with him---"

    "Disappointed you?! He's a liar!"

    Bria squeezed her eyes shut, massaging her forehead with her hand. "I know, Rufus, but is that any worse than when you blamed the summoning of meteor and the ultimate destruction of the world on AVALANCHE?" Her eyes opened again and she stared at him.

    Rufus froze. "What are you trying to say?"

    Bria shook her head. "I don't even know."

    Yes you do....

    But before Rufus could say anything he was interrupted by Cloud Strife.

    "Excuse me, Bria?"

    Bria turned and smiled at Cloud. "Hello."

    Cloud glanced from Rufus to Bria and back again. "Can you excuse us.....Rufus?"

    Rufus went to protest, but Bria turned and gave him a look that clearly told him to leave now. Grumbling, he did.

    Bria knew very well that she was talking about. That she still had no reason to like Reeve better....they had both lied....but Rufus had never lied to her *directly*.....he didn't lie about Reeve in anyway....but it was all the same to Bria, and that was her way to tell Rufus that wasn't winning. The score was still tied.

    Rufus was not happy to see Junon again. He had a sinking feeling that they still had not taken those banners down. As he stood outside the Highwind gazing over at the town he felt someone come up besides him.

    It was Bria. She looked as though she had been crying.

    "Are you all right?"

    She nodded firmly. "I feel much better now." She paused. "Rufus....will you take me back to where we went last time?"

    She really does love it there. "Sure."

    Before they could leave, Reeve ran up to Bria. "Hi, Bria."

    "Hi, Reeve."

    He hesitated as he saw Rufus glaring at him. "Uh, listen. I'm really sorry about what happened before.....can we talk about it?" He looked at Rufus again. "All three of us?"

    "Can we do that later?" Bria requested. "Rufus and I are going into town."

    Reeve frowned, but he nodded. "Sure. I'll come find you later, okay?"

    She nodded. "All right."

    Unseen to Bria, Reeve and Rufus exchanged glares before once again going their separate ways.

    "It's as beautiful as last time," Bria commented, running straight over to the window.

    Rufus strolled up besides her, but said nothing, his mind far away. Those damn banners....he was ready to tear them down himself.

    Bria glanced over at him. She took his hand. "Forget it, Rufus. Whatever it is."

    As he looked upon her, he instantly did.

    "Cloud was telling me about Zack," she explained.


    "Yes....about how he was with Sephiroth in Nibelheim, about he dated Aeris Gainsbourgh, you know, the Ancient, and how he saved Cloud's life....but lost his." She sighed and looked back out the window. "Rufus....what was it like to see WEAPON advancing from this window? Were you scared?"

    "I don't remember being too nervous," he recalled, his eyes intent on her.

    "I would have been scared."

    "Nothing scares you," he commented.

    Still looking out the window, Bria shook her head. "That's not true at all."

    He remembered those times she had come to him. "What are you afraid of?"

    She turned to him. "I can't say."

    "Don't close up on me, Bria," he insisted.

    She turned away again. "There are several things...."

    "Tell me one," he persisted. "Why did you come to me back in Nibelheim, Bria?"

    She bit her lip and shifted her gaze to the floor. "Rufus," she whispered, closing her eyes and slightly shaking her head. "Tell me you won't leave."

    This is what she's afraid of? "What?" he replied.

    She opened her eyes and turned to him again. "Don't let Reeve scare you away."

    I wasn't the only one who knew he would try. Although he longed to assure her he wouldn't and to hold her and kiss her forever, there was something he had to know first. "Why?"

    She backed up a step. "I-- I....I can't...."

    He took her by the shoulders. "Forget Reeve Tell me why."

    Bria backed out of his grasp, shaking her head and turning away from both him and the window. "I can't. I love you both and---" she cut herself off and stopped dead.

    So he was right. She did....she did love him. Rufus approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Bria, I lo--"

    She whirled around and unexpectedly clapped a hand over his mouth. "No. Don't make my mistake."

    He took her hand away. "Let me say it."

    In response she kissed him, practically attacking him with her lips. He leaned in and let her.

    She didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to be sure. Bria didn't want to break anyone's heart. No one but hers.

    Rufus paraded his lips down her neck and Bria slipped her hands under his shirt. Rufus flinched at the feeling of her cold hands on his warm skin. He moved his lips further downward, unbuttoning the first few buttons on her shirt. he had to stop as Bria lifted his shirt over his head. Then he went right back to her lips, while Bria ran her fingers through his dyed hair. Then she unbuttoned the rest of her shirt herself and slipped it off her shoulders. Wrapping a cold hand around his neck, she kissed him deeply and he concentrated on kissing her back in just the same way.

    "Bria!?!" her name hung dead in the air.

    The two froze before Bria pulled away from Rufus. She looked at who stood in the doorway. "Reeve."

    Reeve stared at the shirtless Rufus and Bria in only her bra as a top with his mouth hanging open in terrible shock. "Bria....." he glanced momentarily at Rufus before shifting his eyes back to Bria. "You lied to me." Pause. "You both lied!"

    Bria stepped forward. "Reeve, wait---"

    Reeve held his hand out to stop her. Rufus saw a tear trickle down his face. He had made Reeve.....cry?? "Forget it." Reeve then dropped his hand and turned to face Rufus, with such pure hatred in his eyes as he cried. "You fucking bastard. I wish WEAPON had blown you to a million pieces." With those stinging words Reeve fled the area.

    With a sympathetic glance at Rufus, Bria scooped her shirt off the floor and ran after Reeve.

    Rufus stayed exactly where he was. War had been declared on both sides. And everyone was losing.

    He dressed himself and left the area. As he came to the car to take him back to the ground, Rufus noticed that the Rufus: New Age banner had been removed. It was about time.

    Rufus returned  to the Highwind and went inside, feeling terrible. As much as he hated Reeve, to see the older man cry was too much reality.

    He wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings as he shuffled along towards the operations room. Something bright red caught his eyes. To his absolute horror the Rufus: New Age banner had been hung across the operations room. It stared him down, reducing him to nothingness. Rufus felt hot tears build and threaten. Reeve. Reeve had done this. This was his revenge. It worked all too well.

    The tears escaped and rushed down Rufus' face. "No!" he bellowed, tearing the banner off the wall. "There was an age of nothing! That's not me! It's not me! Damn him! Damn that fucking possessive bastard!" He ripped the banner into small pieces, a burning madness in his eyes as his black hair fell in over his face. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" He held the ripped pieces in his fists as he sobbed to the empty wall. Reeve knew his weaknesses all too well. Rufus turned around to see all of Cloud's group looking at him in shock. Only Reeve and Bria were absent. Rufus glared at them despite the tears. "What are you all looking at?! Never seen anyone cry before? Surprised that I can? Yeah, believe it or not, Jenova or not---*Shinra* or not-- I'm a human being. I cry. I get hurt. I have emotions!" He threw the banner shreds to the ground. "Hate me if you want, just don't mock me." Rufus pushed his hair out of his face, and continued to speak with a choked voice. "This is Rufus Shinra. This pathetic, sobbing fool. Are you still afraid?" He shook his head. Only Bria understands..... His hair was in his face again. Black as night. No. She would have to see the *real* Rufus Shinra, not someone she used to hide him.

    Once more he looked up at the petrified party. "I failed." He went back to Junon. This was a full blown war. It was every man for himself.

    Rufus' hair glowed golden in the sunlight. His hair was back to his original color and he didn't care who recognized him. He wasn't afraid, he just wanted to have himself back. Would he scare Reeve any more like this? That jackass was going down. To think Rufus almost felt *sorry* for him. He should have known better.

    He still felt badly for Bria. Everything was worse. He would get her a gift. Some nice materia. He knew Bria would be glad to add to her meager collection.

    He stopped into the first materia store he came across the pondered over the different varieties.  Restore? She had that. Revive? Didn't she have that too? What about seal? She could put Reeve to sleep with that....

    "Can I help you?"

    Rufus looked up and his eyes nearly popped right out his head. A materia seller from Junon.....Vadra....She hadn't been lying about it after all. It had been a long time since he had thought about her.

    Vadra clearly recognized him as well. It wasn't hard to. She backed up a step. "Rufus Shinra?!" It was almost a whisper. "You're dead......right?"

    "Obviously, I'm not," he said with no emotion.

    She shook her head slowly. "I don't believe it. Are you crazy, walking about like you're still in charge?! Everyone hates you!"

    He replied, "kind of like I hate you?"

    She frowned. "I see." There was a silence. "So, you gonna buy any materia?"

    Rufus burst into hysterical laughter.

    Vadra looked at him as though he were crazy. "What? What's so funny?"

    "You ruined my life!" he exclaimed, still laughing like it was all a joke, "and now you want *more* of my money?!"

    "Oh." She frowned. "What, do you want your money back?"

    His laughing stopped as suddenly as it had started. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding?"

    Wordlessly she shook her head and disappeared into the back of the store. A minute later she returned with stacks of bills, all neatly wrapped.

    Rufus gawked at the millions in front of him. "It's as though it hasn't been touched."

    "It hasn't," she confirmed.

    He looked at her in surprised. "But why? I don't understand."

    She shrugged sheepishly. "Turns out I had a conscience afterall. I couldn't bring myself to spend your money."


    "I was cocky. I thought I could, and I did...but I was sorry." She shook her head. "You *were* nice to me..."

    He raised an eyebrow. "You're not making this up for make me forgive you, are you? Cause then I wouldn't waste my breath if I were you."

    Vadra shook her head. "I just thought you might want to know the truth."

    Rufus shook his head quickly, trying to clear it. "I can't believe this is happening....just to prove yourself."

    "If it helps, your money only made me miserable."

    Rufus managed a small smile. "Thanks, it does."

    "Do you feel better now?"

    He shook his head. "No. I'll always be miserable. The Shinra name I carry's the cause of that, more than anything you ever did." He was quick to continue. "I'll never forgive you...the pain you brought ate me away inside."

    "I'm still glad you came in here," she said.

    And I'm glad I'm rich again...for now, he thought. He spoke, "well, thanks...for the money." He went for the door.

    Vadra just watched.

    "How could I tell you, Reeve?" Bria demanded. "Look how you've reacted! I had to lie to you! It was best you didn't know till I figured everything out!"

    Reeve wiped his tears away with his sleeve. "And what would it have been like if you picked Rufus?" He mimicked her voice as he continued, "oh, hi, Reeve. Sorry, but I love Rufus. We're getting married." He stamped his foot, making her jump. "I hate him! I wish he was dead!"

    Bria covered her ears. "Stop it!"

    "Who's it gonna be, Bria?" he persisted.

    "I can't choose so easily, Reeve."

    "Don't expect either of us to be of any help," he pointed out. "I have no intention of giving up on you so that pathetic sap can have a shoulder to cry on about how his daddy screwed him up."

    She was crying . "Stop it, Reeve. Shut up."

    Reeve softened. Perhaps he was being too harsh with her..."Bria..." he over and took her by the shoulders. "I love you so much...I can't imagine my life without you."

    She wiped away the tears. "You're not making this any easier on me, Reeve."

    "I can't."

    She sighed and pushed a chunk of hair away. "Can you leave me alone for awhile? I'm tired."

    Reeve agreed and left her alone. Not wanting to stay cramped up in the Highwind, he left for Junon, stepping on the banner shreds on the way and silently patting himself on the back.

    Junon had one bar, and Rufus decided that it would be best to drown his frustrations with alcohol. Anything that could erase his least temporarily.

    He was on his second shot when Reeve wandered in. Rufus muttered obscenities, but he was too tired to pick a fight.

    Apparently Reeve had no interest in it either. He sat at the counter and ordered a drink.

    "Stupid Vadra. Damn bitch. Uses me to prove herself." He finished off his glass. "Ruined me. I'll never forgive her...using me as a pawn. Hey, bar tender! I'll have another!"

    Rufus kept on drinking and Reeve sat directly across from him consuming just as much alcohol. The two men glared at each other, both completely drunk.

    "Bar.....guy," Rufus called, holding his glass out in front of him. "I'll have anotherrrrrr..."

    The bar tender shook his head. "You've had enough."

    Reeve laughed at his misfortune.

    Rufus glared daggers at him and slammed his palms against the bar as he got to his feet. "Shu' up."

    Reeve got up too, glaring right back. "You shu' up."

    "Fuckin' jerk." Rufus seethed.

    "Hey, no fighting!" the bar tender called out, but it was too late.

    Reeve and Rufus rushed over to each other, and got right up in each other's face.

    "Say 'at to my face," Reeve slurred.

    "I said you're a fuckin' jerk," Rufus repeated, pronouncing his words as carefully as someone who had had too much to drink could.

    Reeve balled his fists and swung at Rufus. A miss.

    Rufus laughed loudly and pushed Reeve away. "Loser."

    Reeve's second attempt connected and sent Rufus flying backwards. "Who's a loser now?" Reeve proclaimed.

    Rufus wiped blood from under his nose in amazement. "I'm bleeding?!" He had never seen such a thing coming from himself...even after WEAPON...In the next moment he was on his feet and hurtling back towards Reeve. "DIE!!!"

    Reeve's third try was yet another miss, but Rufus connected, sending Reeve to the floor. In a fit of rage, Rufus began kicking the older man as the bar patrons screamed for blood. Reeve managed to grab Rufus' ankle and bit down on it hard. Rufus yelped and jumped back.

    Reeve pulled himself to his feet. "Basssstard," he hissed, stumbling forward as blood trickled down the side of his face.

    Rufus set his jaw and spit on Reeve.

    Immediately Reeve made a dive to attack Rufus.


    The former Shinra executive stopped mid punch and swerved around to face a very shocked Bria. He grinned. "Hi, baby."

    Bria looked more shocked at first. She looked from Reeve to Rufus and back again as the entire bar watched. "What were you doing?"

    "We was jes' talkin'," Rufus put in, nearly falling over as he approached.

    Bria shook her head sadly. "I.....I'm so.....let's go home."

    She took one drunk on each side and they leaned on her as she escorted them back to the Highwind.

    "You know, Bria, you's the prettiest girl I've ever seen," Rufus slurred.

    "No, she's the prettiest girl *I've* seen," Reeve snapped.

    "You wanna fight?!" Rufus challenged, trying to reach Reeve. Bria wouldn't allow it.

    "Stop it, both of you!" she exclaimed, sounding completely exasperated. "Shut up. Just *shut* the *hell* up!"

    They were silent the rest of the way.

    Bria staggered into the Highwind, dragging the two bleeding, half sleeping, drunk men. The strain was written all over her face and Tifa rushed over to help her.

    "Oh my god! What happened?" Tifa questioned as she took Reeve off Bria's hands and led him into a room where two cots had been set up. The two women laid the two men down and Tifa took Bria out of the room. "Are you okay? What happened?"

    Bria put a hand to her head and sighed. "Oh, I don't know, Tifa. They went out drinking I guess and then I found them at each other's throats." She turned her face away from Tifa and wiped the tears away before they could come. "I hated to see them like that."

    "Bria...." Tifa ventured. "Have you ever see Rufus....cry?"

    Bria looked at the other woman with a confused look. "Why do you ask?"

    Tifa explained. "I saw him cry today over the new age banner...I had never thought it was possible...for him to cry..." she shook her head. "He seems so different now."

    "You're beginning to see Rufus as I do," Bria said. "As he really is. Someone hurt him, and he was full of hate." She shook her head. "He's not anymore. But he's still afraid, no matter what he thinks. He's scared of being alone." She paused. "But a lot of people are."

    "Are you okay?" Tifa asked, looking as concerned as she sounded. "You look like you have a lot on your mind."

    Bria nodded slowly, lost deep in thought. "I do...I really do. Too much."

    There passed a momentary silence. "Want me to look after them for you?" she asked.

    Bria shook her head. "No, I'll do it. But I would like a piece of paper...and something to write with."

    Rufus awoke with a moan, putting a hand to his head as he sat up. " head...where the hell am I?" He glanced around the room but all he saw was Bria asleep in a chair, her face resting on the table in front her her, and Reeve lying on the cot across from him, half-dressed and curled up in the fetal position. He was awake too, but he looked about as healthy as Rufus felt. "What happened?"

    "The last thing I remembered was going to a bar," Reeve spoke up, his voice groggy.

    "Me too," Rufus went to nod, but it hurt his head too much. "How much did I have to drink?"

    "I feel like shit," Reeve moaned.

    "Me too."

    Reeve struggled to sit up. "What's with Bria?" He looked down at himself. "And where's my shirt?"

    "Probably in the same place mine is," Rufus muttered, slowly standing up. "Oohhhh man." His hand went back to his head.

    Reeve got up too. "Every bone in my body hurts," he complained. "I'm never drinking again."

    "Sure...." Rufus murmured under his breath, shuffling over to where Bria was slumped over the table. She had been writing something. "What's this?"

    Reeve came over to the other side of the table, rubbing his forehead. "What was she writing?"

    There was a giant X over the whole paper, but it was still readable. "A letter to her parents."

    "What does it say?"

    Rufus read it aloud. "Dear mom and dad. My years of searching for Zack has been a failure. There is no other way to put it. Zack, your son, is dead. He was shot down by heartless Shinra soldiers outside Midgar. He saved Cloud Strife, who in turn saved everyone, so Zack didn't die in vain. Still, I could never give you this heartbreaking news in person, which is why I have sent this letter in my place. I can never come back to Gongaga. I've fallen in love with two men....neither of would accept," Rufus glanced up at a shocked Reeve as he continued. "This has left me torn between my love and my family, but, although it breaks my heart, I have chosen not to return home because I do not want to have to live up to the expectations you had for Zack. He's no longer with us. I have to  lead my own life now, and leave Gongaga behind." He stopped and looked up at Reeve, his mouth hanging open. "There's no more."

    Reeve couldn't react for a moment. "I didn't never crossed my mind."

    Rufus looked down at Bria, who slept so peacefully. It was all so clear to him now. Bria was afraid of being alone. Afraid that she would be disowned by her parents for the Shinra men they despised only to have them both grow tired of her inability to decided between them and leave her. Where could she go from there? Those nights in Nibelheim suddenly made all the sense in the world. He had been so self-centered...perhaps he hadn't changed so much after all.

    "I was only thinking about myself," Reeve commented. Rufus could tell by his tone that he felt terribly as well.

    "She has to go back," Rufus said simply.

    "What?" Reeve hissed. "Are you kidding? Bria doesn't want to. She's made her choice. She doesn't want to"

    Rufus disagreed. "Reeve, this is killing her." He held the paper up for Reeve to see. "See the X? She want to see her parents, Reeve. She just can't make herself go." He looked at his former co-worker with his Jenova fused eyes intent. "She needs our help."

    Reeve glanced down at Bria, a loving look that Rufus couldn't deny in his eyes. "I don't know..."

    "Reeve, if you love Bria at all you'll help me convince her to go home."

    Reeve turned and looked sharply at the younger man. "Don't ever imply you love her more that I do."

    Rufus didn't blink. "Is it agreed then?"

    Reeve glanced at Bria once more with a sigh. Then he silently nodded.

    "You tell Cloud we're going to Gongaga, and I'll speak with Bria."

    For once there was no argument. Reeve simply nodded again, picked his shirt off a nearby chair, pulled it over his head and left the room.

    Rufus placed the letter back on the desk and  gently shook her shoulder. "Bria..."

    Her blue eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him without moving. "Oh. Is it morning already, Rufus? Your shirt's on the chair over there."

    He shook his head. "Bria, we need to talk."

    She yawned and closed her eyes. "Look, if it's about yesterday don't bother. I know you're sorry. Just *please* never let me see that again."

    "*No*, Bria," he said firmly. "This is something much more important."

    Her eyes opened again and this time she sat up. "What's wrong?"

    He picked the letter up in front of her and said, "this."

    She was on her feet in a millisecond and she deftly tore the paper from Rufus' hand and into several pieces. "That's nothing."

    "Nothing?!" he exclaimed. "Bria, that's *everything*. It's why you came to me in Nibelheim, it's why you won't even let us mention Gongaga and it's why you work so hard to please both me and Reeve." He crossed his arms. "We both read the letter, Bria, and it hurts us both. We didn't realize we were interfering with your relationship with your parents. We're taking you back. You have to face them."

    Bria shook her head, tears rushing to her eyes. "No. No, Rufus. You don't understand. They have Shinra in Gongaga. They won't forgive you....and...and," she looked at him with her mournful eyes, "they won't forgive me."

    Rufus stood his ground. "Bria, you're their daughter. They'll love you no matter what."

    She wiped a tear away. "Rufus, I love two men. One built Midgar and the other ran it. Shinra took away their tow and it took away their son. I can't ask them to forgive you or Reeve."

    "Don't," he said gently. "I don't want their forgiveness. I'm Rufus Shinra. I've inherited my father's wrong doings and that's something I have to live with, no matter how much it frustrates me. That important thing is that you confront your parents face to face about Shinra, about Zack, about everything. If you don't, you'll never know how they would have reacted. People are full of surprises, Bria." He looked intently into her tearing eyes. "That's why you have to go back to Gongaga, Bria. That's why you have to go home."

    Bria wiped her tears away. "I know people are surprising, Rufus." She managed a shaky smile. "I learned that when I met you."

    Rufus couldn't have stayed away from Bria at that moment if chains had him binded to the wall. He embraced her tightly, her cheek resting on his bare shoulder. There was so much he had learned from her. So much it could fill pages. There were only 4 words he felt summed up his gratitude and his feelings so perfectly. "I *love* you, Bria."

    She gave up and sobbed into him, her fingers holding on his shoulder so tightly it hurt. But Rufus didn't move.

    Reeve came back, and Rufus turned his head.

    Reeve was stone. If he was jealous or angry it didn't show. "Well....?"

    "Well?" Rufus looked down at Bria and lifted her chin up with his index finger.

    She nodded. "Take me home, Rufus."

    Rufus turned to smile at Reeve, but the older man didn't smile back. Reeve looked empty, just as Rufus had in the years after losing Vadra....

    He stepped away from Bria, and gestured for Reeve to step in. The older man looked shocked a moment, but he quickly picked up where Rufus left off.

    The former Shinra President picked his shirt off the chair and slowly put it on. Bria had made one decision, and she would have to make another. The treaty would have to be drawn up. This war had to end before everyone came away a  loser.

    Rufus sat alone in the operations room, trying to keep his hair out of his face.

    The door swung open  and Reeve stepped inside. "We're here."

    Rufus shrugged. "So?"

    "So....Bria wants us both to come with her."

    Rufus just shook his head.

    Reeve sighed. "Can't we put our differences aside for a few hours, Rufus? Why can't I come--"

    "I don't want to go at *all*," Rufus interjected.

    Reeve stopped dead. It was a moment before he spoke again. "She wants you to come, Rufus. Bria won't let anything happen to you....and I won't either."

    Rufus refused. "I can't. I can't see it. I can't see what I did."

    "What *he* did," Reeve corrected.

    Rufus disagreed. "It's on my shoulders now. I can't bear to look upon it...judging by how Bria described everyone's attitude, it's terrible."

    "Don't you have any idea what you'll see?" Reeve asked. "Didn't you read any of Scarlet's reports?"

    "Oh, Scarlet!" Rufus spat. "Please. I never saw anything. Half of the things that went on were passed under the desks. But you would know that, right, Cait Sith?"

    Reeve tensed. "Don't call me that."

    Rufus shook his head. "Go away."

    "You have to go, Rufus. You haven't got a choice."

    "Of course I do. I choose to stay here."

    "If you stay here you'll only suppress your fear."

    Rufus' eyes flashed. "I am *not* afraid."

    Reeve smiled knowingly. "Oh no? Then lets go."

    Scowling, Rufus stood. Reeve had won this round. He was going into Gongaga. And it was true. He was terribly afraid of what he would see.

(continue with the story)