Hehe. This is a bad one. ^_^ Funny and serious. LIME warning.

        "Guess what." Reno grinned broadly as he glanced back at Rude before turning to his boss. "Bet you won't guess, Tseng."

    Tseng finished what he had been writing before he dryly looked up at his subordinate, face emotionless. "If it is about Rufus Shinra, than I already heard."

    Reno's jaw dropped and he snapped his fingers in disappointment. "Aw, dammit! Can't get anything past you, huh, Tseng?"

    "Apparently not," there was a twinge of emotion in the older man's voice as he got to his feet to file away some papers.

    Rude mumbled something to Reno in his low voice, but it hardly sounded like words at all.

    "We should take him out!" Reno went on, coming up to the file cabinet and casually leaning on it.

    Tseng actually laughed, and there was amusement in his black eyes as he met Reno's blue ones. "After what you did to him last time? Are you two out of your minds?" He shook his head with a feathery sigh and returned to his desk. "You must think I'm pretty stupid."

    "I was gonna invite you to come!" Reno said quickly as he followed his boss back to the desk. "You, Reeve and Sephiroth too. He's in town for awhile before he has another mission."

    The older man stopped dead, hand resting on the back of his leather chair as he faced it, read to sit. For a moment he was still like that, before he turned to Reno. "Did you say Sephiroth?"

    The red head's face became even more animated as he nodded enthusiastically. "Uh huh. Sephiroth. You were pretty good friends with him, right?"

    Tseng's usually pale face seemed to blush at the question. "Somewhat."

    "Hot damn!" the young Turk clapped his hands together. "Does this mean you'll come??"

    The head Turk sighed laboriously. "Very well. I suppose so. Besides, I don't want you two maniacs to accidentally kill our future President."

    "Yes!" Reno celebrated as he high fived Rude. The bald man simply smiled.

    Tseng smiled slightly, sitting back at his desk as he shook his head. "Back to work now. The day isn't over yet."

    Rude nodded and waited at the door for Reno, who held back a second longer.

    "By the way, would you mind inviting Reeve and Sephiroth along? I don't really have the time," the red head rushed,  as he tripped out the door, walking backwards.

    "What?" Tseng's head snapped up. "Reno!"

    But the door had closed and the younger men were gone.

    Though anger was his initial reaction, it quickly faded as Tseng realized that at least he had proof he had trained his subordinates full.

    Reeve was in a lousy mood and did not seem too thrilled with the idea of going at all, especially when Sephiroth's name was mentioned.

    "Uh..." He groaned unhappily, running his fingers through his hair, elbows resting on his desk. "Sephiroth? Damn."

    Tseng blinked, furrowing his brow in confusion from where he sat across from Reeve. "Is there a problem? I thought you liked Sephiroth."

    The older man's green eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Tseng. "Well I know *you* like him."

    The Turk frowned slightly, hurt by Reeve's comment. "Well *excuse* me. No one is forcing you to come, Reeve." He stood, arms crossed. "I'm sorry I even asked." He approached the door.

    "I don't even care!" Reeve cried out, a edge to his voice as if he was pouting. He turned towards the window so he wouldn't have to face his friend.

    Tseng stopped before his hand touched the doorknob and he turned back, staring hard at his friend. "Excuse me?"

    "I don't care." Reeve's voice was overwhelmed with hurt. "Go ahead and sleep with him."

    "Sleep with him!?" Tseng exclaimed, almost laughing. "Reeve, we're going to a bar. I'm not planning on stripping him in front of everyone-- including the President's eighteen year old son mind you, and fucking his brains out!" He sighed, taking a few steps back towards the desk. "Now what is it that's bothering you?"

    The older man turned back around and glanced up at his friend. "Seriously. I don't mind."

    Tseng met his eyes. "Reeve, how many times do I have to make it clear. I'm not going to--"

    "Even if you don't," Reeve cut him off neatly, eyes remaining locked with Tseng's. "I wouldn't mind, Tseng. We're just friends. No more. Don't feel as though you're trapped with me."

    Tseng swayed as he suddenly felt light headed. His knuckles turned white as he griped the chair across from Reeve's desk. "Yes, Reeve. I know. But I......" He sighed, wishing away the tears stinging in his eyes. "Dammit... I love you, Reeve."

    Reeve turned his chair away again. "I almost wish you would sleep with him. After all, you're not getting what you really want out of me." He hung his head somewhat.

    Tseng growled in frustration and banged his palm on Reeve's desk, a sharp glimmer in his eyes. "Shut up, Reeve." His voice wavered slightly as he grit his teeth. "Shut up. I don't need *anything* from you. Just looking upon you, no matter what shitty mood your in gives me pleasure. I keep saying it, and yet I don't think you fully understand. He leaned forward slightly, his voice shaking all the more despite it's firm edge. "I *love* you. Unconditionally. I have since the moment you held me in your arms and cried to me after Hojo raped me." A single tear slid down his cheek and he slammed his fist down on the desk top, upset at himself for getting so emotional.

    Reeve made no reply. He simply held perfectly still in his chair.

    Tseng wiped his tear away with a shaky hand and walked back towards the door. "I'll see you later tonight then... If you'd like."

    "I'll see you at eight."

    The Turk halted, turning back once again. "...I thought you said you weren't coming."

    "I changed my mind."

    The corners of his lips turned up into a shaky smile. "I'm glad." He turned to open the door but turned back again, looking at his friend once more. "I love you, Reeve."

    "Je vous aime trop."

    Tseng left his friend's office without the slightest idea he had just heard 'I love you too'.

    Sephiroth, the great Soldier himself, was always a tough character to track down. The Turk finally managed to track him to the conference room where he was in a private meeting with the President. Tseng waited outside the door, leaning against the wall to overhear the conversation.

    "....has forgotten you," the President was saying. "I don't want you to go and remind him."

    "Yes, sir."

    Tseng couldn't help but smile at the sound of his master's deep voice. It was always such a comfort to him.

    "Hm. Very well then, Sephiroth. That will be all."

    "Yes, sir."

    A moment later the door opened, and Sephiroth marched out, and without noticing Tseng, turned to go down the hall.

    "Ah. Have you forgotten me so soon, Masuta?" he smiled as he closed his eyes, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.

    "Hm?" Sephiroth turned and chuckled quietly. "Venustas! How good to see you."

    Tseng opened his eyes and met Sephiroth's eyes. "What was that about?" He indicated to the conference room.

    Sephiroth frowned. "Rufus."

    "Ah." Tseng nodded. "Speaking of him, he's in town, and my two subordinates had the idea of taking him out tonight. You're invited to come, if you wish." He smiled slightly. "I'd like it very much if you would."

    The older man mirrored the expression and put a hand on the wall on either side of him, leaning forward so they were almost intimately close. "I would love to. Of course, I would love to kiss you right now, but I can't very well do that." He chuckled quietly.

    "Have you been lonely lately, master?" Tseng asked, practically trembling at the feel of Sephiroth's breath on his lips.

    "Extremely, venustas. Pardon my asking, but are you still with Reeve?"

    "Ah... Reeve..." Tseng whispered, looking away. "Yes."

    The older man frowned and stepped back. "I see. Tseng, I'm sorry."

    Still the Turk averted his eyes. "It's perfectly all right, Sephiroth. I'm happy being with him... It's just that... Sometimes... Sometimes I wonder if it's good for either of us." Finally he looked back, locking eyes with his teacher. "Do you understand?"

    "All to well, my little one," replied Sephiroth with a sympathetic expression. "Perhaps later we could talk some more. I have something to tell you as well."

    "As long as Reeve isn't around," said Tseng. "He will be there too."

    "Oh. Well perhaps we could steal a little time to ourselves," Sephiroth suggested. He quickly added, "not that I mind Reeve at all, in fact I really like him, it's just that--"

    The Turk held up a hand and said, "it's all right, Sephiroth. I would enjoy spending some time with you. It has been awhile."

    "And I am going away again very soon."


    "A mission is a mission. I don't really wish to talk about it. Would you mind if I walked you back to your office?"

    "Not all," Tseng rushed. "Shall we?"

    Sephiroth smiled at him, muttering, "I would take your hand if I could," as they began down the hall.

    Tseng mumbled his reply under his breath as they turned the corner. "And I would let you."

    Maybe it had been a mistake to invite Sephiroth into his office. They had exchanged words for two minutes before Tseng ended up with his back against the wall, his master's lips claiming his. Simple kissing had quickly turned into a full blown make out affair, and Tseng couldn't help himself. He knew Reeve didn't care, but he still hated to do this. He felt he owed him to be loyal, even though there was always the chance Reeve would run off with the next woman he met. The Turk all too happily gave in to Sephiroth, who was much too good at what he was doing as he unbuttoned the top of the younger man's shirt, sliding his lips downwards at a brutally slow pace. Tseng's eyes were shut as he groaned loudly, feeling Sephiroth's hands give up on the buttons and instead slid under his shirt, skirting over the lean, well defined muscular stomach.

    "Ah... Sephiroth.... Yes... Yes... Yes..." Tseng moaned again, arching up to the touch and running his hands through the long silver hair he had known for so long.

    "Mmmmm...so beautiful...so very beautiful..." The older man nipped at the Turk's jaw line before stopping and meeting his eyes. "Please tell me Reeve tells you you're beautiful."

    "Um...." Tseng trailed off, biting his lip. He thought back....

    Sephiroth stood in sheer shock. "Please say you're kidding."

    The young man kept stalling. "Um... Well..."

    "Oh no..." The older man leaned in to whisper kisses on his cheek bone. "Does he even know what he has?"

    Tseng moaned softly before he replied, "well he is....straight. He probably doesn't find men beautiful."

    "You don't care for women, so does that mean you can't pick out attractive ones?"

    Tseng did not answer.

    The silver haired man applied a quick kiss to his lips and took Tseng's chin in his hand, forcing their eyes to meet. "You are beautiful, Tseng. Very, very beautiful." He leaned in to kiss him again.

    Tseng moaned loudly as his mouth fused with Sephiroth's. For a moment the entire world shut down, and there was only that kiss and long, silver hair running through his fingers.

    Then there was a knock at the door and a familiar voice calling, "Tseng?"

    "It's Reeve," the Turk gasped, gently pushing Sephiroth away and retucking his shirt into his pants. "It's time to go."

    "We certainly got side tracked," Sephiroth muttered with a low chuckle.

    Tseng smoothed his hair and opened the door. "Hello, Reeve."

    Reeve's eyes went straight to Sephiroth and seemed to narrow. "Good evening, Sephiroth."

    "Good evening, Reeve," the older man replied pleasantly. "It has been awhile, hasn't it."

    "Yes," Reeve replied simply.

    Tseng frowned. "Reeve," he said, taking his wrist and dragging him into the room. "Maybe we better talk before we go out." He shut the door.

    Reeve seemed wary. "...About what?"

    The Turk stood before him, looking him straight in the eyes as he said, "Reeve, don't be mad, but I told Sephiroth about us."

   He blinked, as if shocked, then Reeve looked at Sephiroth for a moment before meeting eyes with Tseng again. "....I'm not mad."

    It was Tseng's turn to be shocked. ".....no?"

    "No." Reeve shook his head, face holding no expression. "After all, he trusted me with his secret once, the least I can do is trust him with mine." He turned his head to look at the silver haired man again, locking eyes with him.

    Tseng smiled, relaxing as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "I love you, Reeve."

    Reeve looked back at him and smiled.

    "Where the hell are they?" Reno complained as he leaned over the table he had managed to snag at the otherwise crowded restaurant. Rufus Shinra, the eighteen year old Vice President sat to his left, arms crossed and a not so happy expression on his face. Rude was across from Reno, stone faced. "They were supposed to be here at eight."

    "Maybe they found something better to do than get drunk with you fools," Rufus murmured under his breath.

    "Hey!" Reno said defensively, glaring at Rufus. "We're not fools-- we're Turks. And don't you forget it!"

    "I can't believe I got roped into this," Rufus snarled turning away.

    "Geez! You and Tseng should have a competition to see who has a rod shoved further up his ass!" Reno commented.

    Rude chuckled.

    "It's not funny," the vice-president whined, "I could have you fired."

    Reno and Rude silently exchanged a grin.

    Rufus pouted. "Jerks."

    "Yo, Rude, pass me a cigarette?" Reno requested, reaching for a lighter.

    "You damn mooch," Rude complained, taking out his pack and shaking one free. "Buy your own, Reno."

    Reno smirked. "Maybe someday I will." He put the drug in his mouth and lit it.

    "Ugh, you smoke too!" Rufus cried in disgust. "You have to corrupt my lungs and bore me to tears?" he sighed.

    "Bore you to tears?" Reno exclaimed. "Hey, priss boy, what would you be doing if you were back home, licking your father's shoes clean?"

    Rufus' blue eyes flashed. "That's not funny at all. Don't ever say that again." There was a sharp, dangerous edge to his voice.

    The red head's eyes widened slightly and his cigarette burned in his hand, forgotten for a moment. "All right. Geez. Back off. Didn't mean to upset ya, kid."

    "Kid, Reno?" Rude scolded. "He's not much younger than us."

    "Can it, Rude," Reno snarled, his good mood ruined. "Where the hell are these rejects?!"

    "Would you say that to my face, Reno?"

    "Oh, shit!" Reno cursed, turning around and dropping his cigarette on the table in the process. He found Tseng, Sephiroth and Reeve all standing behind his chair. "Dammit, Tseng! You scared the shit out of!"

    Rude chuckled as he put out Reno's discarded cigarette. "Damn, Reno. You nearly burned the place down!"

    Tseng smirked. "Nice to know you think so highly of me, Reno." He laughed lowly as he took a seat at the far end of the table. Reeve slipped into the seat besides him and Sephiroth sat next to Rufus.

    "Good evening, Rufus," Sephiroth greeted the younger man.

    Rufus was staring at Sephiroth like he was a statue that had come alive. "You're.....Sephiroth?"

    "I am."

    Rufus blinked several times in amazement. "Oh. Wow. I am pleased to meet you, sir."

    "I am equally as pleased," Sephiroth mumbled, looking a bit annoyed. No one picked it up but Tseng and Reeve.

    "How are you, Rufus?" Tseng asked lightly.

    "I would be better had I not been left with these two," he said, indicating Rude and Reno.

    "I didn't do nothin'!" Reno protested, kneeling in his seat.

    Tseng looked over. "Reno, please. Relax."

    The red head sat back into his chair. "Look who's talkin'."

    Rufus turned from Tseng to Reeve. "If I remember correctly, you are Reeve Leander, yes?"


    "You built Midgar, correct?"

    "That is correct."

    "Hm." Was all Rufus said.

    "Okay, BOR-RING!" Reno announced. "We need some drinks!" He searched the place. "Where's the fucking waitress?"

    "Such manners," murmured Rufus, head in his hands.

    "If I beat him down, will I get fired?" Reno asked Rude, sounding very annoyed.

    "If I help, will I get fired too?" Rude joked back.

    "Yes and yes," snapped Rufus.

    The waitress thankfully approached then, a cheery smile on her face. "Hey boys! What'll ya have?"

    Reno grinned at her. "Any way I can order a date with you?"

    "Oh please," Rufus mumbled.

    She grinned at him and snapped her gum. "I dunno. Maybe we'll see."

    Everyone ordered something with alcohol, except Rufus, who decided to have a glass of water. This prompted a snort from Reno, but Rufus didn't hear him.

    "All right. I'll be right back with your order." With a crack of gum and a swirl of the hips, the waitress made her back towards the bar.

    "She was hot," the red head decided. "Wasn't she hot, Rude?"

    "Yeah," agreed Rude.

    "I'm not even gonna ask prissy boy. What do you say, Tseng?"

    Sephiroth raised his eyebrows at him. "Yes, Tseng. What *do* you think?"

    Tseng nervously ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah... Um... She was nice looking."

    "I thought she was gorgeous," Reeve put in, even though he hadn't been asked.

    Tseng sighed sadly, as he couldn't help being hurt by that comment. He looked down at the table top, idly tracing patterns with his finger.

    Sephiroth frowned, glancing from Reeve to Tseng. "So, Tseng, would you like to hear what happened to me after you left the training?"

    The Turk looked up. "Yes."

    Sephiroth began his story and Reeve pretended he wasn't listening, even though he was.

    Rufus heaved a laborious sigh, head still resting in his hand.

    Reno had picked up another cigarette. "Sure you don't want one, kid?"

    "I'm sure. I have no desire to die that way thank you." Rufus replied coldly.

    "Oh?" Reno grinned playfully. "Would you like us to set up another way for ya then?"

    The young blonde stared him down. "You continue to *not* amuse me in the least."

    "I'll take one, if you don't mind," Reeve interrupted.

    "Hell no, I don't mind." He gestured to his friend across the table. "Give 'im one, Rude."

    "Glad you can give out my stuff now, Reno." Rude commented with a short laugh as he handed Reeve a cigarette and lit it for him. "That sure is some talent."

    Reno agreed. "One of many."

    Tseng grimaced, waving the smoke out of his face as Reeve smoked besides him. "Wait a minute here. He just leaned over, and started kissing your neck?"

    Sephiroth nodded. "Startled the hell out of me."

    "...What did you do? Did you stop him?" Tseng asked almost hesitantly.

    "...What do you think?"

    "I think you stripped him right there and had him," the Turk replied honestly.

    Reeve's eyes widened at the words and he choked on the smoke he had inhaled. He coughed.

    "Close," chuckled Sephiroth, "but not quite."

    "Well then what happened? Did you get interrupted?" Tseng was besides himself. "It's not like you to stop... Not in the state you were in then especially..."

    Sephiroth leaned forward across the table and whispered, "well, things got pretty intense. We were making out pretty heavily and we actually made it to the bed."

    The dark haired Turk leaned forward too and lowered his voice. "You're shittin' me. You didn't stop. Come on."

    "Listen," the silver haired man hushed him. "So there we were, on my bed, stripped to the waist, and I was on top, of course, and there he was, practically begging for it."

    Reeve's eyes widened and he leaned over to listen better, smoking still.

    Tseng's eyes widened too. "And you *didn't*?! What happened?"

    Sephiroth shrugged, leaning back in his chair once more. "I just.... I just couldn't do it."

    "Why not?"

    "Simple. I couldn't do to him what I did to you. I couldn't pretend. What if it didn't turn out the way it did with us?"

    Reeve choked on his smoke again.

    Rufus was silent, but he found he was straining to hear Sephiroth and Tseng's conversation, which sure beat Rude and Reno's conversation of what liquor got you smashed faster. His eyes widened throughout the whole conversation.

    Tseng looked down at the table. "Oh. I see."

    The drinks came then, and Reno flirted with the waitress a great deal more.

    When she was gone, he turned to Rude and announced, "Come on, Rude! Let's have a drinking contest! Whoever lasts the longest without having to take a piss wins."

    Rude grinned. "You're on."

    "You're both disgusting," Rufus decided, sipping at his water.

    "You just jealous cause you can't be in it," Reno retorted.

    The blonde rolled his eyes as he took another sip from his glass. "Yeah. That's it."

    "I'm so proud," Tseng joked, gesturing vaguely to his subordinates. "Such talent."

    Reeve put out his cigarette and downed his hard liquor in one gulp. "Yeah."

    The dark haired turned and gave him a curious look. "Are you all right, Reeve?"

    "Couldn't be better," replied Reeve.

    Tseng shrugged and turned back to his drink.

    "Ya know, man. You never did find out that waitress' name," Rude pointed out as he finished off his glass.

    "Aw, dammit!" exclaimed the red head. "You're right! Remind me when she comes back, kay?"

    Rufus turned to the other three men at the table. "They are underage, and yet they're drinking?"

    Reeve said, "there's no stopping it."

    Sephiroth put in, "if they pass out, you won't have to listen to them talk anymore."

    Tseng sighed. "They're good Turks. Really. They're deprived orphans off the street. They're so full of life that they don't know when to stop. That's why they do what they do. Understand?"

    The vice-president blinked. "I suppose." He went back to his drink.

    Tseng finished off what he had been drinking, then jumped slightly as he felt something slide up the inside of his leg. He shivered as he realized it was Sephiroth's foot he was feeling, and he quickly met the eyes of the green eyed man, who smiled slightly at him. "Sephiroth."


    He should have told him to stop. He should have told him to get his foot off his leg, that they were over, and he couldn't be expected to give in to every sexual advance Sephiroth made because he was lonely. Instead he said, "would you like to join me in the bathroom?"

    Rufus, over hearing what was said, choked on his water and had to spit it back in the glass.

    Reno laughed at him.

    Reeve asked Rude for another cigarette.

    "Certainly." Sephiroth agreed, getting to his feet.

    "We'll be right back," Tseng promised as he stood.

    "You're such a dork!" laughed Reno, pointing at Rufus.

    "It's not funny!" sputtered the blonde.

    Rude chuckled and drank down the rest of his glass.

    Reeve lit his cigarette. "Uh-huh."

    Sephiroth and Tseng were gone.

    "Is water too much for you?" Reno teased.

    Rufus glared daggers at him. "Do you find it normal that two *men* go off to the bathroom together?" He said testily.

    Reno shrugged. "I dunno. Tseng and Sephiroth are weird like that. They're pretty close."

    Reeve choked on his cigarette smoke once again.

    "You ever smoked before?" Rude asked, looking concerned.

    "Yeah, lots of times," Reeve gasped once he recovered. "Sorry. It's just that.... Nothing."

    "Yeah, so that waitress is hot," Reno spoke up, changing the conversation.

    Rufus heaved a sigh and went back to his water.

    The bathroom was thankfully empty when Tseng and Sephiroth entered. Once the door had swung shut behind them, Sephiroth backed the young Turk into a bathroom stall and shut them both inside, flipping the latch.

    "It's not fair..." Tseng sighed as Sephiroth's arms went around him, lips heading straight for the Turk's neck. "Oh, fuck. Sometimes I wonder if Reeve understands at all. Sometimes I get so mad at him for not loving me back. I can't help it, masuta." He moaned, bending his head back as Sephiroth's lips sucked down the front of his neck. "I want him at least to show me something. Some sign that he respects my love for him."

    "I understand, little one," Sephiroth said in a husky voice as he brushed his lips to the younger man's. "And I apologize. I apologize for needing you so much when I don't love you. When I cannot love you."

    "Don't apologize, please..." Tseng requested, once more running his hands through long, silver locks. "You need me, Sephiroth. And right now I think I need you too."

    The older man practically attacked him with his lips, trapping the Turks' lips in a deep, passionate kiss as he pressed Tseng's body against the wall of the stall, hands untucking the shirt and exploring the skin underneath.

    The younger man moaned loudly, drawing Sephiroth's body against him. Reeve...

    Rufus checked his watch once more. Ten minutes and the two men *still* had not returned. In the meanwhile, Reno and Rude had drank down enough drinks to leave them comfortably plastered, Reeve had smoked two more cigarettes and downed two more shots of hard liquor, and Reno had also managed to find out the waitress' name was Astrid.

    The blonde's glass of water was half empty, and he decided his best form of entertainment was guessing what time Tseng and Sephiroth would actually return. He had no desire to know what they were actually doing in there.

    "Aren't you concerned at all?" Rufus asked Reeve for what must have been the third time.

    The older man seemed to twitch as he put out his fifth cigarette of the evening. "No. Not at all. Why would I?"

    The young vice-president gave him a strange look. "I didn't say you would be..."

    "Aw, shit," Rude groaned, shifting uncomfortably.

    "Ah ha!" Reno shouted excitedly. "You lose! You have to pee!!"

    "You're a bastard," Rude shot back, getting to his feet.

    "You might want to see what's keeping Tseng and Sephiroth in there while you're in there," Rufus suggested.

    "Shu' da hell up," Reno answered as Rude left for the rest room.

    Rufus turned away from him with an annoyed sigh.

    The head of the Turks and the top officer of SOLDIER were going at it like their plane was going down. Thankfully, the bathroom had remained empty during their entire session.

    Sephiroth practically growled as he slammed the younger man up against the wall again, forcefully taking his lips.

    "Yes... Oh yes..." Tseng cried, rocking up against Sephiroth's powerful form. The older man broke the kiss and began to suck once more at his smooth, pale neck, which was already covered in red marks. "Yes, Sephiroth.... Please... Please... Oh, gods.... Yes..."

    The older man began whispering husky words in his ear as he began tearing at the younger man's belt, pulling it off as quickly as he could with one hand. "So beautiful, Tseng.... Reeve doesn't know what he's missing."

    The Turk moaned very loudly as Sephiroth's fingers brushed him, pulling on the silver hair in his hands. "Ah... Sephiroth!"

    Just as the older man was about to reach in and grant his younger friend release, the words "Oh shit!" rang out as clear as a bell. Someone had come in there unknownst to them, and they had heard them.

    Sephiroth stopped right where he was, leaving Tseng whimpering in frustration. "Tseng... It's that Turk of yours."

    The head Turk panted, being held up only by Sephiroth's strong arm. "Oh, shit. Rude!"

    "Oh my god!" came the younger Turk's voice again.

    ".....There's no point in hiding from him," Sephiroth pointed out, standing Tseng up and quickly straightening his clothing.

    "Ugh..." Tseng moaned. "Dammit."

    The silver haired man opened the door to the stall cautiously, peering out and meeting eyes with a very shocked Rude.

    "Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "It is you two! Aw, man, Rufus was right, man!"

    "WHAT!?" Tseng exclaimed.

    Sephiroth calmly stepped out of stall and marched over to Rude. "What did Rufus say?"

    "Just that it was kinda weird how you guys were gone so long. He didn't say it, but I think he suspected." The bald man's speech was slurred.

    Tseng put a hand to his forehead. "Aw, shit."

    "You two are gay?" Rude asked in amazement. "I never would have known!"

    "He's gay," Sephiroth said, "I just happened to be more attracted to men than women, so I take them as partners."

    "Shit," Tseng cursed again. "Just spell it out for him."

    "Does it matter to you?" Sephiroth asked Rude gently, as if he were speaking to a child.

    "Hells no!" Rude exclaimed. "You are two of the coolest guys I know!"

    The older man smiled slightly. "Now, Rude, we would like it if you didn't tell anyone about this. Even Reno."

    "Rude," Tseng said sternly, looking his subordinate straight in the eyes. "Do you remember that time you came into my office and I was crying?"


    "Well I want you to lock this secret up in the same vault you locked that away in. Understand?" His black eyes were hard.

    "Yeah, sure, boss. Anything." Rude promised. He looked at both men. "I'm gonna go have another drink now." He stumbled a little as he left the rest room.

    "He's a little drunk, but he understood," said Sephiroth. "I think you're safe." He paused before adding, "you're a man of many secrets, aren't you."

    Tseng's eyes were still set on the door where Rude had exited. "We all have many secrets. Mine just tend to get out."

    "Well, were they in there?" Rufus asked as soon as Rude returned.

    "Yeah, but they were jist talkin'," lied Rude as he took his seat once more.

    "Oh," sighed the blonde, sounding a bit disappointed.

    The two finally returned to the table as he spoke. Sephiroth was smiling and Tseng almost seemed to be blushing.

    "That was a pretty long be right back," Reeve said sourly.

    The dark haired Turk turned to him, an almost pleading look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Reeve."

    Reeve turned too and met his friend's eyes with a pleading look of his own. "You were.... Weren't you." It wasn't a question.

    "I...." Tseng hesitated. "Yes." He sighed. "I'm sorry, Reeve."

    The older man turned away. "It's all right, Tseng. I told you I don't care."

    The younger man studied him a minute more, a frown on his lips. "Yes. I know." He turned back so he was facing forwards.

    This is no good, thought Reeve as he sipped from his glass. I don't want to let him get away like that, even if I'm supposed to be... He's mine, dammit. I can't let him leave me...

    "What do you say to another round of our game, Rude?" Reno proposed.

    "Why don't you just kill yourselves now and save yourselves the trouble?" Rufus suggested.

    "What the hell's your problem?" Reno snapped. "Leave us alone!"

    "Fine," Rufus grumbled, hunching over his water.

    "So, Reeve, how have you been lately?" Sephiroth asked, trying to make some sort of conversation that wasn't completely awkward.

    "....I've been much better, thank you," Reeve asked casually. He snuck his hand under the table and fit it over Tseng's knee. The Turk's eyes widened slightly at the touch. "And you?"

    "I've been surviving," Sephiroth replied. "That is what my position is all about."

    Tseng tuned out the conversation as he suddenly realized he was in a lot of trouble. Reeve, out of nowhere, had put a hand on his knee and was slowly massaging his skin. Sephiroth, unknownst to what Reeve was doing, had once again began running his foot up and down the inside of the Turk's leg. I don't know if I should be happy or scared out of my mind...

    "I'm gonna ask that waitress out," Reno decided. He then turned to glare at Rufus. "You got a comment on that one?"

    "If you really want I could say why would she want to date a reject like you," Rufus mumbled.

    "Yo, man! I'm a Turk! Who wouldn't want to date a Turk!" He raised his glass and grinned across the table at his friend. "Right, Rude?"

    "Damn straight!" Rude agreed, raising his glass. "To Shinra!"

    "To Shinra!"

    "May it rot in hell," Rufus muttered to himself.

    "You must be relieved the war is over," Reeve said as he slid his hand further up Tseng's thigh.

    "Needless to say," nodded Sephiroth, as his foot concentrated on rubbing against the Turk's ankle. "War is a horrible thing."

    "I agree whole heartedly." Reeve looked at Tseng. "You're being quiet, Tseng."

    Tseng was having some mental images he really should avoid if he wanted to stay sane. He was slouching in his chair a bit, trying to get more of Sephiroth's maddening touch. "Huh?" He looked at Reeve, face a little flushed. "Oh, war is terrible. I'm sure you didn't think I would say differently."

    "No, I didn't." Reeve slid his hand so he was stroking the inside of Tseng's thigh.

    The Turk moaned quietly, the mental images returning. Having both of them touching him at once was too much for his imagination.

    "I bet I can get her in bed with me tonight," bragged Reno.

    "You gonna bet money on that, pal?" Rude teased, taking out and lighting another cigarette.

    "Sure! Why not!" the red head thought a moment. "Hundred Gil."

    "You're on." They shook on it.

    "May the better asshole win," murmured Rufus, still hunched over his water.

    "I heard they were having problems with the Mako Reactor in Nibelheim," Reeve commented casually as his hand bypassed what was between his friend's legs and instead untucked his shirt, sliding cool fingers underneath to tease.

    "I heard that as well," confirmed Sephiroth as he used his foot to lift up Tseng's right leg, resting the Turk's foot on his knee. He removed the younger man's shoe and slid his hands under the fabric of Tseng's pants. "But I think the President will be putting that off until the end of the year."

    "That's cause he's a moron," Rufus muttered to himself.

    Oh shit, Tseng thought frantically as the two men continued touching him. What killed him was that they were completely unaware of the other's motions, and they were carrying on a conversation as if everything was normal, and Tseng was not caught in the middle, moaning lowly under his breath as Reeve caressed his abdomen, and Sephiroth felt up his leg.

    The waitress returned. "You guys just about done?"

    Reno grinned up at her. "You just about done with work?"

    She grinned back and snapped her gum, eyes sparkling. "Yeah, in like five minutes. Why?"

    "Thought you might want to hang out," he asked casually as he switched to his most charming smile.

    Putting down their check, she said, "sure. Meet ya out front in ten minutes," and left.

    "Oh, I am *so* good," Reno applauded himself.

    "Yeah, but no lyin'," Rude put in. "If you don't get her into bed, you gotta 'fess up."

    "Hey, man, I'm no liar."

    "No, but you're everything else bad," murmured Rufus. He looked up from his glass and over to Reeve, Tseng and Sephiroth. Reeve and Sephiroth were calmly carrying on a conversation, but Tseng looked like his mind was far away, eyes almost half lidded as his mouth hung open. "Are you all right, Tseng?" the young vice-president furrowed his brow.

    The head Turk reached down and snatched Reeve's hand, stopping it in it's tracks before it could slide lower. "I'm perfectly fine, Rufus."

    The blonde didn't seem convinced, but he said, "all right..."

    Tseng looked at Sephiroth and slid his foot off the older man's knee as he said, "we best be going."

    "Me too, thank goodness," Rufus said in relief as he got to his feet. He put down some money and turned to the three men who had also gotten up. "Good night, gentlemen." He glanced at Reno and Rude, but just shook his head and left.

    "And he says *we* have no manners!" Reno cried.

    "Yeah," Rude said.

    Tseng shook his head with a small smile. "Have a nice night, you two. I'll see you at work Monday." He and his companions left some money on the table.

    "Yes, sir!" Reno said with a salute and a lopsided grin.

    The head Turk led the way as he, Sephiroth and Reeve left.

    Reeve was glaring at Sephiroth as they left the restaurant. Tseng was walking very quickly ahead of them, and the man in black didn't seem too desperate to catch up.

    "Tseng!" Reeve called finally, jogging a little to catch up. "Slow down!"

    The Turk stopped and turned back to wait up. "I think we all better talk."

    Reeve looked on curiously. "About what?"

    "I don't think you realized what was going on back there."

    "Oh, I was perfectly aware. I know you and Sephiroth snuck off to make out in the bathroom! And you told me yourself you did!" Reeve crossed his arms.

    Tseng crossed his arms and looked from Sephiroth to Reeve. "That's not what I meant."

    "Then what are you talking about, venustas?" asked Sephiroth.

    "I don't think you realized it," Tseng said calmly, looking down at the ground instead of the two men before him, "but you were both feeling me up back there are the table."

    Reeve blushed considerably.

    Sephiroth just chuckled, and turned to Reeve. "I never would have guessed."

    That's it. I have to show Sephiroth to back off. Reeve set his jaw, looking somewhat angry as his eyes flashed to the older man before turning to Tseng. He approached the Turk, held him by the shoulders and said, "Vous êtes les miens, mon amour."

    "Reeve, what--" but the younger man's words were cut off as Reeve pulled him close, covering the Turk's mouth with his own. Tseng moaned happily and shut his eyes.

    Sephiroth watched with an amused expression. And when the two finally broke apart he came up besides Reeve, put a hand on his shoulder and whispered to him, "Je parle aussi français, mon ami. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas. Je ne lui dirai pas. Mais s'il vous plaît. Dites-au moins lui qu'il est beau."

    Reeve's eyes widened as large as they could and he turned as white as a ghost. "I... I..."

    Sephiroth patted the younger man's shoulder. "Détendent." He looked at Tseng and smiled. "I'll leave you two alone. Good evening."

    "Oh, good night, Sephiroth," Tseng panted, still recovering from Reeve''s forceful kiss.

    The man in black winked at Reeve as he turned to leave. "Et bonne nuit à vous aussi bien." He walked off into the night.

    "Reeve," Tseng spoke, still trying to catch his breath. "What did Sephiroth say?"

    Only that he spoke French and that he knew what I was saying when I told you I loved you. But he promised he wouldn't tell you, though I don't know why. Oh god, and he wants me to tell you you're beautiful. I wonder if you would believe me even if I said it. "Nothing."

    "Oh. All right."

    Reeve reached out and took the Turk's hand firmly in his own.

    "Oh. Reeve?" Tseng seemed surprised.

    The older man looked him straight in the eyes, and, voice shaking slightly, said, "you're beautiful, you know."

    The Turk looked away, blushing. "Oh, come on, Reeve..."

    "You are. Really. And I... I..." And I love you. "Let's go home."

    Tseng squeezed his friend's hand. "Yes. Let's."

    They walked hand in hand back through the streets of Midgar.

    "Do you think Reno will actually win that stupid bet?" Reeve chuckled. "Or how about Rufus? Do you think he'll ever want to come out with us again?"

    "Maybe on the first, no on the second." Tseng smiled as he stopped walking, turning to Reeve and leaning towards him. "But I do know one thing."

    "What's that?"

    The Turk leaned forward, ran his free hand through Reeve's short black hair and whispered in his ear.

    Reeve couldn't help but laugh. "Yes. Yes you are."


Masuta--Master (Japanese)
Venustas--Beauty (Latin)
Vous êtes les miens, mon amour---You're mine, my love (French)
Je parle aussi français, mon ami. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas. Je ne lui dirai pas. Mais s'il vous plaît. Dites-au moins lui qu'il est beau-----I too speak French, my friend. But don't worry. I won't tell him. But please. At least tell him he's beautiful. (French, duh)
Et bonne nuit à vous aussi bien---And good night to you as well
