Secret Lover
By: Sean Almasy

Garnet Til Alexandros The 17th was calmly awaiting for Steiners arrival to be accompanied to Trenos ball .Her brown tresses bounced as she practiced her walk while her brown hues were focused on the floor .She wore a beautiful white dress which was tight on the upper area her hair supported by a white berret. Than her eyes shot towards the door as her night Adelbert Steiner walked in.

"Princess the airship awaits."Said Steiner, Garnet walked out the door while Steiner was holding it open.She made her way through the castle with Steiner at her side ,"So Steiner who will be attending the ball at treno?"Questioned Garnet , "Regiment Cid , Beatrix , and alot of other people."He replied. They boarded the airship as Steiner led Garnet to her room to rest.

As Soon as she awoke she saw Beatrix infront of her."Well hello Princess."Said Beatrix ,"Hello Beatrix , have we arrived yet."She Replied, "Yes we have i shall accompany you to the ball now."Said Beatrix. Garnet stood up following Beatrix. She walked down the steps away from her room starting her way out of the ship people cheered and whistled as she got out."Princess just continue forward."Said a voice.She peered behind her and noticed it was Steiner.

She entered the ball which was full with many noblemen and noblewomen , she also noticed her Uncle and apearing out of no where was Zidane dressed very finely. He wore a Penguin Tuxedo with a perfect fitting to his bodys shape a small smile was the main expression of his face as Garnets was shocked in surprise."How did you get invited here?"She asked, "Regiment Cid allowed me."He said.Than Steiner rushed over to where Garnet was"Get away from the princess at once you monkey she does not have nothing to do with the likes of you!"Said Steiner , "Sheesh don't have to have a heart attack rusty."He walked away from Garnet now a frown on his face he now trudged out side.

A small sigh of defeat escaped from his mouth as he looked up at the moon as a small flower petal floated down into his hand.He looked upon it his blue oculets expressionless towards them.

Back in the ball Garnet looked towards the door and started running towards it bursting through the doors as she saw Zidane no where to be found.She peered around noticing the petal she than walked towards it picking it up holding it softly to her heart.She than started walking back towards the door entering once again.

In the ball she walked slowly towards a chair sitting down on it. Her face was brought to a frown the first person to notice was Steiner as he rushed over at once."Princess what is wrong?"He asked, "Nothing Steiner just nothing."She replied.A small tear escaped from her left eye as she sniffed , Beatrix than attempted to get it out of her"Princess what is on your mind." She asked Garnet"Its Zidane everytime i get to be with him Steiner just runs him off, Does he not notice i have feelings for him , he might have no royal bloodline but he makes me feel good."Said Garnet ,"I understand your feelings Garnet , don't worry about it there are other people to love." Beatrix Replied,"But Beatrix i just feel he is the one." Beatrix looked at her with caring eyes "If he is the one you don't have to worry because you will end up together."Garnet looked at her with a fake smile"I never thought of it that way , thanks Beatrix." Beatrix walked away with that same frown appearing on Garnets face again.

Outside Zidane was walking around Garnets airship looking for a place to rest he could not find one but he continued to walk."Steiner is to over protective with Garnet it wasn't my choice to kidnap her so why would i kidnap her now i am not even in tantalus any more."He continued to walk as he saw the balls clock tower strike 12:00 Noblemen starting to exit the ball he than ran on board the airship hiding in a pod.Garnet being followed by Steiner and Beatrix exited the ball heading towards her airship as she climbed aboard as she walked towards her room again. Peering in before entering she walked towards her bed taking off her berret the sad look deepening on her face as a sad sigh was let out of her mouth.

Zidane was hiding in a closet with mops and brooms waiting for everyone to go to sleep before he snuck off. than suddenly he heard sobs and crys coming from Garnets room he than walked out of the closet walking up the steps reaching  Garnets open door he walked in.Garnet peered at him as she stood up and tackled him hugging her arms around his neck."Zidane."She softly cried into his shoulder as he rubbed her back."Zidane never leave me, please never do."She sobbed softly"I can't though what if Steiner captures us together he could have me killed." She sobbed harder into his shoulder as he sat down on her bed with him holding her in his grasp they fell asleep holding eachother.

To Be Continued
