Whoo hoo! More songfics? Sick of them yet? This one deals with Reeve "dumping" Tseng....using the lyrics of the Britney Spears song that I *didn't* write. Enjoy ^_^

"Never look back," we said
How was I to know I'd miss you so?

    "Hey, Tseng, you all right?"

    The head Turk only half heard Reno's voice. "Yeah..." he lied absently, "I'm fine." Even if I told him my heart was dried up, he wouldn't understand. Oh gods, Reeve. I'm so hurt. Do you know how horrible you've made me feel? Have you any vague idea? I'm alone again, and truly if this helicopter crashed into the sea right now it would only make me happy. After all, where can I turn? I gave you my life, Reeve. What did you do with it?

    Loneliness up ahead
    Emptiness behind
    Where do I go?

    Elena said, "you don't look fine."

    Rude said nothing.

    Reno persisted, "hey, man, come on. You can't fool us. What's up?"

    I can't answer that....I can't even explain it to myself. Did you ever understand me, Reeve? When I told you I loved you, I meant it. Then again, how can I expect you to understand when you never knew what love really was? I've given you everything, and now I'm empty. "Quiet, Reno."

    And you didn't hear
    All my joy through my tears
    All my hopes through my fears
    Did you know, sill I miss you somehow

    The red head sighed in annoyance and crosses his arms. "Fine. Be an asshole."

    "You're an asshole, Reno," Elena shot back.

    Tseng turned to look out the window. "Elena....Reno....please." You never let me explain, Reeve. I hope you know how much I love you....even from the first day we met. Hmmm....maybe I fell in love too fast....

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
    You were my first love
    You were my true love
    From the first kisses to the very last rose

    The helicopter made a smooth landing at Shinra Headquarters and the Turk's stepped onto the roof.

    Rude asked, "what now?"

    I really wish I knew..... "I have to meet with Heidegger." He spoke without looking at any of his subordinates, but rather off to the side, past them. "Be in my office in one hour. No excuses. Got it?"

    Elena nodded eagerly. "Yes, boss."

    Tseng turned, walking briskly towards the doors. Once inside the glass elevator he entered the correct floor with his keycard and collapsed, head against the glass, looking down. Reeve had built this city.....it had always made the both of them sick to look upon it, but now.....now it only made him want to cry.

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    Even though time may find me somebody new

    He looked down at Sector Seven, crushed flat under tons of metal. People, buildings, lives...smashed for some renegades who escaped. He clenched his fists remembering how badly Reeve was shaken by the news. It was him who had given Reno the order to destroy it. What choice did he have? Is that why, Reeve? Because I'm so loyal? Because I won't go against them...and she will?

    You were my real love
    I never knew love
    'Till there was you
    From the bottom of my broken heart

    A single tear slipped down his cheek as he remembered the argument from yesterday....

    "Tseng, I--I...what I'm trying to say is you...you can't sleep here anymore."

    He had the same sinking feeling in his stomach as he recalled everything. "W-why?"

    "There's someone else....."

    Someone else....a woman....He hated to admit he wasn't fully surprised.

    "Baby," I said,
    "Please stay.
    Give our love a chance for one more day."

   "Yes.....it is a woman. Her name is Bria." Bria, huh?

    "Oh." He could still feel his heart ripping at the seams.

   "Look, Tseng, you're still my best friend." Oh well...

   "Uh-huh....." I know...

    "....you should have know this day would come. I'm not like that." I know you're not.

    "I---I know." Yes.

   "I don't regret a second we spent together, Tseng. Honestly." I believe you, Reeve.

   "Me neither." Oh no. Not a second.

   "Oh no, Tseng. Don't cry." Why shouldn't I?

    We could have worked things out
    Taking time is what love's all about

    The Turk shuddered, remembering how a few words had collapsed his whole world. Just like that fire. Oh gods...how can words be so powerful? How can they ruin so many hopes and so many dreams....set everything ablaze just like a misplaced match....

    But you put a dart
    Through my dreams
    Through my heart

    Tseng wiped away his tear. I had to start all over when my family died, Reeve. Looks as though I'll have to do it again. But this time I don't know where to start.....

   And I'm back where I started again

    He punched the glass, but nothing happened. It was made too thick... "I thought I had a chance! I thought you'd maybe learn to love me! Fuck!" He punched it again and again. "Fuck!"

    Never thought it would end

    The elevator stopped with a cheery 'ding' and Tseng composed himself. That had been the longest ride of his life.

    Quickly he walked to Heidegger's office and rapped several times upon the door.

    "Come in!"

    The young man slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. "You wanted to speak with me, sir?"

    "The keystone," said Heidegger, "do you have it?"

    Yeah.....thanks to Reeve...and that robot of his....oh gods, Reeve.... "Yes." He removed it from his pocket and placed it on his superior's desk. "Here you are, sir."

    "Excellent work, Tseng!" Heidegger praised with a hearty laugh, reaching for the keystone. "You and Reeve are to be commended for this."

    Tseng visibly twitched at the sound of his name paired with Reeve's.

    Heidegger noticed and gave the young man a strange look. "Tseng, my boy. Are you all right?"

    "I'm fine," he replied emotionlessly. "I am not one to let my personal life interfere with my work."

    "You're a credit to the company, Tseng. I know I can ask one more assignment of you."

    "Yes, sir."

    "The President wishes to find out about this Temple of the Ancients. Clues to the Promised Land may be inside. Now that we have the keystone there's no stopping us."

    "I see, sir." Tseng nodded.

    "Take one more of your subordinates with you," Heidegger instructed, "the others can stay in Midgar for the time being."

    He nodded again. "Yes, sir. We'll leave tomorrow." Tseng turned to leave.

    "Tseng," Heidegger called before the younger man could exit. The dark haired Turk turned halfway, lending an ear to his boss' words. "There's no room for error here. Don't let Shinra down."

    The young man tired to keep his voice from shaking as he answered, "never."

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know

    As he left Heidegger's office, Tseng found himself turning right instead of left. His knees shook as he marched towards Reeve's office. What am I going to say to him?

    You were my first love

    His heart jumped as he turned the corner. Reeve.... But the door was open, and the room was empty.

    You were my true love
    From the first kisses to the very last rose

    Tseng sighed in disappointment. He went inside anyway, closing the door quietly and carefully, as though he would greatly disturb the feeling of the room if he wasn't silent. The room was the same as it had always been. The chair was askew behind a desk nearly arranged with everything in it's place. The shades were drawn tightly shut as usual. Reeve hated to look down at his own city.

    He found himself wandering over behind the desk and running his fingers over the shiny wood desktop. Reeve....you were always such a neat freak......just like me......

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    Even though time may find me somebody new

    There was a picture frame placed face down on the desk, and he picked it up. His heart froze when he saw the image. I never knew you had a picture of me, Reeve..... Tears clouded his vision and he placed the picture back down. Couldn't stand to see me anymore, Reeve?....Why?

    You were my real love
    I never knew love

    Tseng sat down slowly, easing back into his lover's chair. The room smelled distinctly of Reeve's cologne and he saw a bottle of the stuff lying on the desk. Going off to see her, Reeve? He took the bottle and put some on himself. There's certainly better cologne, but there's no better way to remember you, my beloved....

    'Til there was you
    From the bottom of my broken heart

    There was a letter lying on the desk, and though he knew better than to spy on his friend, he was still a spy at heart.

    He glazed over it in amazement. A love letter.....to her.

    He couldn't stop himself from reading it.

    Dear Bria,

    I don't know if you understand just how much you mean to me. You inspire me to be a better man and to stand up for what I believe in. It is because of you I have decided to take down Shinra from the inside.

    Tseng gasped. Reeve....such a big task to take on yourself. I never thought you'd ever dream of doing such a thing....why didn't you tell me? It's because I'm so loyal....isn't it? Because I would never help you. Is this why.... He gripped the arms of the chair to keep himself from passing out. Is this why you chose her over me? He continued:

    I have never been known to express myself well, which is why I wrote this for you. Bria, you're my ray of hope. Thank you for being there.

    Love forever,


    You promised yourself
    But to somebody else

    He's so happy with her....Tseng thought, feeling strangely at peace. I don't think I ever made him quite as happy. He sighed, running his fingers over Reeve's signature. Reeve....I wish I could have made you half as happy as she has.

    Quickly he took a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote:

    Dearest Reeve,

    I am very happy to see Bria has become such a powerful force in your life. She can give you everything I never could. I'm glad you found love, Reeve. As long as you're happy, I am too. No hard feelings. I understand. Being friends is more than I need from you.

    Love always,


    Placing down the pen, the Turk took a deep breath, suddenly not feeling so terrible. But his heart was still empty and broken. And he was lonely. Reeve, you love Bria and I gladly accept that. I just wish you were here....

    And you made it so perfectly clear
    Still I wish you were here

    Tseng suddenly realized he couldn't stay in this office another second, and went to leave. Just as he reached for the doorknob the door swung open. The Turk let out a strangled gasp, but it wasn't Reeve. It was Scarlet.

    "Where's Reeve?" she demanded, giving Tseng a disgusted look over.

    Grimacing he replied, "not here." The next words escaped his lips without a thought. "Let it go, Scarlet. He never wanted you to begin with."

    She hissed back at him, "what would you *really* know of it?"

    "Plenty," he replied. "Now if you'll excuse me." He went to move past her, but she blocked the door with her arm.

    "I think you better mind your own god damn business, Tseng," she snapped, "he's not a fucking fag like you are. He'll never love you."

    Tseng flinched at the derogatory term but held his ground. "Maybe not, Scarlet. But at least I can give him my love, which is a hell of a lot more than you could ever do." Narrowing his eyes, he said, "you heartless bitch. You're wasting your time far more than I ever was." He pushed her arm away and took several steps.

    "Was I?" she called after him, smirking. "Now that it's over, tell me, Tseng, we he a good fuck?"

    Anger erupted inside him and boiled over. Whirling around, he clenched his fists, the only thing he could do to prevent himself from slapping that smirking face.

    Scarlet didn't stop there. "I'm not a fool, Tseng. I know."

    The Turk drew a breath and said evenly, "if you weren't my superior, I'd kill you where you stand."

    She laughed annoyingly. "Always by the book, Tseng. Always for the company." She brushed past him, heading away from Reeve' office. "You never cease to amuse me."

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know

    When she was gone he left, hurrying down the hall, hurrying to his office to lock himself away and cry away the pain one last time.

    He was in such a hurry that he wasn't paying much attention to his direction. Bumping into Reeve was the last thing Tseng wanted.

    They looked at each other silently for a moment, exchanging words with their eyes. Reeve looked sad somehow, regretful.

    The older man spoke first. "Hello. How are you?"

    "Hello, Reeve. I'm doing fine, thank you."

    Reeve hesitated. "Look, Tseng, I want to apologize--"

    The younger man held up a hand to stop him.

    You were my first love

    "Reeve," he said, "it's all right."

    Reeve fumbled for words. "But, I--"

    "No," Tseng insisted in a firm but gentle tone. "Reeve....it's okay."

    His mouth closed and he just gave a small sigh, accompanied by a slight nod.

    You were my true love
    From the first kisses to the very last rose

    They didn't say anything or move for another minute. It was as if time stood still, allowing them time to have a last good-bye, even if it was only silence they shared together.

    From the bottom of my broken heart
    Even though time may find me somebody new

    I wish I could help you, Reeve. I wish I could go against Shinra too. But I can't....I'm not that strong. "I have to go to the Temple of the Ancients," Tseng finally spoke up. "Thanks for the keystone."

    He answered, "you're welcome," then lowered his voice, "it's my last favor."

    The Turk's eyes grew wide. Last favor....yes...Reeve was now going to devote himself to taking Shinra down. "I wish I could help you," he mumbled.

    "Cloud and the others will be there," Reeve said simply, "be careful, my friend."

    "I am not afraid," Tseng said firmly. "Reeve, I am a Turk. I work for Shinra. We fear nothing."

    "Yes," muttered Reeve, a smirk reaching his lips. "Not yet."

    You were my real love
    I never knew love
    'Till there was you
    From the bottom of my broken heart

    "I have to be in my office," Tseng told him, taking one step away.

    "Very well. I'll see you when you get back."

    "Yes. When I get back," the Turk nodded. Then he watched as Reeve turned the corner, leaving him alone again. If only I was strong enough for you, Reeve. With that thought he walked away too. But he left his heart behind.

    "Never look back," we said
    How was I to know I'd miss you so?



Quick note: Doncha just hate Scarlet?