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Shot Down
By: Lark (that's me ^^)
"You're the best marksman in the whole Garden, Irvine, probably in *any* Garden."
Ever wonder why Irvine never became a SeeD? Perhaps it's not because he never took the test...perhaps he just couldn't cut it....
Rated: PG-15, Maybe a Sequel, but done for now.

Sleeping Beauty
By: Suzie
This is a song fic....written by my best friend Suzie who is *such* a wonderful writer. Nothing makes me cry, but I had tears in my eyes after this one!  It's *incredible*. (she had the guts to tell me it wasn't that good?! Whatever, hon!) This is about Vincent....and a woman who tried to love him....
Rated: PG13, complete

A Collection of Trite Tales
By: Shell
WOW! Humor! Such a rare thing on the fan fiction pages....anyway, my sister wrote this, and it's hysterical. I don't recommend drinking anything while you're reading this. Also, some parts of this are Gundam Wing, but if you're not familiar with the show, you can skip to the FF parts.
Rated: PG-13, complete

Vincent's Lucky Day
By: Jackie
WOW! More Humor! I was talking with Jackie one day, and we were whining about how Vincent is always beaten up and bloody in drawings and how no one ever writes anything happy about them. (Can't say I'm free from that accusation) Anyway, she told me she was going to write a happy Vincent story and she did! It's very funny!
Rated: PG (wow! a first!)

Bleeding Heart
By: Michelle
This is the story of how Michelle and Reno met. It goes hand in hand with the rambles, so you should have some good idea what goes on in those before reading this.
Rated: PG-13, complete

By: Michelle
Ack, Michelle is a great writer!! This is about Reno, and he has a one night stand that changes him...
Rated: PG-15, complete

By: Mary Bennings
Ever wonder what was going through Rufus' head after his father died? Here's your answer.
Rated: PG-13, complete

Secret Lover
By: Sean Almasy
An FF9 fic about Garnet and Zidane
Rated: PG, incomplete

The Stars Are Forever
By: Falcon Mitsukai
An FF8 fic about Fujin
Rated: PG, complete

Final Fantasy
 By: NeoSephiroth373
An FF7 fic about Rufus
Rated: PG, incomplete

One Last Shimmer of Hope
By: TJ
Vincent! ^^
Rated: PG-13, complete

Peace At Last
By: TJ
Vincent reflects on Sephiroth's death
Rated: PG-13, complete

By: TJ
Cloud reflects on Sephiroth
Rated: PG-13, complete

Thoughts Of A Villain
By: Caleb
Sephiroth's solioquy before facing Cloud.
Rated: PG, complete

In the Presence of Greatness
By: Caleb
Zack's stream of consciousness after the incident in the Nibel reactor.
Rated: PG, complete

(as of yet!)
By: Caleb
Zack's biography
Rated: PG, incomplete

and updated

Pupu's Saga
By: Jeremy Chapter
An epic FF8 fic
Rated: PG, incomplete
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

By: Reno
A songfic about Reno to the Matchbox Twenty song "Mad Season"
Rated: PG-13, complete

The Junon Fair
By: Yuri
A nine-year-old Yuffie encounters Materia for the first time at the Junon Fair, and is hooked on the spot.
Rated: G, complete

The Purple Heart
By: Ani K.
A startling discovery is revealed to Reno,
bringing forth past shards and futility. However, just
when Reno thinks all is lost, a certain member of
Avalanche ironically gives words of hope.
Rated: PG-13, complete

Only Resort
By: Phil
This is a parody to Last Resort by Papa Roach about Vincent's life
Rated: PG, complete

Two Letters, A Tape and A Sad Good-bye
By: Phil
This is a sad one involving Squall and Rinoa
Rated: PG-13, complete

I'm Back
By: Phil
Song parody involving Sephiroth
Rated: PG-13, complete

By: Phil
Another song parody involving Sephiroth
Rated: PG-13, complete

I Know Why You Wanna Kill Me
By: Phil
A song parody about FF7 and FF8
Rated: PG-13, complete

Wait and Bleed
By: Phil
A songfic dealing with  Squall and Seifer's gunblade battle at the beginning of FF8.
Rated: PG-13, complete

She's An Ancient
By: Phil
A song parody about Aeris
Rated: PG, complete

The Poems

Stuff By Me

I'm not much of a poet, and I almost never write poems that don't rhyme, but here you are anyway.

Secret of the North Cave
A poem about Sephiroth. (shush! don't tell him!)

Blood in My Hand
Another one about Sephiroth

A poem about Vincent

Another one about Vincent

I like to write ones about Vincent...

Lone Wolf
A poem about Irvine

From the Corner
A poem about Reeve

A poem about the men in Shinra

Sometimes, I can
Another one involving the men of Shinra

A poem about Reno

Stuff By TJ

Wow....he writes the best poems!! You must read them!!

A Sorrowful Life

Broken Dreams

Fallen Greatness

My Rival

My Way Up In Life

Untold Sorrow

Wretched Orbs

Darkness Fades to Light

Forgotten Brotherhood

Tears and Lies

My Battle Angel

I Miss You

I Miss You (2)

My Life Fades

My True Feelings For You

Eyes of the Soldier

Only God Can Judge Me Now

My Childhood Friend

Forever Loved

Broken Dreams

Unrequested Love

To Love An Enemy....?

To Love An Enemy.....?

Tread Softly On My Nightmares


The Great Solider

Other Poems

By: Sean Almasy

By: Sean Almasy

By: Sean Almasy

In a Fleeting Word
By: Tobert64

I am Sorry
By: Tobert64

I Will Avenge
By: Tobert64

I Am
By: Tobert64

By: Tobert64

Ice Must Melt
By: Tobert64

By: Tobert64

By: Tobert64

Mako Eyes
By: Tobert64

Final Good-bye
By: Tobert64

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